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Customers reminded to look out for their Tax Credits renewals packs

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is sending out about 2.5 million annual renewals packs to Tax Credits customers from this week. Customers should check their details in the renewal pack and report any change in circumstances to HMRC. The packs will be sent out over the next 6 weeks and all customers should receive theirs by 4 June 2021. HMRC recognises that many Tax Credits customers will have been affected by the Pandemic and may have earned less money than in previous years. It is important that customers check the details contained in their annual renewal pack are correct, including income details. Renewing online is quick and easy. Customers can log into GOV.UK to check on the progress of their renewal, be reassured it is being processed and know when they will hear back from HMRC. Customers can also use the HMRC app on their smartphone to:-

Renew their Tax Credits.

Check their Tax Credits payments schedule.

Find out how much they have earned for the year.

Tax Credits help working families with targeted financial support, so it is important that people don't miss out on money they are entitled to.

If there is a change in a customer's circumstances that could affect their Tax Credits claims, they must report the changes to HMRC. Circumstances that could affect Tax Credits payments include changes to:-

Living arrangements.


Working hours.

Income (increase or decrease)

Customers do not need to report any temporary falls in their working hours as a result of Coronavirus. They will be treated as if they are working their normal hours until the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme closes.

Criminals can take advantage of Tax Credits renewals to:- text, email or phone taxpayers offering 'rebates' or threatening them with arrest if they don't pay bogus tax owed. Many scams mimic Government messages to look authentic. If someone contacts a customer claiming to be from HMRC, asks for bank or other personal details, threatens arrest or demands that they transfer money, it might be a scam. Check GOV.UK for HMRC's scams checklist, and to find out how to report tax scams and recognise genuine HMRC contact.

Merseyside Arts Festival Needs Your Talent

THE Prescot Festival will return this June with plans to get you involved in its 10 day programme of arts, music and culture. The 17 annual festival features a mixture of online and offline activities between Friday, 18 June and Sunday 27 June 2021, and the community is being asked to take part in several key events. Do you have a knack for words and a tale to tell? Enter the 2021 Prescot Festival Short Story Competition by writing up to 1,000 words inspired by the quote:- 'We know what we are, but not what we may be' a line spoken by the tragic Ophelia in Shakespeare's Hamlet. The full rules on their website, along with more ideas to fire up your imagination.

Art will feature prominently this year. Anyone can submit photos of their own artistic creations from paintings to sculptures for the Prescot Festival Community Art Display, an online exhibition. And if you want to get active and explore Prescot's illustrious heritage, put on your walking shoes and follow the clues on the Prescot Cultural Trail, on Saturday, 19 June 2021. You'll receive a map to guide you on a fact finding mission through the historic Town Centre, and all the answers will be revealed, on Monday, 28 June 2021.

In previous years, an average of 100 sopranos, altos, tenors and basses have gathered to:- 'Come and Sing,' as the Prescot Festival Chorus. Although circumstances don't allow a live choral concert this year, the festival is encouraging members to satisfy the urge to make music by joining the Self Isolation Choir at:-

'The world isn't quite back to:- "normality yet," said Artistic Director, Dr Robert Howard who added:- "Like communities across the world, we're finding fun and innovative ways to keep celebrating arts and culture in Covid safe ways until audiences can come out to concerts and bigger live events again."

Festival audiences can look forward to online contributions from Shakespeare North and Liverpool Cathedral, among others, this year, and worship, at Prescot Parish Church, on Sundays, 20 June and 27 June 2021, will play a part in the programme.

The full schedule is now online at:- PrescotFestival.Co.UK.

Southport's Lord Street Volunteer Gardeners are out again

THE Lockdown restrictions have been very problematic for Lord Street's volunteer gardeners when have been keeping the Town's world famous gardens in Bloom. Pauline Morris and her team have now started the clean up and replanting again. If you can help this team, please go to the groups Facebook Page for more information on how you can help them to help our Town look stunning.

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Monthly sponsor:- Holistic Realignment - Your local, fully qualified sports therapist. Call now on:- 07870382109 to book an appointment.
Your local, fully qualified sports therapist. Call now on:- 07870382109 to book an appointment.



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