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Advanced cancer treatment in North West takes a key step forward

THE provision of advanced cancer services in the North West of England took a significant step forward this Wednesday, 3 February 2021, when it was announced that Liverpool will host a pioneering treatment system. The Magnetic Resonance Linear Accelerator (MR Linac) system is a highly advanced single technology which delivers precise radiotherapy and can be particularly effective in treating hard to reach tumours. The system, made by Elekta, has been installed at the Rutherford Cancer Centre North West as part of its overall radiotherapy services which have been approved by the Care Quality Commission. The Centre is already operational and has been offering patients Systemic Anti Cancer Therapy (SACT) services which include:- chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapies symptom control, blood tests, oncology Nurse consultation and supportive therapies, as well as diagnostic services. The Elekta Unity MR Linac combines a linear accelerator with an integrated Philips MR Scanner and is at the forefront of radiotherapy technology providing the highest quality image guided radiotherapy with online adaptive re-planning. High energy proton beam therapy services will come online later in the year which will make the centre one of the most comprehensive advanced cancer therapy facilities in Europe.

Mike Moran, CEO of Rutherford Health, said:- "We are delighted to bring MR Linac to Liverpool. It heralds a significant step forward for advanced cancer care services in the Region and will be the 1st in the Liverpool City Region. Our network of cancer centres continues to play a key role in providing cancer care across the UK, especially in relation to precision radiotherapy."

Services at the Rutherford Cancer Centre North West will be accessible to private patients under medical insurance, self pay patients and to NHS patients where NHS contracts are in place.

58 Projects to Benefit from the ₤500,000 Liverpool City Region Community Environment Fund

METRO Mayor Steve Rotheram has named the successful projects that will be funded through the ₤500k Community Environment Fund, launched in 2020. The 58 successful projects are set to contribute to the City Region's target of being net carbon zero by 2040, improve people's surroundings across the Liverpool City Region, while also bringing health benefits, encouraging long term behavioural change and promoting community engagement and participation in environmental education programmes.

The projects include Sefton Council's Clean Air Crew, which has been developed by teachers to engage with children and families on air quality and encouraging behaviour change; ReStore St Helens, a project up cycling furniture in a deprived area reducing items ending up in landfill while supporting residents; and carbon literacy training to local community groups, supporting them to turn their commitments into local climate action. Other projects include:- creating community gardens, wild flowering meadows, composting projects, understanding our carbon footprint, reducing food waste, boosting bee populations and encouraging cycling.

Steve Rotheram, Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, said:- "Since I was elected Mayor, tackling the climate crisis has been one of my top priorities and I was proud that we were the 1st Combined Authority in the country to declare a Climate Emergency in recognition of the scale of the challenge we face. But it's not something that we can tackle alone and that's why I launched the Community Environment Fund: to empower local communities to take action to improve their local environment. Together, lots of small actions can help us make a big contribution to making our Region cleaner, greener and more sustainable. There were some fantastic projects put forward and I'm excited to see the impact they have over the coming months and years."

The successful Community Environment Fund projects support the following themes:-

 Climate change and resilience.

 Air quality and transport.


 Accessible green spaces, habitats and biodiversity.

 Waste and resources.

 Health and wellbeing.

 Carbon and environment literacy.

 Energy reduction.

 Food and agriculture.

Gideon Ben Tovim, Chair of the Liverpool City Region Climate Partnership, established to act as an advisory body to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, and of Nature Connected, said:- "Our local action here can make a real difference to a global problem. We have seen over lockdown how much people care about their local environment, and how important it is to their lives. Applications to the Community Environment Fund have been breath taking in their range and scope. As a City Region we will be able to build on that enthusiasm and take action through these projects."

Cllr Gill Wood, Deputy Portfolio Holder for Low Carbon and Renewable Energy, said:- "It is very exciting to be at the point where we can put the money from the Community Environment Fund to work. These community projects can make a real and immediate difference to people's lives. This activity on the ground all goes towards dealing with the challenge of climate emergency. I look forward to it having an impact on the wellbeing of the people who live here in our City Region."

Stephanie Jukes, Sefton Council, who leads on their Clean Air Crew project, said:- "We've been working on the Clean Air Crew within Sefton for some time now, as an educational tool that children and their families can use to learn about air quality and changes they can make as individuals and families. Funding from the Community Environment Fund means we can now expand the Clean Air Crew to the whole of the Liverpool City Region and we can't wait to get started."

End of 6 month MOT extension

THE 1 February marked the end of the 6 month MOT extension that was announced by the Prime Minister during the 1st National UK Lockdown. This, along with several new driving laws that come into force throughout 2021 could see drivers facing a hefty fine or points on their license if not careful. Car Insurance Expert at Alex Kindred says:- "The 6 month MOT exemption was a weight off drivers' shoulders, particularly for those still relying on their car to carry out essential work or pick up essential items, but renewal cannot slip from driver's minds. According to our research shows that 9% of drivers told us that they don't know when their MOT is due for renewal. The last date you could claim your extension was the 31 July 2020, so that ends today. If your extension is and you have not yet rearranged your MOT, you could face a fine. With the extension over and MOTs due, our guide provides some simple checks to keep your car in good nick, to help it pass it's MOT 1st time." We would like to know if you know your MOT Date... Please visit our Southport Reporter Twitter Pole and let us know.

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