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Feeling unwell this Christmas? The NHS is here for you...

AS we all prepare for Christmas, health leaders at NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are reassuring residents that the NHS is still there for you over the festive period.  Dr Craig Gillespie, chair of NHS South Sefton CCG said:- "Even though GP and pharmacy opening times may vary over Christmas and the new year, NHS services and support is still available for people that need it. A lot of Common illnesses and minor injuries can be treated at home with basic medicines available at your local pharmacy or supermarket. It is a good idea to stock up your medicine cabinet with things like indigestion medicine and painkillers, such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol in case you need them over the Christmas period. These supplies will help you to self care and get well from the safety of your own home. If you are not feeling well the NHS.UK website is a great resource for advice and has a Complete guide to conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help. Some Pharmacies in the area will also be open and are a great source of expert healthcare advice and over the counter medicines. As the restrictions change and some families form Christmas bubbles of up to 3 households between 23 December and 27 December, it is important that we don't undo all of our hard work and we continue to follow rules and wash hands, cover our face and make space to limit the spread of the virus and protect loved ones, particularly the most vulnerable in our Community. It is fantastic news that the Covid19 vaccination programme has now begun. We are currently offering the vaccine to people most at risk from Coronavirus, the vaccine will be offered more widely as soon as possible. Please do not contact the NHS to seek a vaccine, we will contact you."

Dr Nik Sharma, Divisional Medical Director for Acute and Emergency Medicine, at the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said:- "If you are not sure what to do and need medical advice fast, go to NHS 111 online or call NHS 111. You will be assessed, given advice, and directed straightaway to the local service that can best meet your needs, including a GP if you need 1. If you are in a life threatening situation or emergency such as choking, chest pain, or having severe difficulty in breathing, call:- 999 straight away."

If you do have any Coronavirus symptoms; such as a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a change or loss to your taste or smell please do self isolate and book test as soon as possible. You can book a test online or by calling:- 119. To find your local health services and to check pharmacy opening times in South Sefton, visit:- SouthSeftonCCG.NHS.UK.

Your Strong Radio Station for Southport has been awarded double power on 107.9 FM!

MIGHTY Radio, has been granted additional power to allow for bigger coverage across the Southport coast and surrounding areas from the broadcasting regulator OfCom. Mighty Radio has been on 107.9 FM, since 1 April 2019, and the station has gained not just interest from local advertising, but also from national agencies. Mighty Radio has covered everything local during the Pandemic and been helping support local businesses that have needed it, during the challenging times of the current Pandemic. Mid Morning Presenter Cassie James said:- "We have talked about the cycle lanes around the Town, interviewed business owners, also helped support foodbanks, The Isla Rose Foundation Campaign, Change and Check, Mental Awareness and helped local shops and charities around the Town."

Managing Director Trevor Ford says:- "Mighty Radio is a local Station for Southport and it's important that we give the listener local information for the Community of Southport on Breakfast / Mids and Drive and breaking news, as it happens. Having extra coverage means we can keep the listener, listening longer as they travel to and from work and will be able to listen outside the Town of Southport, as they may travel to and from the Town, towards:- Preston, Blackpool, Wigan, Ormskirk and Liverpool."

Managing Director Sean Connolly says: Having the extra power increase for our Mighty Radio transmitter, it makes us sound that bit stronger in the surrounding areas in which we agreed within our original license. I've just done a:- 'Gifts for Kids Toy Appeal' and I have 100 presents making their way from Skelmersdale to Southport. This area in which Mighty can be heard and it's important to make connections to the surrounding areas of Southport. We are nearly at 1000 presents, these will go to underprivileged local children in Southport this festive season. These children have been identified by our local Food Banks and Schools.

Station Manager Paul Tasker Says:- "We want the listener to get local Information on everything from charity and fundraising events, road closures, news headlines and even when Santa is Coming to Southport. This is something you cannot get with other radio Stations, Coming from London or Manchester. Mighty Radio is your local radio Station for Southport. If you have a local story, charity fundraiser or event, then please email Studio@MightyRadio.Co.UK. We will talk about your story or event and also share on our social media network. Please look out on our social media Facebook page and website for local fundraisers and how we can help support your next local event."

Dave The Mighty Quinn says:- "If you want to give a loved 1 a special mention on Christmas Day, or you might even want to pop the question on Christmas Day! Get in touch at:- TheMighty@MightyRadio.Co.UK for a Christmas special which will air from 8am till 10am, on 107.9 FM, for a Comedy special with Dave Quinn and Trevor Ford."

Not tuned in yet to Mighty Radio? Tune in to 107.9 FM in the car, in your shop. Have a smart speaker? Ask it to:- "Play mighty radio Southport" For all shows on Mighty Radio and how to listen, go to:- MightyRadio.Co.UK.

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Monthly Sponsor:- Holistic Realignment
Monthly sponsor:- Holistic Realignment - Your local, fully qualified sports therapist. Call now on:- 07870382109 to book an appointment.
Your local, fully qualified sports therapist. Call now on:- 07870382109 to book an appointment.



Please support local businesses like:-
Renacres Hospital 

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Please support local businesses like:-

Please support local businesses like:-
Mind Games Southport 

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This is the current phase of the moon. For more lunar related information, please click on here.

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