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Letter to Editor:- "Don't forget dads whose babies are in neonatal care across the North West."

PETER Bradley is the Information and Support Manager at Bliss, the UK's leading charity for babies born premature or sick, has has said in a letter to us:- "Becoming a parent and welcoming a baby into the world should be one of the happiest moments in life. But for parents whose babies start life in neonatal care, those positive feelings of optimism and joy can quickly be replaced by doubt, worry and fear. Having a baby in neonatal care is emotionally challenging for all parents, but for parents whose babies have been born since the start of the Covid19 Pandemic, it's been even harder. Despite moves toward easing social distancing in the rest of society, ongoing access restrictions in neonatal units across the North West continue to have a serious impact on families. Parents have been unable to be with their baby as much as they need to be and some parents, often fathers and partners, have been unable to spend time with or be involved in their baby's care at all. It can be especially tough for dads who are often forced to return to work while their baby is still in a neonatal unit. That's why Bliss has long been calling on the Government to give both dads and mums an extra paid week off work for every week their baby is in neonatal care, to ensure the best outcomes for babies, families and employers. We know many dads find it really difficult to talk about their feelings and often experience a sense of guilt when separated from their partner and baby. At Bliss, we're keen to let all dads know that our services are there for them too, whether they need information or support while their baby is in neonatal care. For more information visit:- Bliss.Org.UK."

Riding Home for Mum:- "Covid restrictions meant I have not been able to be there to support our Mum through her cancer treatment in person, but Maggie's have been!"

ON 20 June 2021, Michael Stanley took on a huge challenge, cycling 258 miles from the Wirral to London, to raise funds for Maggie's Wirral. The charity which provides free practical, emotional and social support for people living with cancer.

Michael said:- "On the 8 June my mum was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma. I remember the phone call with my dad like it was yesterday. It was a crazy feeling. Your first instinct is to jump in the car and drive home to see them... but covid travel restrictions meant that wasn't possible. I was sitting 200 miles away in London googling 'Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma' feeling shocked and helpless. After the first few weeks of shock as a family we settled down and strapped in for the long fight ahead. Taking it day by day my mum and dad just seemed to keep going, staying upbeat and fighting on. Covid travel restrictions meant visiting them in person wasn't allowed but hearing my mum had a place to go to answer her questions and get extra support was honestly amazing. Pretty much from then on I was set on raising as much money for Maggies as I could to say thank you. They helped my mum when covid travel restrictions meant I couldn't and they continue to help her with her fight against cancer."

As I set off at 3am, on Saturday morning, from West Kirby, I felt excited about the challenge ahead. I had the road to myself for the 1st 50km and my legs felt good. Mum and Dad were at the 1st food stop, throwing bananas at me while taking more photos than a pack of tourists outside the Cavern Club on Matthew Street. The next 100 miles after that got progressively tougher and by the time I reached the halfway point in the Cotswolds I was 9 hours in and starting to feel it.

From that point on, the whole thing feels like a bit of a blur. An emergency food stop at an Oxford, stands out as a real highlight; Never has a box of 20 chicken nuggets tasted so good.

Some friends joined me sporadically for the final 200km, which helped me so so much and as I hit the M25, darkness had descended, and it was raining. I'd been riding for 14 hours, but I knew I'd make it. I had been planning the ride for nearly a year, on so many training rides I'd thought about what it would feel like to finish, what I'd be thinking as I turned into my street in Peckham, London.

In truth, it was a crazy mix of emotions; it all felt completely insignificant compared to what my mum's been through over the past year, but equally momentous. The hardest thing I've ever done, but still just a bike ride.

Michael raised an outstanding amount of over ₤13,000. Maggie's Wirral Centre Head Kathy Wright said:- "We know people with cancer need Maggie's now more than ever. Cancer is possibly the hardest experience of a person's life, yet Coronavirus and restrictions have made living with cancer even more difficult. As the country prepares for normality some people with cancer are becoming more anxious, so If you or anyone you know need to chat please don't hesitate to contact us. We're extremely grateful to people like Michael, it's because of our supporters that our doors remain open for cancer care and support."

Michaels Mum Beryl said:- "Being diagnosed with cancer during lockdown seems like a double whammy. Just when you needed support it seemed that everything had to close down. The Haematology team at Arrowe Park Hospital were wonderful and my treatment has been first rate but sometimes you just need someone to be able to tell you what you are feeling is normal or just to listen. It's especially important after your chemo has finished and you don't know what happens next. Maggies didn't close but some of their serves moved online and has been amazing with regular 1 to 1 phone calls, online support groups and lots of other stuff I have yet to try. The best thing about Maggies is that support doesn't end. My cancer is treatable, but not curable and it's great to know that Maggies will be there for as long as I need them."

Everyone needs something different to help them cope, Maggie's work with each individual to identify support that empowers them to negotiate a way through their own cancer journey making life feel more manageable. Maggie's provide this free of charge to people of any age, with any type of cancer, at any stage of their illness. Bewildering changes not only affect the person with cancer, but also their family and friends, Maggie's offers all of their services to them as well. Maggie's Wirral is built in the grounds of Clatterbridge Health park.

For further information about Maggie's Merseyside please go to:- Maggies.Org, call:- 01513344301, or email:- Liverpool@MaggiesCentres.Org.


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