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Andrew Sharrock's 'Impressionistic Landscapes' exhibition

A local Fine Art photographer, Andrew Sharrock, will be showcasing his latest:- 'Impressionistic Landscapes' at The ArtHouse in Southport later this month. Andrew Sharrock said:- "All my images are inspired by the Sefton Coastline. During lockdown the local areas are all we had." Always impassioned by Art from any early age, Andrew later revealed his appetite for Fine Art and Impressionism through his characteristically captured image creations.

Graduating as a mature student from Hugh Baird College, Liverpool in 2019 with a Photography BA, Andrew eagerly grasped the opportunity then set by his Degree Course Leader to target his photography towards a new focus for his final honours project. "I was challenged to take my photography in a new direction. I was influenced to take on a different perspective to traditional landscapes. Right there and then, I was given new purpose and direction which deepened my relationship with photography and connected me even more with my inner creative spirit."

Andrew's confrontation to the 'norm' introduced him to the creative world of 'Intentional Camera Movement.' By slowing down shutter speed and using his camera as a paintbrush, Andrew was able to apply the illusion of movement to an otherwise still image.  "I always shoot free hand. I never resort to a tripod as I want complete freedom of movement with the camera. To reduce the time and provide the shutter delay needed to create my images, I use a Cokin 5 stopper filter."

Panning his camera during a long exposure, Andrew's intentionally blurred photographs add the dimension of inventively streaking the captured image. Further experimentation with ICM has continued to engage Andrew on a personal journey of self expression.

"I have been using Intentional Camera Movement now for over 2 years, and I have not looked back. Stepping into the realms of the Fine Artist, abstract and impressionism has opened endless possibilities for creation. I want to produce work that many would consider to be beyond traditional photography. I believe Intentional Camera Movement in itself is an art form. My camera becomes my canvas helping me create images that look as though they have been hand painted. This has well and truly elevated me. I feel the deeper I go the more I will discover, providing me with endless possibilities for thinking outside the box. I now believe that I have an even deeper relationship with my craft, environment and subject matter. These elements on their own excite me and I always look forward to stepping out to create work, fully embracing the opportunity."

Living by the coast in the Northwest of England, Andrew is fortunate to have an inspirational local environment to match his photographic vision, literally on his 'doorstep.'  Andrew commented that:- "A particular favourite time of the day for me to be creating images is at dusk for sunset. No matter the environment, the opportunity for creation is always there. Close to me are:- 'Ainsdale Pinewoods' and the beautiful 'Sefton Coastline', which stretches for over 22 miles."

With the unique Lake District also within easy reach, Andrew is certainly spoiled for photographic choice. Most of his work is created in these distinctive environments, and because of his enjoyment of these locations, his connection and relationship remains very deep with them and his craft.

Certainly not a fair weather person, Andrew relishes capturing the moody skies along Sefton's coastline, considering the rougher the conditions will only increase the dramatic value of his compositions. Andrew also incorporates 'in situ' objects; Southport's famous pier and the numerous shipwrecks on Sefton's coastline; to provide historical interest, visual appeal and fascination.

Framing his compositions is an important consideration in their visual appeal. "I particularly love placing the horizon in the middle of my images. A great influence to me is Japanese photographer, Hiroshi Sugimoto, who is renowned for travelling to different countries to photograph his distinctive seascapes."

Andrew is also not averse to permitting his natural environment to spontaneously contribute the necessary motion within his captured imagery. He added:- "Another location in my hometown is the Marine Lake where some of the light reflections are truly beautiful. A huge influence here is German photographer, Andreas Gursky, in his visual documentation of Hong Kong harbour. Using the Marine Lake provides the opportunity to allow the environment to do the movement for you. I tend not to move my camera at all which goes to show that you don't always need to necessarily move your camera to achieve your desired results. Equally, during stormy weather when the lake surface is very rough, ensures that the images I capture are very dramatic when using a delayed time on my exposure."

Andrew's singular approach to his imaginatively captured landscape photography stems from growing up in Southport. "Being artistic from a young age, and living on the coastline, shaped my vision from an early age. Even before I began using a camera, my solid belief was that what we create was unique to ourselves. It is why we are energized to create, to always strive forward and to evolve, continually refining ourselves as artists and loving what we do. What we create is who we are."

Andrew's solo exhibition runs from 22 June to 3rd July 2021, at the ArtHouse, 65 Eastbank Street, Southport Tuesday to Friday, from 10.00 to 15.00 and Saturday, from 11.00 to 16.00.

Did you see the partial solar eclipse?
...Photos by Patrick Trollope...

ON Thursday, 10 June 2021, Northern Hemisphere had the chance to experience an annular or partial solar eclipse of the Sun. As normal, the UK's weather tried to spoil the show, but our Editor, Patrick Trollope, did manage to capture some photos of the partial eclipse. If you do not already know, during a Partial Solar Eclipse, the Moon, the Sun, and Earth don't align in a perfectly straight line, so the Moon only hides the outer part of the Sun, unlike what happens during a Total Eclipse. But as this takes place, other areas get to see a total eclipse.

This time some countries got an amazing glimpse of a:- "Full Annular Solar Eclipse" or "Ring of Fire" eclipse, that was visible across Greenland, Northern Russia, and Canada. During an annular eclipse, the Moon is far enough away from Earth that the Moon appears smaller than the Sun in the sky. Since the Moon does not block the entire view of the Sun, it will look like a dark disk on top of a larger, bright disk. This creates what looks like a ring of fire around the Moon. So did you see the partial eclipse or the annular eclipse, if yes, please do let us know...

Those who missed the:- "Ring of Fire" solar eclipse will have to wait until October 2022, where it will be visible across:- Europe, Northeast Africa, Mid East, and West Asia. This means the UK will again experience another Partial Eclipse, like this, so lets in book clear skies now.  Frustratingly, the next Total Eclipse that will be visible in the UK will not happen until:- 23 September 2090, where it will be totally visible from Canada, Greenland, United Kingdom, and France.

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