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⅓ of Brits support addition of gender neutral bathrooms alongside separate toilets

RESEARCH shows that ⅓ of Brits are in support of adding gender neutral bathrooms alongside separate bathrooms for men and women to public spaces such as bars, restaurants and venues. A new analysis by Boiler Central of YouGov survey data indicated that more than ½ the UK's adult population (53%) think there should be gender separated bathrooms in public spaces when asked whether there should be separate toilets for men and women, gender neutral toilets, or both. Overall, women are more positive about the introduction of gender neutral bathrooms alongside separated restrooms, with 37% showing support for the idea, compared to 29% of men. The study shows that age influences people's feelings on the matter, with 57% of Gen Z adults (those aged:- 18 to 24) showing support for the introduction of gender neutral public restrooms alongside separate toilets for men and women. As age increases, support falls for the addition of gender neutral toilets, with 36% of those aged:- 25 to 49 supporting the idea, compared to 29% of those aged 50:- to 64, and 21% of those over 65.

Gender Neutral bathrooms - All Adults identifying as male/female.
Do you think public spaces should have / separate toilets for men and women, gender neutral toilets, or both? All Adults Male Female 18 to 24 25 to 49 50 to 64 65+
Separate toilets for men and women 53% 54% 52% 27% 46% 59% 73%
Gender neutral toilets as well as
separate toilets for men and women
33% 29% 37% 57% 36% 29% 21%
Gender neutral toilets only 7% 9% 4% 9% 8% 7% 3%
Don't know 5% 5% 5% 6% 7% 4% 2%
Unanswered 2% 2% 1% 1% 3% 0% 1%

Political allegiances show particular trends as well, with more than ½ of Labour and Green Party supporters backing the introduction of gender neutral spaces, while 75% of Brexit Party Supporters, 73% of Conservatives and 51% of Lib-Dems feel that bathrooms separated by gender should be the only option.

Do you think public spaces should have separate toilets for men and women, gender neutral toilets, or both? Conservative Labour Lib Dem SNP Brexit Party Green Party
Separate toilets for men and women 73% 33% 51% 39% 75% 36%
Gender neutral toilets as well as separate toilets for men and women 21% 51% 32% 46% 20% 53%
Gender neutral toilets only 3% 10% 11% 4% 5% 8%
Don't know 3% 5% 5% 10% 0% 3%
Unanswered 1% 2% 1% 0% 0% 0%

Those identifying as either male or female were also asked how comfortable they would feel using a gender neutral restroom. More than ½ of the UK’s men stated that they would be comfortable with the concept, while 37% of women feel the same.

How comfortable would you be using a gender neutral restroom? All Male Female
Generally comfortable 45% 54% 37%
Generally uncomfortable 45% 36% 54%
Don’t know 10% 10% 10%

Please do let us know your thoughts on this very unusual issue by emailing our newsroom at:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com.

Wirral woman says her lockdown business can help rising anxiety as covid rules end

WIRRAL woman, Ellen Cullen quit her job during lockdown to set up Life Shift, combining the art of yoga with mindfulness and counselling. After years of experience in the NHS, private and charity sectors, Ellen's goal is to get people's lives back on track; whatever it is they are going through. Whether it is alleviating anxiety caused by the Pandemic as a reported 1 in 5 people are suffering from Covid19 anxiety syndrome; or providing healing strategies to help those affected by grief; or helping employees reintegrate into a workplace after lockdown, Ellen's business offers a variety of services that can help. As her own life has been touched by trauma, loss, grief and overcoming cancer, Ellen not only has the training to help others learn skills to ease their pain; but she also has a great deal of empathy due to her own personal experiences.

Yet her determination and positivity has pushed her through her obstacles to her goal of creating a business to help others. Ellen says:- "I felt so relieved and grateful to have come through my darkest days, I wanted to use my experience to 'give back' and help others who may be struggling for whatever reason that might be. That said, my services are also for people who actually feel very well within themselves and who include all things well being into their lives because they want to stay well! Lockdown kick started a period of deep reflection whereby I became clear sighted on what I really wanted to do next in my life; hence Life Shift was born, and I began to set up my own business.Covid19 has added an extra layer of anxiety to people's lives about job security, uncertainty about the future, re-integration into the workplace and even travelling on public transport. For families, there are ongoing worries around the impacts of disrupted Schooling on children and for family members who attend University. Wider family worries; there is particular concern for older relatives who may have been feeling disconnected and isolated."

So, Ellen has taken the step of extending her services to set up three workshops at the Floral Pavillion this September to deal with the demand of enquiries she's receiving. The 1st is a workshop on 5th September for those who have experienced the pain of child loss. Ellen's training means she has the skills to help bereaved parents process their grief with mindfulness techniques and practices. The 2nd is a yoga retreat on 12 September, which is aimed at influencing a more positive life balance to help with a range of problems from anxiety, low energy, migraines, digestive problems and a plethora of ongoing health issues. Finally, the 3rd is a mindfulness workshop to help deal with life's stressful situations and be more present to enjoy life more. It involves learning new skills to help calm mind and body which can be used throughout life in a range of areas. All of these sessions promise to be hugely rewarding and enlightening, however, Ellen also provides weekly yoga classes as well as 1-2-1 counselling sessions, by phone, online or face to face. Contact her at Life-Shift for more information on any of her services; or to book a space before the workshops sell out on:- 07745470355.

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