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Study of UK dental professionals reveals extent of occupational risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection

A University of Birmingham led study of over a thousand dental professionals has shown their increased occupational risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection during the 1st wave of the Pandemic in the UK.

The observational cohort study, that was published on 3 June 2021, in the Journal of Dental Research, involved 1,507 Midland dental care practitioners. Blood samples were taken from the cohort at the start of the study in June 2020, to measure their levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid19.

The team found 16.3% of study participants; which included:- Dentists, Dental Nurses and Dental Hygienists; had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, compared to just 6% of the general population at the time. Meanwhile, the percentage of dental practice receptionists, who have no direct patient contact, with SARS-CoV-2 antibodies was comparable to the general population, supporting the hypothesis that occupational risk arose from close exposure to patients.

The study also found ethnicity was also a significant risk factor for infection, with 35% of Black participants and 18.8% of Asian participants having SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, compared to 14.3% of white participants.

Blood samples were taken from participants 3 months later, in September 2020, when dental practices in England had re-opened with enhanced PPE and infection control measures in place, and once again in January 2021, 6 months after the start of the study, during the second wave of the Pandemic when healthcare workers were being vaccinated.

The results showed that of those who had previous Covid19 infection, over 70% continued to have SARS-CoV-2 antibodies both at:- 3 months and 6 months later, and they were at a 75% reduced risk of re-infection with the virus.

The study also demonstrated the immunological impact of Covid19 vaccination, with 97.7% of those without previous infection developing an antibody response at least 12 days after their 1st Pfizer Vaccine. In those with evidence of previous infection, the antibody response was more rapid and higher in magnitude after a single dose of the Pfizer Vaccine.

Furthermore, none of the cohort with a level of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies greater than 147.6 IU/ml in their blood tested positive for Covid19 throughout the 6 month period from the 1st to the final blood tests.

First author Dr Adrian Shields, of the University of Birmingham's Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, said:- "Understanding what an antibody test result means to an individual with respect to their risk of infection is essential to controlling the Pandemic. Our study has taken the 1st steps in defining the level of antibody in a persons' blood necessary to protect them from infection for 6 months. Furthermore, by comparing the antibody levels we have found in dentists to those contained in widely available reference material produced by the World Health Organization, we hope the protective level we found can be easily confirmed and compared by other laboratories."

Corresponding Author Professor Thomas Dietrich, of the University of Birmingham's School of Dentistry, adds:- "Critically, only 5.3% of the cohort developed an antibody response that exceeded this threshold of 147.6 IU/ml following the 1st wave of the UK Pandemic. This suggests that natural infection alone is unlikely to generate meaningful, durable herd immunity."

Co-corresponding author Iain Chapple, Professor of Periodontology at the University of Birmingham and Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust, adds:- "Dental professionals are thought to be at high risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 because they routinely operate within patients' aerodigestive tract and regularly carry out aerosol generating procedures that result in the production of airborne particles. Through our research, we have clearly shown that dental professionals were at increased occupational risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 prior to the new PHE guidance on PPE. The occupational health measures that have been put in place in general dental practice as a consequence of COVID 19 appear to remove that increased risk, however, this will need to be thoroughly investigated to see if they have successfully interrupted transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses."

Co-corresponding author Professor Alex Richter, also of the University of Birmingham, said:- "This is the 1st time the occupational risk of exposure to a potentially fatal respiratory virus has been studied in a large dental cohort. It is important that we now progress our research to ensure we have an understanding of how people are protected from re-infection with Covid19 following natural infection and vaccination. The nature and duration of immunity in these cohorts will be critical to understand as the Covid19 Pandemic progresses, particularly with respect to the efficacy of:- vaccination strategies, single dose, multiple doses, Vaccine combinations, and in relation to novel viral variants of concern."

MFRS to help deliver afternoon tea to 250 unpaid carers to thank them for 'teariffic' Pandemic efforts

AROUND 250 domiciliary carers across Merseyside will be treated to afternoon tea next week as part of a:- 'thank you' from local organisations for their efforts during the Pandemic. Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (MFRS) has teamed up with LFC, Age UK Wirral, all 5 Merseyside Local Authorities and a number of other organisations to recognise the commitment and sacrifice made by unpaid domiciliary carers as part of their:- 'Care for the Carers' campaign.

The afternoon teas will be prepared by LFC before being delivered by volunteers and MFRS fire crews to carers within:- Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral, on Wednesday, 9 June 2021, in the afternoon.

The project, which coincides with National Carers Week, follows a similar initiative, that took place in December 2020, which saw MFRS crews and volunteers deliver traditional Christmas day lunch to around 100 older people in Wirral.

Nick McCormack, Station Manager at MFRS, who will be one of over 60 volunteers delivering afternoon teas on the day, said:- "We know that the last 15 months has been extremely difficult for everyone; we have all had to make sacrifices in order to keep those around us safe. Unfortunately there are many members of our community who simply cannot look after themselves and so rely on carers to help them on a daily basis. Many of these people are unpaid carers and are often family members; sometimes children; of those who are in need of support. The commitment and bravery of these people is remarkable and whilst we know that the afternoon tea is in no way comparable to the efforts they have shown throughout the Pandemic, we hope it will bring a little cheer to their day and offer them a little respite."

The project would not be possible without the support of LFC, whose community team Red Neighbours will be preparing the afternoon teas, and Age UK Wirral, who have worked with counterparts in other Merseyside districts to identify those in receipt of delivery.

Forbes Duff, Senior Manager, Red Neighbours, said:- "There are so many extraordinary carers in our local communities looking after friends and family members, many of whom do so without respite or financial support. Their selflessness and commitment is amazing and it makes such a big difference to the people they support. We want to thank them for all that they do with a small act of kindness, which we hope will acknowledge their dedication and the important work they do, and put a smile on their faces."

Jenny Paton, DCEO Age UK Wirral, said:- "We are delighted to be working with MFRS and LFC to ensure that our carers know we appreciate how hard the last year has been. The afternoon teas will be a real treat for their unpaid carers who spend all their time looking after their loved one and putting their needs first. It gives us the opportunity to show how much we appreciate and care about them, and lets them know they can come to us for support of they need it."

MFRS' Chief Fire Officer, Deputy Fire Officer and Assistant Fire Officer will also have a key part to play on the day, with each of them set to deliver afternoon tea to carers in Sefton.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service fits smoke alarms free of charge to those over 65 or meeting certain criteria. If you or someone you know would benefit from a Home Fire Safety Check, please call us on:- 08007315958 (Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm) or visit:- MerseyFire.Gov.UK.

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