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People urged to show their opposition against proposals for miles of new cycle lanes in Southport

Southport Councillors Cllr Sinclair d’Albuquerque (left) and Cllr Mike Morris (right) pictured, next to Hesketh Park, in Southport

PEOPLE in Southport are being urged to show their opposition against plans to install miles of new cycle lanes and to close roads to traffic in the Town. Local Councillors are among those voicing their anger against the plans, which would see measures imposed in areas including:- Birkdale, Hillside, Churchtown and Crossens. It follows the controversial decision made during lockdown last year to create new cycle lanes, in Southport Town Centre, which included:- closing Queens Road to traffic, removing pay and display bays along Hoghton Street to accommodate new cycle lanes and reversing the ban on cycling on:- Chapel Street, Wesley Street and Tulketh Street.

Southport Councillor Sinclair Heskethd'Albuquerque said:- "We have been inundated with messages from local residents across Southport who are furious at these proposals. With days to go until the close of the recently announced public consultation into the proposals drawn up by Sefton Labour, it does not give much time to respond for the many dismayed residents who have contacted us. Southport Conservative Councillors are unanimous in our opposition to these plans, which have been so poorly thought out by Sefton Council. Southport's LabourCouncillors have been very quiet on this extremely important issue, and we would invite them to join us in opposing this crazy scheme. Southport is a tourist Town, which attracted over nine million visitors in 2019. With the exciting plans we are developing through the Town Deal, thanks to ₤38.5million in funding for Southport from our Conservative Government, we are creating some exciting projects to attract even more visitors. So why is Sefton Council making it more difficult for people to drive here and visit? No one cycles from Preston, Liverpool, or other areas to visit Southport. The cycle lanes which have already been imposed in Southport Town centre have been disastrous. They have caused huge damage to local businesses at a time they need help and support, by making it more difficult for people to drive into and park there. I am astounded that Sefton Council pressed ahead with a scheme that will cost the Local Authority ₤137,000 in lost revenue from the loss of pay and display parking spaces along Hoghton Street, which have now been replaced by a lengthy cycle lane along both sides of the road. Despite people reeling from the Covid Pandemic, Sefton Council hiked Council Tax by 5% this year, hitting struggling families in the pocket at the worst possible time; and yet it can throw away money like this. There is also the cost of installing and maintaining all these new cycle lanes to consider. We have been contacted by disabled people who are horrified by the decision to allow cyclists on Chapel Street, making it a no go area for them. The cycle lanes in the Town centre have damaged small businesses and made life needlessly difficult for local residents. Now they want to extend these cycle lanes and close more roads across other areas, which will have a catastrophic effect on Southport."

Sefton Council has launched a consultation seeking people's views as it looks to create a North South cycling route stretching from Ainsdale to Crossens. In Birkdale and Hillside, the roads which could be closed to traffic in new:- 'Quiet Streets' include:- Trafalgar Road; York Road; Alma Road; Greenbank Drive; Dover Road; and Hillside Road. A number of changes could also be made to other roads in the area, including:- installing parking bays, reducing the width of the road, making pavements wider, putting in new benches and linking walking and cycling lanes directly to local Schools. New cycle lanes could also be installed between Hesketh Park and Crossens. The number of lanes at Churchtown lights. could be reduced, while existing cycle lanes along Preston New Road could be redeveloped, providing wider family friendly cycle lanes which are separated from traffic. Traffic lights may be installed at the North Road / Fairhaven Road junction while Little Bibby Road could be closed to traffic.

Southport Councillor Sinclair Heskethd'Albuquerque said:- "Many people are unaware of what Sefton Council is planning with its cycle lane proposals. Affected routes follow Preston New Road, Cambridge Road, Park Crescent, Queens Road, Hoghton Street, Chapel Street. There will be cycle lanes on both sides of the carriageway. This means that you, and any visitors to your home or business will not be able to park at the kerbside at all. The residents on the route who do not have driveways will be unable to park outside their homes. Those of you who live in the side roads along that route will have all those vehicles parking that cannot park elsewhere. Soon, spaces alongside Hesketh Park will be gone, taken up by a dual lane cycle lane if Sefton has its way! There will be nowhere for anyone who uses Hesketh Park to Parkrun, exercise, bring your children, walk your dogs etc to park your cars! Surely this can't be right? Churchtown Lights already sees traffic backed up in all directions. It is one of the busiest road junctions in Southport. Proposals to reduce lanes here are both dangerous and ridiculous. It will cause chaos. On Preston New Road, widening the rarely-used lanes on Preston New Road will restrict the flow of traffic and increase traffic congestion in this area. Cyclists, even some of the lycra clad professionals, have told us that there is no need for them and they will not use them anyway. Traffic will just be forced to use quieter residential Streets due to the congestion. Closing roads in Birkdale to traffic beggars belief. People attending the businesses on the approach to Ainsdale Village, the churches, cemeteries, and rugby events, will all be unable to park as previously on the main roads, and will seek parking anywhere they can. There are also associated road closures to through roads such as York Road, Trafalgar Road, Hillside Road and Dover Road, forcing locals to use the main road only, which causes more congestion. These proposals appear to have been made by people with absolutely no knowledge of Southport. Local people who have contacted us, including cyclists, say they don't want these new cycle lanes. We are asking people to please take part in the consultation, voice your concerns, and let's get these barmy proposals thrown out."

Dukes Ward Councillor Michael Prendergast said:- "Many of us in the Conservative group warned as soon as these lanes were introduced that they would be damaging to local businesses and we have been proven right ever since. In areas where parking was already limited and footfall already severely reduced by the Pandemic, Sefton Council has once again voted to reduce this parking availability even further and in the case of Queens Road, block traffic from using the road entirely. I will continue to campaign, with my colleagues, to see that Sefton Council is held to account for this decision."

Lee Durkin, who campaigns for the Conservative Party in Birkdale said:- "I have spoken with many residents on this issue and the response is unanimous, they don't want cycle lanes introduced into the Village."

Councillor Sinclair Heskethd'Albuquerque also has serious concerns about the effectiveness of the Council's consultation. He said:- "I am genuinely shocked that Sefton Council thinks that sending this consultation to 'some residents', anywhere near constitutes a 'fit and proper' consultation! Are they including our elderly residents, many of whom may not have access to the internet? No. Is the consultation open to fraudulent responses? Yes; you only need the 1st few letters of your postcode. Anyone, anywhere could be completing it! We are keen to see people enjoying cycling and walking, but I am against the implications that this scheme poses."

People are invited to submit your responses before 27 June 2021. You may also choose to assist your neighbours who may not have the means of doing this online, by submitting on their behalf at:- Sefton.Gov.UK or send an email to:- Transport.Planning@Sefton.Gov.UK. People are also invited to join the Facebook Group:- 'Southport Against Cycle Lane Expansion.'

Please also let our News Room know your thoughts on this very controversial local subject, by emailing:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com.

Southport Market announce new bar management

AN incredible feature bar will be the centrepiece of the new Southport Market crown after Sefton Council appointed a locally based leisure group to manage its day to day running. Following a tender process in 2020, Mikhail Hotel Leisure Group, famous for the Bold Hotel, Lord Street Hotel and Punch Tarmey's, have been revealed as the team Sefton Council have chosen to manage the feature bar at the revamped Southport Market. The new look venue will officially open its doors later this month, following the reveal of 9 incredible stalls and traders who will take up permanent residence in the building alongside the new bar operators.

Andrew Mikhail, owner of The Mikhail group, said:- "Yet again, the great team at Sefton Council have had fabulous vision with their regeneration plans for the market. Not only creating jobs for locals but I am certain that this will bring people from far and wide to Southport. My team are fabulous at what they do and running great venues is what we are known for, which meant we were the obvious choice to run the bar, the impressive centrepiece to the market. The market is looking really impressive and we look forward welcoming those customers who are regulars at our other Southport businesses and to welcoming some new faces."

Finishing touches are being applied to the iconic market space as it undergoes a major transformation into a leading food, drinks and events space that will boost the local economic and tourism sectors, thanks to the hard work of Sefton Council and funding, by both the Liverpool City Region and Southport Town Deal.

Aesthetics work will soon be completed to give the market space a sleek and modern look, while still combining elements of Southport's proud seaside heritage. 9 market stall traders have now been revealed; from artisan pizzas and Mediterranean delicacies to Canadian inspired poutine and spicy Mexican street food.

The full list of confirmed traders is as follows:-

 Blackhurst Butchers

 600 degrees (Pizzas, Italian)

 Hector's Mexicana (Mexican street food)

 Down and Oot (Canadian steaks, poutine, hot sandwiches)

 King St. Bakery (Portuguese tarts)

 Messy Moments (Desserts)

 Birkdale Pie and Mash (Assorted pies)

 Allotment – (American Burgers et al)

 Pitamu (Greek & Mediterranean)

Alongside the brand new Southport Market space is a monthly Maker's Market, taking place in the surrounding market quarter are of the Town, including:- a mix of artisan craft and food stalls.

The ₤1.4m market scheme, which is a key enabler and an early part of Sefton Council's Covid19 recovery plan for Southport, will see 10 new locally based food units and a feature bar installed. This will be supported by a flexible events area able to host high quality markets along with other events.

Cllr Marion Atkinson, Sefton Council's Labour Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Skills, said:- "It is incredible to see all our hard work nearing completion and I cannot wait to see the Market open for everyone to enjoy. We are absolutely delighted to have confirmed the Mikhail Group as our Market bar operators and look forward to working with them at what is an iconic location. Southport Market is a venue that is of considerable historic importance to the resort, which is why we have ensured the space is brimming with local touches and influences. Our amazing tourism team have been hard at work with The Atkinson to source old images of Southport to be used throughout the market and the excitement is really building for our big launch soon!"


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