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UK Hot Cars 1st meet of since Covid19 restrictions ended

AFTER 18 months the long awaited return of the UKHC monthly event took place in Southport, on 1 August 2021. Ever since March 2020, the club had to postpone all meets in order to comply with Covid19 restrictions and keep their members safe, so this event was highly anticipated, and it quickly filled up. The event ran from 12pm to 4pm, with a huge range of cars on display, including a real Merseyside Police Car, complete with Traffic Officers! This was a Sefton Council approved static event. This event, unlike the unapproved meets, had First Aid cover and clearly identifiable Marshall's with radios, to help keep the public and members safe. The event also had the odd:- 'flaming exhaust kit flame thrower' display. The 'flame displays' were also well managed, with a clear safety zone and using a static car. As it was the 1st since lockdown, many of the cars taking place were mostly petrol and diesel, but UK Hot Cars are also keen to see more electric car owners and their cars attend. This show was very interesting and despite the wet start, the day soon revealed the Sun, making it a very pleasant Sunday afternoon. This view of ours was echoed in comments from the public who had come to the Town for a day out, as well as from those attending. 1 of those exhibiting, who is more used to Oulton Park Racecourse events event, praised this event as:- "probably 1 of the best run and friendliest events I have attended." Did you go to this event? What are your thoughts? Please send us an email to:-  News24@SouthportReporter.Com and let us know. Plus, for more information about the club, please visit their Facebook Page. It is also worth adding that they are working with Aintree Circuit Club, to put on the:- 'Southport Classic and Speed,' on 10 October 2021, at Victoria Park, Southport (home of the Southport Flower Show). Just as this event, the event in Victoria Park is backed by Sefton Council and will also be a free, family event, focused on all things automotive.

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