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Merseyside leaders unite to form new Region wide group to tackle sexual violence

LEADERS from across the Region are marking Sexual Abuse and Violence Awareness Week by uniting to create a new pan-Merseyside group which will work to combat sexual violence, encourage more victims to come forward and further improve the support they receive. The new Merseyside Sexual Violence Strategic Group will bring together leaders from the Police and Crime Commissioner, Merseyside Police, local Authorities, the criminal justice system, health, education, support services, 3rd sector, faith and survivor groups to improve the Region-wide response to sexual violence, while ensuring all survivors receive the best possible support and safeguarding.  The group will focus its effort on increasing the reporting rates of sexual violence, by giving victims' greater confidence to come forward, while also ensuring more offenders are brought to justice. As part of its programme of work, the new group will map all the existing support services available to victims and work to ensure there is great awareness among survivors of the help they can access, whether they report to the Police or not. The new strategic group gathered for the 1st time last month to agree its vision and aims and will meet quarterly from 4 March 2021 to review progress against its action plan. The group's work will feed into the Liverpool City Region Violence against Women and Girls strategy.

Merseyside's Police Commissioner Jane Kennedy said:- "Sexual violence devastates lives. Those who survive it deserve to be treated with the utmost sensitivity, care and respect. They deserve the highest standard of support and they deserve justice. While all the agencies involved in a survivor's journey already work hard to provide this and to secure justice, we know there is more that can and should be done. As we mark Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week, leaders from all sectors have come together to renew their commitment to providing improved safeguarding and support through this new Region-wide strategic group. By bringing all the partners together we can create an action plan which will describe how the support provided to survivors of sexual violence can be improved and then ensure those improvements are being delivered. Action is already being taken and this new group will drive those improvements forward."

Chair of the new Merseyside Sexual Violence Strategic Group, Merseyside Police's Assistant Chief Constable Ian Critchley said:- "Working with our partners we are committed to providing support to anyone who has experienced sexual violence and abuse. We know that anyone can be a victim of sexual violence regardless of gender identity, age and sexual orientation and we want victims to know that there is always help and support available. It's never too late to access support. Merseyside Police has a specialist Unity team with officers ready to support and listen to you from the moment you report a sexual offence. We also work closely with partners to ensure victims have access to an array of support throughout the investigation and beyond. We know how traumatic incidents such as this can be for victims and their families, but if you can find the courage to come forward and speak to us, we are ready to listen, care, and investigate reports thoroughly professionally and empathetically at all times; our staff really do care about the quality of service we provide when investigating such impassive crimes. As Chair of the Merseyside Sexual Violence Strategic Group I am committed to ensuring that all victims receive the best possible support and safeguarding whilst working hard together to seek to prevent and reduce sexual violence occurring across our Region."

Suicide Prevention Charity Applauds Courageous Kids

CHILDREN are showing remarkable courage and resilience under lockdown, according to a national suicide prevention charity. New figures for 2020 show many under 18's who were struggling with thoughts of suicide found the strength to contact the confidential helpline run by PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide. The charity is also praising parents and loved ones who continue to contact its HOPE LINE UK service to get potentially life-saving support for children they are concerned about. Speaking during Children's Mental Health Week, the Chief Executive of PAPYRUS, Ged Flynn, said:- "It shows such wonderful resilience that children, who have been unable to talk to anyone, have been able to reach out and speak to us and share how bewildered and frightened they are. It is also wonderful that parents and families have been able to support children in ways they have never done before; seeing the need to intervene and seizing the opportunity to get them the professional support and advice they need."

PAPYRUS believes many young suicides can be prevented. Every week the charity receives hundreds of calls, texts and emails. Last year 39.5% of those who contacted HOPELINEUK, and agreed to give their age, were under 18. Of the "concerned others" who contacted PAPYRUS, 80.8% did so because they were fearful about a child's welfare. "We all know 2020 is without comparison. It was a year in which children and young people had to suddenly begin coping with new ways of living and studying, deal with unbelievable uncertainty, lose cherished contact with friends and miss out on almost everything they took for granted. Despite all that and more, as these unbelievably challenging times continue, our kids are coping and are to be applauded," added Ged Flynn.

PAPYRUS is concerned that more vulnerable children are getting reduced access to quality health care because of the lockdown restrictions. They are finding services difficult to reach and support hard to find. Nadine Dorries MP, Minister for Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Patient Safety, said:- "We know this is a particularly challenging time for children and young people, they're adapting to new ways of learning and socialising and coping with the uncertainty that changing restrictions inevitably bring. It's normal and understandable that many of them will be feeling low or anxious. These findings demonstrate how resilient our children are to uncertainty and change; it is really outstanding. We know early intervention and treatment is vital, which is why we're training a new dedicated mental health workforce for Schools and colleges across the country, as well as launching a campaign through the Every Mind Matters website to raise awareness of the guidance and tools available to support children and young people's mental wellbeing. I want to reiterate; it's imperative anyone who needs help reaches out for support; whether that's friends or family, your GP or our Every Mind Matters online resources. We're all here to help."

Members of the Welsh Parliament say there has never been a more important time to support the most vulnerable. Eluned Morgan MS, Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and the Welsh Language, said:- "Children and young people have shown remarkable resilience throughout these challenging times. We know that 70% to 80% of mental health issues start from a young age and it's important they have access to services that can provide support at an early point. Services such as HOPE LINE UK are crucial in supporting the mental health of young people concerned they are reaching a crisis point. We are determined to support those struggling with their mental health in every way we can, no matter their age. Just this week we announced an additional ₤9.4m of funding specifically aimed at children and young people, investing In Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services and the Whole Systems Approach, including counselling in Schools."

Lynne Neagle MS, who chairs the Welsh Parliament's cross party group on suicide prevention, said:- "The collateral damage caused to our children by the closure of Schools, clubs and other opportunities to socialise makes it even more important than ever that we all do what we can to support our children, young people and their families at this difficult time. I really welcome all the vital work PAPYRUS does to support young people."

Professor Siobhan O'Neill, interim Mental Health Champion for Northern Ireland, said:- "The Pandemic has lasted longer than we expected and it is more important than ever that we continue to hold hope. I want to pay tribute to our young people, they have sacrificed so much but continue to show resilience as we work to keep everyone safe. The resources provided by PAPYRUS are invaluable for parents who are supporting children, and I thank them for everything that they do to support young people and save lives."

The charity has produced a parents' guide which offers practical and professional advice to help break the silence around self harm and suicide and encourage parents to talk to their children. "Parents should tell their child that help is available but they must not take it for granted that a young person can or will heed that advice. Parents need to offer extra layers of support and can really help a child by saying 'come on, let's get you the help you need right now' and then reach out together..." said Ged Flynn.

For practical, confidential suicide prevention help and advice please contact:- 'PAPYRUS HOPE LINE UK' on:- 08000684141, text:- 07860039967 or email:- Pat@PAPYRUS-UK.Org.

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