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Anwyl steps into support footpath works

Amy Houlihan from Anwyl Homes (left) visits Incredible Edible Knowsley where funding from the homebuilder has helped improve footpaths.

THE pathway to healthy eating in Knowsley is easier to navigate thanks to help from Anwyl Homes. Incredible Edible Knowsley took over the former National Wildflower Centre, at Court Hey Park, in August 2019. The community interest company is helping to reduce food poverty and improve the health and wellbeing of residents by growing and donating produce. Fruit and vegetable seedlings are started at Court Hey Park and then planted out across Knowsley. When the produce is ripe it's harvested and given to the local community free of charge. Anwyl stepped in to support Incredible Edible Knowsley with a donation of ₤1,000 towards footpath improvement works at Court Hey Park via a voluntary community fund linked to the house builder's nearby Edenhurst Grange development, at Bowring Park.

Karen Mower, Director of Incredible Edible Knowsley, explained:- "The Centre hadn't been used for a few years when we took it over and so we had to do a lot of clearing up before we could start growing food here. 1 of the things we soon realised was that pathways around the site were in disrepair and in wet weather it was particularly difficult for people in wheelchairs to manage. With funding from Anwyl and practical help from Tarmac we've been able to improve the pathways, making it easier for people with disabilities or mobility issues to get around. It will make a big difference, particularly as the winter draws in."

As part of the project there are plans to create an outdoor kitchen and classroom to provide workshops to teach people what to do with the produce grown.

Amy Houlihan, area sales manager for Anwyl Homes, said:- "The Pandemic has really made people appreciate being able to access fresh food and outside space and Incredible Edible Knowsley ticks both of those boxes. Incredible Edible Knowsley was a project we were keen to support as it offers a sustainable solution to food poverty. Along with providing fresh fruit and veg with minimal food miles, it's also providing a functional form of exercise for those involved in growing the produce."

Currently celebrating its 90th Anniversary, Anwyl Homes has built its reputation on taking a thoughtful approach to the homes it designs, the developments it creates and the communities in which it builds.

The company has funding still available to good causes in the Knowsley area, having made grants of ₤1,000 each to Incredible Edible Knowsley and Home Start Knowsley. Home Start Knowsley used its funding to provide support for 50 vulnerable families including providing food, toiletries and children's activity packs.

Amy added:- "Charities and community groups have had to cancel many of their usual fundraising activities because of Coronavirus. With that in mind we've reopened applications to our Edenhurst Grange Fund and are inviting good causes in the area to let us know how we may be able to help them with small grant that could make a big difference. It could be helping keep young people engaged, supporting lonely older residents or helping a community group with DIY. We're open to suggestions as to how we can work with the local community."

Community projects in the Knowsley area can request an application form for the community fund by emailing:- Community@Anwyl.Co.UK.

NHS commissioners in South Sefton go digital for this year's AGM

LOCAL residents are invited to attend NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group's 1st virtual Annual General Meeting, on Friday, 13 November 2020, 2pm to 3pm. The hour long session will be held on Microsoft Teams Live Events. It will include presentations on key challenges and achievements during 2019 to 2020, a financial review and an overview of future plans. Bringing together 30 Doctors' Surgeries across South Sefton, the CCG is responsible for planning and commissioning (buying) the majority of local health services that residents may need.  Dr Craig Gillespie, chair of NHS South Sefton CCG, said:- "I encourage anyone with an interest in local health and care to join our AGM to hear about some of our most important work during the year."

The CCG usually holds a combined:- 'Big Chat' and annual review event to reflect on the past year and share their plans for the future, but due to Covid19 restrictions, have adapted to connect with the people of south Sefton virtually this year. Dr Gillespie added:- "We will reintroduce our popular interactive:- 'Big Chat' style annual review events when it is safe to do so. In the meantime, we hope our 1st virtual AGM will be an interesting and informative overview of our year."

Pre-registration for the meeting is essential in order to be sent a link to join online. The CCG also welcomes questions to be submitted in advance. To register or to submit a question, please email:- Communications@Sefton.NHS.UK or call:- 01513178456, before 5pm, on 10 November 2020. You can read the CCG's Annual Report for 2019 to 2020 now, at:- Sefton.NHS.UK.

Morrisons offers Teachers and School Staff 10% off all groceries

FROM Monday, 2 November 2020, all Teachers and School staff will be able to claim a 10% discount, on their shopping, within Morrisons stores nationwide.  Lasting until after Christmas, the special discount is a thank you to ½ a million Teachers and additional School staff who are looking after the nation's children and supporting them through the Covid19 Pandemic.

Primary, Secondary, Private and Special Educational School Teachers can all claim the discount, as well as all Teaching Assistants, Catering Staff, Dinner Ladies, Caretakers, Cleaners and School Office staff. These groups will also be able to participate in a dedicated shopping hour alongside NHS workers, from 6am to 7am, Monday to Saturday, before stores open to other customers. Morrisons also offers a 10% discount for NHS staff which was introduced in April 2020.

Teachers and School staff can claim the 10% discount on their groceries by presenting their School Photo ID card, at the till, in any of Morrisons 498 stores, from Monday, 2 November 2020. David Potts, Morrisons Chief Executive said:- "Teachers and School staff are facing many challenges and the education of our children has never been more important. This discount is our way of saying thank you as they continue to care for and educate our kids."

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