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Exclusive Ormskirk charity helping disadvantaged individuals to improve their 'power of speech' interview.

ENGLISH Speaking Board (International), an Ormskirk charitable awarding organisation offering Speech and Language qualifications, is celebrating its 70th Anniversary in 2023. Since 1953, ESB has been an innovator in the field of oracy. Its founder, Christabel Burniston MBE, was a true pioneer in oral communication, championing the importance of spoken English as a vital life skill and believing that true development of personality and security in social relationships could only grow through the confidence of speaking and listening. Interestingly, the Snglish Speaking Board was based in Southport, until only recently.

To honour this special milestone, ESB is launching its 70/70 Campaign, which will make access to ESB's suite of speech and language qualifications more available to groups and organisations with limited finances which are seeking to close the disadvantage gap. This could be Schools, Colleges, community groups, youth groups and charities.

ESB believes that good communication skills lie at the heart of social mobility and its aim is to create a future where class background is no barrier to what can be achieved. Under the umbrella of its 70/70 campaign, ESB hopes to support hundreds of young people to gain the English language and Oracy skills needed to achieve their aspirations.

ESB's Chief Executive Tina Renshaw, says:- "This campaign is not the 1st time that we have provided financial support to grant learners access to our qualifications. The Christabel Burniston Fund, a support fund to celebrate the legacy of our founder, has supported more than 40 organisations over the last 3 academic years. The 70/70 Campaign provides an expansion on the support we already offer and aims to give confidence to learners providing them with a clear advantage as they progress through their education and beyond."

Play our audio copy of the video interview:-

In our interview you can hear on here, directly from Tina, all about this highly respected examination board, which is oddly little known locally. We also touch on the effects of Covdi19 as we all know just how much more of a need there now is after 2 academic years blighted by Covid. This has had a huge impact on so many of our nation's children's learning and confidence, as well as impacting many aspects of their social and educational development. Could Oracy, speaking and listening be the key in helping much catch up? What are your thoughts on this?   Please do let us know by emailing:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com.

If you are involved in bettering the lives of disadvantaged learners and would like to be a part of this ambitious and worthwhile campaign, please contact ESB's Chief Executive, Tina Renshaw via email at:- Tina.Renshaw@ESBUK.Org or get further information by visiting English Speaking Board's website:- ESBUK.Org.

Would you be interested in developing your Speech and Language qualifications to help you get a job in the media?  If you are, we are looking at helping people on Merseyside do just that via VAMPHireCom, using the ESBUK's qualifications. Please get in contact with your contact information, to our Mersey reporter email address:- News24@Merseyreporter.Com, as we are currently judging interest for a special media related course.

Confidence through Creativity - keep building your digital skills
...Image artwork by Diane Bennett...

CONFIDENCE through Creativity is an Open Awards accredited course for women over 19 in Liverpool City Region who have not been in work, education or training for at least 6 months. The programme is funded by the European Social Fund via the Workers Educational Association.

Using a variety of fun, creative and arts based approaches including:- simple drama, film and radio, participants will have the opportunity to explore themes of female confidence, empowerment and resilience, and will produce creative work including a monologue, a short film and devised drama.

1 previous graduate of the course, who has since gone on to an advanced training course in community arts said:- "This course has allowed me to approach the struggles that I 've faced in life and turn them from a negative into a positive; to not let them define me. It's built my confidence and self esteem, and it's really ignited the fire in my belly to go on and do more with my life. I will be forever grateful for this course."

Other course graduates have started new volunteering roles, joined new creative programmes and taken steps to start their own businesses with practical support and advice from Collective Encounters.

Starting on 29 June 2021, the training will be delivered online twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and participants will be introduced step by step to the digital skills needed to take part, like using Zoom.

Before the course begins, each participant's current digital skills and access to IT will be assessed to identify their support needs. Tablets and data can be provided to enable participation, and participants will be able to keep the tablet on completion. Anyone who is interested is encouraged to get in touch as soon as possible to begin registration.

Collective Encounters is a professional arts organisation delivering theatre for social change projects in the Liverpool City Region. This course is funded by the European Social Fund.

To sign up or for more information contact:- Abi@Collective-Encounters.Org.UK or call:- 07849094903 Also for more information please do visit:- Collective-Encounters.Org.UK.

News Report Audio Copy

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