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Rallying call for disabled people to have their say on shaping future of benefits system

DISABLED people across the country are being urged to have their say in shaping the future of the benefits system by responding to the Health and Disability Green Paper consultation. The 12 week online survey closes in 2 months and Minister for Disabled People Justin Tomlinson has issued a rallying call to the public to help inform changes that will improve people's lives.

Minister for Disabled People Justin Tomlinson said:- "I am truly grateful to all those who have already had their say and urge anyone who hasn't, please do get involved. Responses from the Green Paper consultation will help us create a fairer benefits system that better serves the needs of disabled people and those with health conditions, now and in the future. We have identified key areas for change and with your input, we can make these a reality that have a lasting and meaningful impact on people's lives."

The Health and Disability Green Paper consultation includes changes, which could:-

  Enable independent living and test the role of advocacy so people who need extra help to navigate the benefits system get the right level of support and information 1st time.

  Review how assessments are carried out including exploring the potential for longer-term use of telephone and video assessments and looking at how reassessments work, including testing a new Severe Disability Group (SDG) for people with severe and life long conditions that will not improve. This could see those who meet the criteria experiencing a more simplified application process, without the need for an assessment to receive financial support.

  Improve support for disabled people to help them start, stay and succeed in work through the Work and Health Programme, Access to Work and on personalising employment support, recognising that 1 size does not fit all.

The online survey is running alongside a series of consultation events with disabled people and those with health conditions and their representatives. This includes virtual and face to face events covering England, Scotland and Wales. Following the consultation, detailed proposals will be brought forward in a White Paper next year, setting out how people can be enabled to take up work and live more independently, and outline the changes the Government wants to make to the benefits system.

New study reveals 1 in 4 employers are not giving staff paid time off to get Covid vaccinations

NEW research by Acas has found that a ¼ of British employers have not been giving their staff paid time off for Covid19 vaccinations and have no plans to allow it. Acas commissioned YouGov to ask businesses in Britain about whether they would be giving staff paid time for COVID vaccination appointments. The poll found that:-

 59% have been giving staff paid time off.

4% have not been doing it but plan to in the future.

18% did not know.

Acas advice is that employers should support staff to get the vaccine once it is offered to them. This support could include ensuring employees have paid time off for COVID vaccine reasons. Susan Clews, Acas Chief Executive, said:- "The vaccine rollout programme has gone well and our survey reveals that most employers have allowed staff paid time off to get the jab, but a
¼ have not. Our study also reveals that a similar number of bosses have not paid full company sick pay to staff who have been unable to work due to side effects from the vaccine. It's in businesses best interests to have a vaccine policy that supports staff to take time off as fully vaccinated workers are less likely to need longer periods of time off work to recover from Covid19."

The poll also asked businesses about whether they would be paying full company sick pay to staff who are off sick with COVID vaccine side effects. It found that:-

 26% had not been paying full company sick pay and had no plans to change.

 50% were already paying full sick pay.

 6% have not been doing it, but plan to in the future.

 12% did not know.

To support staff to get the vaccine, Acas advice is that employers may want to consider paid time off for vaccination appointments and paying staff their usual rate of pay if they are off sick with vaccine side effects. Some organisations may have a review or 'trigger' point to keep track of sickness absence for their staff. Acas advice is that employers could consider not counting vaccine related time off sick as part of this absence record system. For Acas's full advice, please see:- Acas.Org.UK/CoronavirusVaccine.

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