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What is the SME Brexit Support Fund or Brexit Grant?

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have currently offering a grant to help small and medium sized businesses adapt to new importing or exporting rules, following Brexit. The SME Brexit Support Fund could give your business up to ₤2,000 to help with training or obtain professional advice, if your business has up to 500 employees and no more than ₤100 million annual turnover. This grant only able to be used for training on the following:-

How to complete customs declarations.

How to manage customs processes and use customs software and systems.

Specific import and export related aspects including VAT, excise and rules of origin.

The idea being that a business will use it to help them get professional advice so that the business can meet its customs, excise, import VAT or safety and security declaration requirements.

Applications will close on 30 June 2021, or earlier, if all funding is allocated before this date.

The business must however also meet the following criteria:-

Be established in the UK.

Have been established in the UK for at least 12 months before submitting the application, or currently hold Authorised Economic Operator status.

Not have previously failed to meet its tax or customs obligations.

Have no more than 500 employees.

Have no more than ₤100 million turnover.

Only import or export goods between Great Britain and the EU, or move goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, if you already import or export goods from or to a non-EU country you are not eligible for his grant.

Also any business applying must also either:-

Complete (or intend to complete) import or export declarations internally for its own goods.

Use someone else to complete import or export declarations, but requires additional capability internally to effectively import or export (such as advice on rules of origin or advice on dealing with a supply chain)

We are told that the administering the grants for HMRC is being conducted by PwC. To apply and for more information please visit:- CustomsIntermediaryGrant.Co.UK.

If you are opening up after lockdown and do not know how Brexit will affect you and your business, you must check now. Many businesses are unaware of changes that affect them, even if they don't think they have any links with trading with Europe! Please do visit the UK Government’s Brexit Checker in order to get a free personalised list of actions for your business by going to:- Gov.UK/Transition.

Did you know? PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is a global network of firms who delivers assurance, tax, and consulting services for business within 157 countries. It is reported that PwC ranks as the 2nd largest professional services network in the world and is considered 1 of the Big 4 accounting firms. Also 1 of its main offices, within its 800 offices that are located worldwide, is in Liverpool, with it's headquarters being in London.

Small businesses will "fuel our national recovery," says Prime Minister at FSB's Celebrating Small Business Awards

THE UK's largest business group is calling on consumers to get behind the country's 5.9 million small firms after unveiling the winners of its annual Celebrating Small Business Awards. At the virtual ceremony, which took place on Thursday, 27 May 2021, Prime Minister Boris Jonson wished all the small business nominees good luck, thanking the small business community for its:- "sacrifice and forbearance" and pledging to be:- "a Government that is on your side." adding:- "You are the vital, blood pumping heart of our communities, creating jobs, supporting skills and opportunity and helping out your customers. Throughout this crisis, you really have gone the extra mile, doing everything you can to help people stay safe while keeping jobs and businesses going, from enabling people to work from home, providing home delivery, pivoting to online sales, installing plastic screens, and introducing 1 way systems, to joining in the incredible national effort to provide the vital pieces of equipment that we needed, from face masks to hand sanitiser… I have every confidence that it will be small businesses helping to fuel our national recovery and turning jabs, jabs, jabs into jobs, jobs, jobs."

In a separate message, Secretary of State for the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Rt Hon. Kwasi Kwarteng MP added:- "Being a small business owner is an extraordinary challenge at the best of times, but the creativity, persistence and sheer grit shown by Britain's small businesses over the last year has been nothing short of exceptional. The Government has stood by small businesses throughout this crisis with an unprecedented and generous package of support, and I am proud to celebrate their achievements with the FSB Awards as we look ahead to brighter days and building back better from the Pandemic."

The Celebrating Small Business Awards ceremony was hosted by former Sports Presenter of the Year and World Pride Power List entrant Clare Balding. A Highlands farm turned luxury lodge retreat with 9 hole golf course, café and activity centre claimed the title of overall winner at the annual event, having competed with more than 3,000 other applicants for the title. Woodlands Glencoe was founded in 2009 and has since increased its turnover 20 fold through investment and diversification. The providers of the turf at Wembley Stadium, developers of NASA technology aimed at reducing emissions and craft aerospace cabin designers are also among the wider award winners. FSB Development Manager Phil McCabe, representing the organisation's Merseyside and Cheshire Area, said:- "After a torrid 12 months, it's been fantastic to come together and celebrate the great small businesses that are at the heart of communities right across the UK. As we slowly edge back towards normality, we're urging everyone to get behind their favourite small firms - they need you now more than ever. It was a closely fought contest for the ultimate crown this year. The worthy winners show us what's possible when you tirelessly adapt, invest and provide an unforgettable experience for customers. Huge congratulations to them and all of the brilliant winners and entrants."


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