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Housing 1st programme in Liverpool City Region scales up for next phase

METRO Mayor Steve Rotheram has announced a boost for the City Region's innovative Housing 1st programme, so it can support more homeless people with complex needs to live in their own homes. The programme has recruited more staff, who will be based across the City Region, and will work with more than 200 homeless people over the next 18 months.

Steve Rotheram, Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, said:- "Over the past decade we have seen a dramatic increase in homelessness and rough sleeping as a decade of austerity has stripped away many of the safety nets that people and Councils could rely on. We're piloting Housing 1st to radically change the way that we help rough sleepers in our Region. Instead of treating people as statistics or targets to be met, Housing 1st treats people as human beings. By offering somewhere to live 1st, we're able to clarify the wraparound support people need to address their other issues. If we're successful, we could radically change the way this country views and helps people who are homeless."

Councillor Graham Morgan, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Spatial Framework, said:- "Homelessness is not going away in the current climate, but by working together through Housing 1st, we can offer more options for homeless people, particularly those with the most complex cases, and ultimately support more people to rebuild their lives."

Councillor Trish Hardy, the Deputy Portfolio Holder for Housing and Spatial Framework at the Combined Authority said:- "Tackling homelessness takes collaboration and partnership working. This new model of delivery, including the multi agency panels, allows us to find the people most in need of Housing 1st and offer it to them."

Housing 1st was piloted with 60 service users in the City Region as part of the Government's national strategy to end rough sleeping. Of those 60, many of whom have very complex needs and have been homeless for significant periods, we have housed 48 people.

Housing 1st differs from traditional homeless support in that it provides a home as the 1st response for people with multiple and complex needs. It then provides individualised support to deal with issues such as addiction, mental and physical health issues and the effects of trauma and abuse.

This new phase of Housing 1st will make it easier for users to access the service by introducing a more collaborative approach to referrals. This means that organisations such as the Probation Service, hostels supporting homeless people, outreach teams and even service users themselves, will be able to refer into the programme.

New multi agency panels, led by each of the 6 Local Authorities in the City Region and made up of a variety of organisations such as public health, housing, social services and community organisations will then decide on who will go forward onto the scheme.

As part of this expansion, 6 new Housing 1st teams, each made up of 1 Senior Support Worker and 6 Support Workers, will be based within the Local Authority areas of Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral, providing intensive 1 to 1 unconditional support based on the 7 Housing 1st principles:-

 People have the right to a home. Eligibility for housing is not contingent on any conditions apart from the willingness to maintain a tenancy.

 Flexible support is available for as long as it is needed. Support workers have a smaller caseload which enables more intensive, personalised support for people not successfully engaged previously due to the complexity of their needs.

 Housing and support are separated. Housing is not a reward for engaging with support.

 Individuals have choice and control. This fully respects the choices of each person and supports their self-determination.

 An active engagement approach is used. The service finds ways to engage with the person instead of the other way round.

 Service is based on the person's strengths, goals and aspirations. This recognises and emphasises the individual's strengths and capacity for positive change, and links them with relevant services that helps them meet that.

 A reduction to harm approach is used. This supports people to choose practices that reduce harm and promote recovery.

Julia and Hans Rausing Trust awards Galloway's ₤120,330 to continue providing vital support for people with sight loss


SIGHT loss charity Galloway's is celebrating its biggest ever grant donation this year, after being awarded a staggering ₤120,330 from The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust. The Lancashire and Sefton based organisation was one of 329 applicants to receive the funding as part of the Trust's Charity Survival Fund. The money will help Galloway's to continue supporting blind and partially sighted people during the pandemic. This includes welfare calls and regular group telephone activities, often with a guest speaker. The charity also offers assistive technology support online or over the phone, as well as an online Get Active programme by way of virtual walks and Zoom sessions.

Galloway's has launched an Alexa Skill, where people can listen to a range of talking newspapers and find out what virtual events are going on. The charity also offers specialised video calling assistance through the global Be My Eyes app.  Nicola Hanna, Head of Income Generation at Galloway's, said:- "We are absolutely thrilled to have been chosen out of so many applicants to receive this money. It is a staggering amount and will really make a difference to blind and partially sighted people across Lancashire and Sefton during this difficult time. It has been a tricky few months, as we have not been able to rely on our usual income streams. But this funding allows us to continue helping people with sight loss stay connected to our support and activities."

The money will go a long way towards ensuring Galloway's can continue to make a difference to people like James Wyatt, who says that without the charity, he would:- 'be in a bad position.'  The 82 year old from Morecambe has age related macular degeneration and has relied on Galloway's now more than ever. He said:- "Without Galloway's, I would be in a bad position. It is a lifeline for me and for others. It is all about the support you get: not just when you are there, but more importantly, during lockdown, when you are not there. I really enjoy dialling into Talking Together, which is a group phone chat, where there are quizzes and talks. This is brilliant as it keeps us all in touch with each other. It has helped me greatly. It is a great lift and something to look forward to. I am proud to be part of Galloway's and I cannot speak highly enough of them. They go above and beyond. It is more than just a job for them."

Julia and Hans Rausing commented:- "When reading through the many applications for the Charity Survival Fund, we were struck by the number of charities which are doing vital work supporting communities across the country. We are thrilled that Galloway's will be able to continue to offer help and support to people, at a time when the pandemic has made its work more important than ever before."

Galloway's provides support across Lancashire and Sefton, currently operating appointment only face to face services in Penwortham and Morecambe.

Liverpool's business leaders are calling on everyone across the Region to unite and "support local..."

THE call comes after Liverpool City Region was moved to Tier 3 to help fight the Pandemic. Led by Liverpool ONE, Liverpool BID, Visit Liverpool and Marketing Liverpool, the:- "Help Campaign" is calling on businesses and local people to help each another by supporting:- local retailers, restaurants and cafés. While there may be restrictions in place, Liverpool and its businesses remain open.

The 'Help Campaign' has 5 key messages:-

1. Safely and observing all guidelines, such as regular hand washing, social distancing and the rule of 6; keep visiting the City, be it places of work, local neighbourhoods, or favourite haunts. Visitors are welcome, but it is imperative they behave responsibly and follow all guidelines. Do not visit If you are notified to isolate.

2. Support Liverpool's Hospitality and retail sectors by eating and shopping locally.

3. If circumstances mean residents cannot eat out or shop in person, make use of delivery services where available to help support the thousands of businesses in the City, many of whom are independent, owner run and employ local people.

4. Keep in contact with friends and neighbours; they may need support, but can also provide it.

5. Do not be afraid to ask for help; it is okay not to be okay and help is available if needed.

Chris Brown, Director of Marketing Liverpool, said:- "This is not about asking for financial support from the local, Regional or national Governments. This is about bringing the Liverpool City Region together to ensure everyone stands side by side to face and beat the impact of the Pandemic. It is a campaign drawing on the power of people to make a place; for the spirit of the City to see it through. We are calling on everyone in Liverpool to help one another. To paraphrase The Beatles, Liverpool will get by with a little help from its friends. And there are friends aplenty in the City!"

Donna Howitt, Marketing and Communications Director, at Liverpool ONE, added:- "Liverpool has a rich history of coming together to triumph in the face of adversity. Its strength of character has carried it through difficult times before and is the key to ensuring the City once again thrives. At the heart of its character are the people of the Liverpool City Region. Now more than ever they need to unite to see 1 another through to better times."

Bill Addy, Chief Executive of Liverpool BID, is encouraging everyone to unite and support the campaign. He added:- "Liverpool has that real community feel and now is the time, more than ever, to really let this community love and spirit shine through! We all need to help each other to help the Liverpool City Region."

Social media hashtags have been launched to support the campaign, #Liverpoolisopen #withalittlehelpfrommyfriends #SOSUKSmallBiz aiming at helping to unify the City's collective response and sense of standing together.

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