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Census 2021 - What is it and why should I fill it in?

UNDER the Census Act 1920 you must complete the National UK Census Form is issued every 10 years in England and Wales. If you live in England and Wales, the Census falls on 21 March 2021. The data is taken off, but the personal information of the Census Returns remain confidential for 100 years and is now run by the UK’s largest independent producer of Official Statistics (OTS) and its conducted by the National Statistical Institute.

This video is an informal interview with Census Engagement Managers within the Liverpool City Region and explains what Census 2021 is, why it’s important to take part, how to participate and what to do if you or someone you know needs help. It also explains how important it is as a historical record as well as helping to shape the policies of the UK for the next decade.

The decennial census takes place every 10 years throughout England and Wales, with the rest of the United Kingdom due to be enumerated in 2022. The Census 2021 is being administered by the Office of National Statistics in England and Wales (ONS), and the 2022 Census in Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency in Northern Ireland, and the 2022 Census in Scotland will be done by the General Register Office.

For more information about the Census, please visit:- Census.Gov.UK. Please don't forget to visit our Mersey Reporter History Section to learn about all the amazing things that have lead to our Region shaping the World we know today... Please remember, by filling in your Census form, you will help shape your community for the next 10 years!

Balanced budget for Liverpool recommended for approval

LIVERPOOL City Council's Cabinet has approved budget proposals which will protect key frontline services and help the economy recover from the Covid19 Pandemic. The balanced budget for 2021/22 includes:-

A commitment to long term funding for the City's network of children's centres.

Additional money to ensure all rough sleepers are prioritised with the offer of a roof over their head .

A start on building Council housing, at Denford Road, in Yew Tree.

A ₤2 million recovery fund to support the Council's Covid19 recovery plan.

A ₤2 million development budget to kick start schemes linked to economic recovery

There is also funding earmarked in the capital (infrastructure) programme to continue developing Paddington Village in the Knowledge Quarter; which will deliver good quality jobs, along with upgrading key routes across the City and refurbishing the M&S Arena so it can continue to be a leading concert and events venue.

In addition, the Council is setting aside ₤300k for repairs at Peter Lloyd Lifestyles Centre in Tuebrook and will progress plans to develop a community bank in partnership with Wirral and Preston Councils.

The Council has secured ₤20 million of funding from the Government to cover Covid related costs for the coming financial year and an additional ₤7 million as its share of extra national funding for Adult Social Care.

A proposal for One Stop Shops to become pop up facilities has been amended with a commitment to retain 2 full time services within Council buildings such as libraries or adult learning centres. There will also be regular face to face slots for members of the public, at a number of community locations, and a programme of flexible pop up services across the City, to increase opportunities to access the service.

Council Tax; which accounts for just 15% of the overall budget; will rise by 4.99%, generating an additional ₤9.1 million, with 3% of the increase ring fenced for Adult Social Care. This means that 6 out of 10 homes, in Liverpool, in Band A, will pay an additional ₤1.10 per week; or ₤57.08 per year; for Local Authority services.

Liverpool will be one of the few Local Authorities to continue with a Council Tax Support scheme to help those on low incomes. In addition, the Citizen Support Scheme will make payments to people in crisis and Discretionary Housing Payments will help people needing emergency support to pay their rent.

Acting Mayor, Councillor Wendy Simon, said:- "Liverpool has been hit hard by the Pandemic, with more than 1,000 deaths and many more of our residents feeling the effects of Long Covid. Coronavirus has also been devastating for our economy, with hundreds of businesses going bust and many more teetering on the brink, leaving many families struggling. But we have also been a City that has responded magnificently; with individuals, communities, charities and businesses all coming together and doing their bit to support each other. We led the way on community testing, giving a lifeline to the vital Hospitality and leisure sector in the run-up to Christmas and helping to protect thousands of jobs. We reacted quickly on rough sleeping, giving the most vulnerable a Covid-safe roof over their head and prioritising them for the vaccine because of their health needs. This budget commits us to continuing this work, as well as investing in our network of children's centres which offer such amazing support for youngsters, parents and carers. We are setting aside a substantial sum of money to help kick start our economy as we emerge from the Pandemic. Asking people to contribute more in Council Tax is not something we want to do, but if we don't we would have to cut other services. The simple fact is that the money we raise locally barely covers the cost of providing Adult Social Care. These are extraordinarily challenging times, but I firmly believe this budget marries the compassion and ambition needed to put Liverpool on the strongest possible footing for the future."

A total of ₤15 million of savings will be made through a mix of cutting the cost of services, reducing demand and increasing income. They include:-

The sale of residential ground rents (₤2 million)

Restructuring debt and changes to management of cash and assets (₤1.5 million)

Additional fees and charges for highways services (₤200k)

Reviewing the operation and location of One Stop Shops to better serve the needs of communities (₤768k)

Managing demand for long term Adult Social Care packages (₤1 million)

Reviewing supported accommodation for adults (₤1.35 million)

Reshaping home care delivery (₤416k)

The proposals will now be scrutinised by the Audit and Governance select committee, on Thursday, 25 February 2021 and be voted on at the budget Council meeting, to be held, on Wednesday, 3 March 2021.

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