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Vaccinate essential transport staff as next priority, says TSSA

TRANSPORT and Travel Union TSSA has written to the UK's Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan, calling on him to ensure that essential frontline transport workers are prioritised for vaccination against Coronavirus. In the letters, TSSA General Secretary Manuel Cortes says that frontline transport workers have:- "put their lives on the line" during the Pandemic and requests that all essential transport workers are next in line for vaccination after vulnerable groups and healthcare workers. Currently transport workers are listed with:- "Key Workers in essential jobs who cannot avoid a high risk of exposure to Covid19." TSSA is arguing that public transport workers are essential to the vaccination programme, allowing vaccination staff and patients to travel to their appointments. If we don't help those who keep the nation moving, all hopes of a quick recovery might hit the buffers.

Manuel Cortes, TSSA General Secretary, said:- "With Covid19 case numbers in Ireland now the highest in Europe, there is a race to get people vaccinated. It is absolutely right that vulnerable groups and healthcare and care workers are 1st in line for vaccination. After that, we want to see essential transport staff getting the lifesaving vaccinations. From getting key workers to hospitals and moving vital supplies around the country, our transport key workers have kept the country moving through the Pandemic. Many have lost their lives to the virus, but they bravely continue to serve during this time of crisis. Now for our vaccination programme to be successful it is essential that healthcare staff, and those receiving vaccinations, can rely on public transport to get them there. We must vaccinate transport workers as the next priority and I'm calling on Eamon Ryan to back this important step to protect our transport network."

If you need more information about the Covid19 vaccination program in the UK, please visit:- NHS.UK/Covidvaccination.

Additional Cervical Screening appointment slots available to patients in Sefton

IN Sefton, nearly 3 in 4 women aged 25 to 49 have had a cervical screening test within the last 3½ years. This Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, that runs over 18 January to 24 January 2021, health leaders in the area want to make sure even more people with a cervix get screened to protect themselves against cervical cancer.

All people with a cervix aged 25 to 64 are invited for regular cervical screening by letter under the NHS Cervical Screening Programme. Also known as a smear test, screening helps detect abnormalities within the cervix that could, if left untreated, develop into cervical cancer. Nationally, there has been a 6.8% decrease in this age group attending these appointments over 2020, although the figure for Sefton has actually risen slightly.

Chrissie Cooke, chief nurse for NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS Southport and Formby CCG, said:- “It’s really positive that more women in Sefton are getting cervical screening, but there is still more to do. It’s important you attend screening when you’re invited; and encourage the other women and people with a cervix in your life to do the same. Cervical Cancer Prevention Week is a great opportunity to talk about screening, understand the symptoms of cervical cancer, and to book that appointment you may have been putting off. We have added extra appointment slots to patients who may struggle to attend appointments during the working week. Your health matters; book your screening today.”

Dr Gustavo Berni, local GP and medical director from the South Sefton GP Federation, said:- “At our practice, 94% of all eligible patients are screened for cervical cancer. Our extended 7 day GP service offers appointments at evenings and weekends, so you can book a time that works for you. If you are worried about going for screening due to Coronavirus, speak to your GP surgery about your questions or concerns. Since the pandemic, all GP surgeries have put increased infection control measures in place, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). We also know that cervical screening may be a little uncomfortable, but those few minutes could save your life. You can request a female nurse or doctor, and we encourage you to discuss any concerns with our staff beforehand.”

Dr Abdul Zubairu, local GP and medical director from the Southport and Formby GP Federation, said:- “Having cervical screening is one of the best ways to protect yourself from cervical cancer. It isn’t a test for cancer, it is a test that helps prevent cancer. Make sure to book an appointment with your GP practice when you receive your letter. We also have nurse appointment slots for cervical screening at evenings and weekends as part of our 7 day GP service. Simply contact your GP practice in the usual way to make an appointment in this service. If you have symptoms such as bleeding between periods, pain after sex, changes to vaginal discharge or unexplained lower back or pelvic pain, please speak to your GP.”

For more information about cervical screening and cervical cancer, visit:-

NHS information about cervical screening.

Jo’s Trust information about cervical screening.

Cancer Research UK information about cancer symptoms.

NHS information about cancer signs and symptoms.

The Eve Appeal information about Cervical Cancer Prevention Week.

Enjoy a glitzy night in with the Culture and Creativity Awards #DressItUp Competition

WE may be missing the glitz and glamour of a big night out, but the Liverpool City Region Cultural and Creativity Awards #DressItUp Competition gives you the chance to enjoy the magic of the red carpet from your own living room. Up and coming fashionistas and imaginative amateurs are invited to create a spectacular outfit, head dress or accessory for the glittering Liverpool City Region Culture and Creativity digital awards event in February 2021, for a chance to win a special prize. People across the Liverpool City Region have continued to find new and innovative ways of being creative throughout the Pandemic, and this year's ceremony, which is being held online, will honour those who have supported the cultural sector in 2020. As part of this celebration, the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority is launching the #DressItUp competition, which has now opened, offering the chance to showcase the City Region's most creative costumery. The competition is open to both professionals and amateurs (there will be 1 winner from each category) and will be judged by Mary Lamb, former BBC Costumier and Head of Liverpool based Costume and Fashion production space fabrication studios. Entry is via the Liverpool City Region's Instagram account, from where Mary will also be offering hints and tips.

Mary Lamb said:- "Your entry can either be a glamorous gown, an incredible outfit, an amazing head dress or piece wearable art. Don't hold back with the drama! You can showcase an amazing occasion piece you have made before, or be inspired by the freedom of the brief to make something totally original. We want to encourage everyone to take part, to have fun, express your creativity, and enjoy dressing up! Any age, all abilities; on your own, with your family or anyone in your bubble; professionals, students and amateurs. It doesn't have to be sewn or made with bought fabric; your outfit can be glued, taped or stapled together and you can use everyday items around your house; newspaper, plastic bags, cardboard; anything goes! Over Lockdown it is the perfect project to get involved in while you are indoors as well as wowing everyone online at the Culture and Creativity Awards and maybe win a prize! It's very exciting to be involved and can't wait to see the entries!"

There will be 2 winners in the competition:- 1 amateur and 1 professional. Professionals are classed as people who are professionally employed in fashion, costume or design and Amateurs are everyone else. Each winner will each take away a spectacular prize provided by the sponsors of the Culture and Creativity Awards of:-

A Studio Room for Bed and Breakfast at the soon to open INNSiDE, by Melia Liverpool Hotel.

Cocktails in the Sky Lounge at the INNSiDE, by Melia Liverpool Hotel.

Dinner for 2, at Luban Restaurant, with a bottle of Drappier Champagne.

2 x tickets to a Liverpool City Region located Theatre for a show of your choice.

Chance to exhibit your winning creation in the soon to open INNSiDE, by Melia Liverpool.

The Liverpool City Region Culture and Creativity Awards take place, on Friday, 19 February 2021. Out of more than 700 initial nominations, 45 finalists have been shortlisted for the event's categories by a panel of judges across:- Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral. The competition closes on 12 February 2021. More details and how to enter can be found here:- LiverpoolCityRegion-CA.Gov.UK/DressItUp.

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