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Be aware and act FAST to help save lives

DURING Stroke Awareness Month (1 May to 31 May 2021), health professionals in Sefton are reminding people that acting F.A.S.T can help save lives. Stroke is a serious, life threatening medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. It is essential for anyone who is experiencing the symptoms of stroke to seek medical help immediately because the sooner they do, the less damage is likely to be done.  There are around 100,000 strokes a year in the UK, at least 1 stroke every 5 minutes. In Sefton, there are around 6,500 people living with the effects of a stroke or transient ischaemic attack. This is a much higher proportion of local residents compared to the average national rate.

Dr Nigel Taylor, lead for stroke at NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS Southport and Formby CCG, said:- "Stroke is a medical emergency and anyone experiencing symptoms should seek urgent help. Early treatment not only saves lives but results in a greater chance of a better recovery, as well as a likely reduction in permanent disability from stroke."

Think and act F.A.S.T., the signs of stroke are:-

Face - has their face fallen on 1 side? Can they smile?

Arms - can they raise both their arms and keep them there?

Speech - is their speech slurred?

Time - time to call:- 999.

Stroke is the fourth single leading cause of death in the UK and the single largest cause of complex disability. Signs of stroke or mini stroke can include:- sudden loss of vision or blurred vision in 1 or both eyes, sudden weakness or numbness on 1 side of your body, sudden memory loss or confusion and sudden dizziness, unsteadiness or a sudden fall. You can significantly reduce your risk of having a stroke through an active, healthy lifestyle, such as eating well, taking regular exercise, drinking alcohol in moderation and not smoking. For free support in making these positive lifestyle changes, call Living Well Sefton; the local wellbeing organisation, on:- 03003230181.

For a range of easy to follow, gym-free workouts that can be done anywhere, at any time, visit:- NHS.UK/Live-Well. For information on stroke go to:- NHSs.UK/Conditions/Stroke.

Southport BID identifies ₤25,000 in savings for local businesses through its Savings Procurement Programme

SOUTHPORT Business Improvement District has identified nearly ₤25,000 of savings on running costs for local businesses over the past few weeks. The organisation has been offering local firms the opportunity to save money through its Savings Procurement Programme. The initiative to reduce business costs is a free service funded by Southport BID, available to all levy payers. It is being run by experts from the Place Support Partnership through funding from the BID.  Southport BID Business Engagement Manager Luke Randles and Place Support Partnership owner Rishi Sood have been visiting:- shops, offices, restaurants, bars and other venues across Town in recent days. They have been speaking with business owners about how their firms operate and identifying just where costs and efficiencies can be made.

Luke Randles said:- "The running total for identified savings to date on the project since March is now ₤24,387, but expect this to exceed ₤25,000 in the coming weeks. Rishi Sood and I have enjoyed meeting with businesses, so that Rishi can share his expertise regarding reducing business costs. I'm delighted that Southport BID can fund a project like this, that will put money back in the pocket of our Southport town centre businesses."

Experts from The Place Support Partnership will review your bills and identify where savings can be made for free.  The service comes with no obligation and no commitment.

Place Support Partnership owner Rishi Sood said:- "Now that more businesses are open again, we are keen to come out and visit them to see how we can help. It is an opportunity to align with the high street recovery plan. We are raring to go and support as many local businesses as we can. It is free, impartial support. We shall be available to meet with BID members to enable them to have a free consultation on their business costs. The idea is that a business shares their bills with us and we then review and advise on how they can save on their core costs including energy, telecoms, merchant fees and water to name a few. The service is free to use and fully funded by Southport BID and is designed to support businesses on making informed decisions on their costs and contracts. My team and I have set up over 100 such schemes around the UK, supported by BIDs, realising over ₤20million in savings for SMEs and independent businesses."

Southport BID CEO Rachel Fitzgerald said:- "Southport BID is keen to help local businesses to streamline their costs and save money. Our Savings Procurement Programme is free for you to use, and there is no obligation with it. It is just 1 of the many services which we offer to our local businesses. All business owners or managers need to do is to book an appointment, which is free to do. There is nothing to lose and potentially lots to gain."

For more details please email:- Info@PlaceSupportPartnership.Com or:- or call:- 03330 156289 or 07982 414545 or visit:- PlaceSupportPartnership.Com.


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Monthly Sponsor:- Holistic Realignment
Monthly sponsor:- Holistic Realignment - Your local, fully qualified sports therapist. Call now on:- 07870382109 to book an appointment.
Your local, fully qualified sports therapist. Call now on:- 07870382109 to book an appointment.



Please support local businesses like:-
Renacres Hospital 

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Mind Games Southport 

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