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Skyrora's 'Space Tug' Gives Space Sustainability Dream A Lift

SKYRORA has revealed it has conducted successful trials of a:- 'Space Tug' which can play a key part in ensuring the UK becomes a world leader in tackling the issue of space junk. The Scottish based rocket development company believes the Orbit Transfer Vehicle; part of its Skyrora XL rocket due to launch in 2023; could clear debris, reposition satellites and remove defunct satellites from orbit. In the week that the UK and UN sign a historical agreement on space sustainability, Edinburgh based Skyrora have thrown its support behind the initiative. The company recently showed its own commitment towards a sustainable space industry with the launch of its Space Tug, which is one of many initiatives that will allow the Government to meet its goals. Its announcement comes after a directive was signed this week between the UK Science Minister and the UN to agree a new approach to sustainability in space, as well as equipping Authorities with the power to act against firms responsible for creating space junk. The agreement commits the UK Government to a series of events and outreach efforts, ultimately aimed at promoting the Guidelines for the Long Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities (LTS Guidelines).

Those guidelines ensure:- "the conduct of space activities indefinitely into the future," an ability now under threat from the growing cloud of space debris. Developed and published by the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the voluntary rules had come under criticism for their lack of enforcement mechanisms. However, with the UK now actively endorsing the guidelines, there is to be increased awareness and prominence within the industry.  Skyrora is already establishing itself as a key innovator not just in the UK space race, but in ensuring it places space sustainability as a crucial element in its planning and company vision. It has developed a new way of launching satellites without damaging the environment as well as creating an eco-friendly fuel that ensures the UK has the most environmentally friendly space industry in the world.

The latest chapter in its investment in sustainable technology;- and signalling another crucial milestone for the entire UK space industry; is the successful test on an innovative "reignitable" rocket engine or Space Tug, capable of manoeuvring once in orbit. The test; at its engine development facility in Fife; involved a full mission duration static fire test (450 second burn over 3 firings) of the upper (or 3rd) stage of their orbital class vehicle, Skyrora XL. Skyrora now believes this provides for a full mission ready Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV or Space Tug) that can perform a number of in space missions once it has delivered its payload.  This includes:- tackling the issue of space junk by removing redundant space objects from orbit. There are around 34,000 objects above 10cm in size in Earth's orbit that would be considered space junk; 3,000 of which are redundant satellites. Moving at around 10km/s, these objects could produce debilitating damage to operational satellites or even the International Space Station. And as we see increasing numbers of constellations being placed into orbit, with the likes of OneWeb and SpaceX planning on sending thousands of satellites up, then as those numbers grow, so does the demand for a vehicle that can make multiple stops and functions in space without the need for multiple launches.  Skyrora CEO, Volodymyr Levykin, said:- "Our goal was always to be mission ready once all the regulations and permissions were in place, and this development not only brings us closer to that point, but also takes us beyond simply launch readiness. It's important to show that even in these challenging times we are still a nation that continues to innovate and take the lead in some of our most lofty ambitions. We aim not only to conduct efficient launches from UK soil in the most environmentally friendly way, but ensure that each single launch mission has the possibility of conducting the level of work that would have historically taken multiple launches. With this approach we enter a whole new level of efficiency with full consideration of environmental impact taken into account. We are delighted that members are discussing these matters in Parliament imminently and expect due attention to be made given and further action to be taken to adapt the regulations to reflect the UK's commitment to sustainability."

Back in January 2020, the company achieved the 1st ever eco liquid-fuel rocket engine ground tests take place using their own Ecosene fuel derived from unrecyclable waste plastics that would otherwise be disposed of in landfill. The fuel itself emits around 45% less greenhouse gases and is particularly suited to cope in the Scottish weather. And Skyrora have also pioneered a bespoke Mobile Launch Complex which allows them to never leave a footprint when launching. All launch infrastructure is carried in containers, even their mobile erector, where the launch vehicles takes off from, not harming any land environments.  Mr Levykin added:- "We have found a way to not only sustain our operations in orbit, but also clean up the way on how we get there. Thanks to our Ecosene fuel and our Mobile Launch Complex, we are not just committed to playing our part, but we are committed to being responsible and responsive to the on going threats of global climate change. This is the right way to go forward."

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Mobile UK reveals results of research into UK consumer attitudes on 5G and health

THE representative body of the UK mobile phone industry, Mobile UK, is launching a public information campaign '#5GCheckTheFacts,' on Thursday, 4 February 2021, to inform, educate and busts the myths surrounding the next generation mobile network, 5G. In recent years, public opinion has been swayed by inaccurate non-factual reports and conspiracy theories that state mobile phones, and particularly 5G present a health risk. This is despite decades of extensive research assessing potential adverse health effects and to date, no links have been established.

To accurately address these misunderstandings, the campaign commissioned by Mobile UK has been built on nationwide research into the British public's views on 5G and health, the extent of these concerns and the barriers to understanding. The findings showed that overall, despite the rise of non-factual reports and conspiracy theories stating that 5G poses a danger to health, only a very small minority were firmly against 5G (3%). Only 7% believed the unsubstantiated claims that 5G causes cancer or think it could be bad for their health (16%).

Overwhelmingly 81% of respondents condemned the recent, wild conspiracy theories that state 5G causes Coronavirus and just over 10% thought mobile masts and associated equipment could be damaging to health.  The results highlight a strong need for the provision of clear information about 5G, with 46% of respondents stating they are unclear whether 5G does or does not pose a health risk, and nearly half of those questioned were uncertain of the benefits of this new technology.  Mobile UK are therefore launching this campaign to provide explanations and reassurance, as well as highlighting the benefits and opportunities 5G will bring.

The results of the survey of 2000 adults across the UK, conducted in October 2020, has informed the basis of the 5G information campaign:- '#5GCheckTheFacts.' In addition, a series of public focus groups and in depth interviews were carried out to further understanding. Fact based messages will be seen across social media, information toolkits will be circulated to Local Authorities, and Mobile UK's website will act as a portal of information from a wide range of sources where people can go to get further information.

The campaign aims to both educate and reassure members of the public about the network rollout and address any health concerns associated with 5G.  Commenting on the initiative, Hamish MacLeod, Director of Mobile UK said:- "While it is clear that only a small minority of people are against 5G these results highlight a desire for more information and clarification, both with regard to the health and safety of 5G, but also on how the technology can and will truly transform society. Our #5GCheckTheFacts campaign is designed to provide this information and answers to people's most common questions. We truly believe that 5G is a benefit offering significant positive changes to us all as well as providing connectivity that will make our lives easier and, in some cases, save lives."

For more information regarding 5G and health visit:- MobileUK.Org.

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