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Family says with Covid19 restrictions in full force, we have not been able to be there to support our Mum through her cancer treatment, but Maggie's could

ALICE Jones has recently undertaken a running challenge to raise funds for Maggie's Merseyside. Throughout the month of January 2021 Alice ran over 50 miles and raised an outstanding ₤1,768. Alice said:- "In October 2018, my Mum was diagnosed with bowel and colon cancer. As a family, we felt like our world was falling apart. When I saw the Maggie's 50 Mile Challenge come up on my Facebook, I didn't even have to think twice about signing up for it. I knew I wanted to do something for Maggie's in return for all that they have done for my Mum and many others in this position. With Covid19, I have been unable to be there for my Mum throughout her journey with cancer which I have found extremely tough, but knowing Maggie's has been there to support her has put my mind at ease in times of worry. I never for 1 second imagined I would raise over ₤1,700 for Maggie's Merseyside. The support from friends, family and even total strangers has been so overwhelming and I feel very grateful. I have now registered to take part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon with a charity place to run for Maggie's once again. No amount of money or running will ever repay how grateful we feel as a family towards Maggie's, but I hope that by sharing our story, and raising awareness we can help others in similar situations."

Alice's mum Karen said:- "When I 1st began visiting Maggie's I joined the general cancer support group in disguise as the:- 'Knit & Natter' group. "What a lovely Friday gang of staff, volunteers and knitters. I've loved every minute of it and feel I can offload and receive such caring support as well as good advice about things I'd never thought of. 2 years on from my cancer diagnosis, in August 2020, I was diagnosed with a brain tumour and lung cancer. I went back to Maggie's during the Pandemic, the Knit and Natter group were unable to meet but it was still reassuring to visit Maggie's to talk and get support, when I was unable to see anyone else face to face. I honestly don't know how I'd cope without Maggie's."

Karen's husband Alanhas also faced a diagnosis of cancer he said:- "Having been diagnosed with bowel cancer 5 years ago I found the Maggie's Centre such a wonderful place for support and general advice and of course the endless cups of tea."

Maggie's has 25 years of experience providing free cancer support and information in Centres across Great Britain. Built in the grounds of NHS Cancer Hospitals, the centres are warm and welcoming, and are run by expert staff who help people live well with cancer. During the Pandemic Maggie's Centres are open to see people by appointment and limited drop ins, for those who are visiting Hospitals. This support runs alongside our ongoing phone, email and digital support. In 2020 Maggie's supported people in Centres, by phone, email and online,150,000 times.

Everyone needs something different to help them cope, Maggie's work with each individual to identify support that empowers them to negotiate a way through their own cancer journey making life feel more manageable. Maggie's provide this free of charge to people of any age, with any type of cancer, at any stage of their illness. Bewildering changes not only affect the person with cancer, but also their family and friends, Maggie's offers all of their services to them as well.

Alice's sisters, Emily said:- "Maggie's have been a huge support for my family, I'm ever so grateful for the care they provide and the friends that have been made along the way. I'm so proud of my sister taking it upon herself to do the 50 mile challenge, especially in the cold harsh months of winter."

Their sister Molly is also grateful for the family support:- "Maggie's gave me someone to talk to or just be in silence when I needed it the most. I walked in one day and instantly knew that I'd be greeted with warmth and sympathy. After finding out my mum was very ill I didn't know how to process anything. Maggie's helped me feel like things could get better and that I wasn't alone. The work they do for families is truly amazing."

Alice's brother Ben added:- "My Wife Dani and I, have been comforted knowing my mum has been able to attend and make friends in such an amazing place, especially in her time of need when we were unable to support her in the Hospital or at home during this difficult time for everyone, even more so for cancer patients. I had the pleasure of meeting a few of the team from Maggie's when I accompanied my Mum to one of her meetings, as soon as I entered the room I felt the warmth and kindness from all those around, you could feel the strength and perseverance in the room and that gives you hope and comfort and that's all we can ask for, so we'd like to say thank you to Maggie's, please keep doing what you do."

With lockdown restrictions in place Maggie's professional practical, emotional and social support is more important than ever before. Maggie's Merseyside in the grounds of Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Wirral site is welcoming anyone with a cancer diagnosis, or their family and friends, in a way which adheres to all local and Government guidelines.

Maggie's Merseyside Centre Head Kathy Wright said:- "We know people with cancer need Maggie's now more than ever. Cancer is possibly the hardest experience of a person's life, yet Coronavirus and restrictions have made living with cancer even more difficult. If you or anyone one you know need to chat please don't hesitate to contact us. We're extremely grateful to people like Alice, it's because of our supporters that our doors remain open for cancer care and support. We'd love others to join Alice and sign up for our next challenge, taking place in March 2021."

To find out more about Maggie's Merseyside please contact us:- 01513344301 or email:- Liverpool@MaggiesCentres.Org.

New initiative helps entrenched rough sleepers in to their own home

A man who has spent 6 years living on the streets now has a place to call home thanks to new funding to convert much needed properties in Liverpool. Peter, who is aged 40, intermittently slept rough for more than 6 years, but has now moved into a 1 bedroom terrace in the City. Under Next Steps Accommodation Programme (NSAP) he is the 1st person to move into a property with social housing provider Riverside.

Peter sais:- "I'm delighted with my home, I'm really happy. It's a wonderful experience to have somewhere to call home that I haven't had for more than 6 years. During that time I've slept rough on the streets and occasionally used a night shelter. It was really difficult especially during the cold, harsh winters. I have recently passed my security qualification which means I can now start looking for work as well. But for now I'm settling into my new home, which is something I've been missing for a very long time."

Building on the Government's Everyone In initiative to protect rough sleepers from Covid19 which brought them into emergency accommodation, NSAP provides Local Authorities with funding to deliver new tenancies and support for people experiencing homelessness who would otherwise face challenges that prevent them from accessing accommodation.

In Liverpool, Riverside has converted 10 properties in their housing stock to one bedroom homes by investing ₤231,000 to the project. In partnership with Liverpool City Council, Riverside bid for ₤119,000 NSAP grant funding which was received from Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and Homes England.

Dot Kelly, Riverside's Regional Operations Manager, said:- "We are so pleased to help and support Peter in his first new home after more than 6 years on the streets by helping him settle in and make it a place of his own. We are in the process of converting 10 2 bedroom terraces into a 1 bed by relocating the bathroom upstairs. There is a national shortage of 1 bedroom properties so this project helps meet the housing needs for residents in Liverpool. In addition creating accommodation for single people means that they are not levied with paying bedroom tax for an extra room."

NSAP draws upon elements of the Housing 1st approach, but with an added wrap around support service to break the cycle of homelessness and rough sleeping. As experienced providers of supported accommodation and homelessness services, Riverside is delivering the support element to people housed under the NSAP scheme in Liverpool. Support can be wide ranging from help with utility bills, getting new furniture and appliances connected, ensuring they are receiving the correct Social Security Benefits, enrolling with a Doctor and Dental Surgery.

Dot explains:- "Support is tailored to the person's needs, and ensuring that that their immediate requirements are met first. We also link them with positive peer and community groups to help them get settled which is important to prevent isolation and break the cycle of homelessness."

Riverside is one of the largest provider of homelessness services in the country, and its Care and Support operation works with over 16,000 customers every year. For more information visit:- Riverside.Org.UK or follow them on:- Twitter and Facebook.

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