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Liverpool City Region Covid19 Updates
... and Important Emergency Notices ...

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This page last updated on 04 June 2021
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Southport Specsavers store raises money for Oxygen for India appeal

STAFF at Specsavers in Southport have donated funds to help ensure vital oxygen supplies are available to those who need it in India. Specsavers stores throughout the UK have rallied together as a response to the ongoing Covid crisis and to show support for the Oxygen for India appeal. In total Specsavers has raised ₤230,000, with ₤200 coming directly from the Carlisle store.

Victoria Dunn, Retail Director, at the store says:- "This money will be provided to 2 charities both actively involved in supporting this appeal; the British Asian Trust's Oxygen for India emergency appeal and The Hope Foundation charity which our Irish Partners have close links with and will support. These incredible sums raised will be put to work supporting the appeal and helping India in its hour of need. I am enormously proud of how quickly and passionately our store partners have responded. It is a testament to the care and compassion that Specsavers is globally recognised for."

To donate to the appeal or to book an appointment, at Specsavers visit:- Specsavers.Co.UK.

Southport Townscape Heritage Project to show off the Town's Heritage

SOUTHPORT business and building owners are being encouraged to open their doors to the public for a behind the scenes look at the Town's hidden heritage gems. Plans are well underway for the Southport Townscape Heritage Project to show off the Town's wonderfully varied buildings as part of the National Heritage Open Days Festival, in September 2021. To help make the festival a success, Sefton's heritage officers are issuing a call to all business and building owners in the Town who would like to get involved, especially owners of interesting buildings or businesses with a long heritage. Volunteers are also being sought to take on research roles, as well as acting as guides and tour leaders. Training will be given and volunteers can learn more about Southport as well as share their own knowledge. Heritage Open Days is a national festival exploring buildings and heritage through a mixture of places to visit in person and digital history to explore online. It takes place from 10 September to 19 September 2021, and the Southport Townscape Heritage Project aims to put the resort on the festival map with a range of events celebrating the Town's historic buildings and history.

Cllr Daren Viedman, Sefton Council's Cabinet Member for Planning and Building Control, said:- "Southport has an amazing history that took it from sand dunes to elegant seaside resort in just a few decades. Lord Street and its beautiful verandahs are a well known feature and if you look up you can see just about every style of architecture above them. Heritage Open Days is a chance for building owners to show off the beautiful historic details inside and celebrate the history of their businesses. There are loads of different ways to take part from guided tours to films to exhibitions; the only rules are that the main event must be free, and it must be specially put on for Heritage Open Days. Small and quirky is as popular with visitors as large and impressive, so get in touch with the Townscape Heritage Team to find out more."

Anyone who has an interesting building or a piece of Southport's heritage to share can find out more on the national Heritage Open Days website or get in touch with the Townscape Heritage team via:- Sue.Latimer@Sefton.Gov.UK.

Anyone who loves peeking into interesting buildings and discovering the Town's heritage should put 10 September to 19 September 2021, in their diary and look out for more details on all the events, in late August 2021.

Sefton Council says a huge:- "thank you" to the thousands of volunteers

SEFTON Council is once again saying a huge:- "thank you" to the thousands of volunteers who give up their spare time to give back to the Borough, as part of national Volunteer's Week 2021. From litter picking to doorstep food deliveries and even caring for exotic animals, Sefton is a Borough rich with volunteers and caring communities who don't hesitate to do more for their neighbours and fellow residents. In the last 14 months Sefton has seen countless people take up a range of new volunteering opportunities, especially in the response to the Covid19 Pandemic and its impact on the Borough. This has included delivering food parcels to shielding residents, manning vaccination stations and maintaining parks and greenspaces in anticipation of eased restrictions. Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council's Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing, has paid tribute to the Borough's volunteers, saying they set a shining example to our communities and the City Region.

Cllr Hardy said:- "Just this week alone we have seen countless litter pickers helping our Green Sefton teams to keep our beautiful parks and beaches clean after a huge influx of visitors, we have inducted brand new volunteers to look after our exotic birdlife in Southport and hundreds of COVID vaccination teams have been manning stations throughout the Borough to keep us safe. Every year we say thank you to the invaluable and immeasurable work our volunteer network undertakes but, as we all can appreciate, the last year has shone the brightest of lights down onto our volunteers. When our staff were redeployed across the authority to help our most vulnerable, it was volunteers who stepped up, both internally and externally, to do their bit to help keep Sefton on the move, tidy and safe while we all fought the Pandemic. The response from Sefton's voluntary, community and faith sector to the last year has been fantastic and we encourage everyone to keep working together and with CVS and Sefton Council so we all can do our very best for those most in need. Now we look towards our continued recovery across all aspects of Sefton and we will continue to need that support from our volunteer network to help our incredible communities bounce back. Thank you to all Sefton volunteers, both past and present! And to those who are considering taking up a volunteering role in the future, I can only stress how vital and appreciated your support will be, whatever you choose to do."

Anyone who would like to volunteer their time should register their interest to volunteer please visit:- VolunteeringSefton.Org.UK.

Total UK cases Covid19 cases in and around Liverpool City Region

THE total number of UK Coronavirus (Covid19) infections that have been laboratory confirmed, within the UK, has risen by:- 6,238 cases and the total number now stand at:- 4,506,018 that includes tests carried out by commercial partners which are not included in the 4 National totals.

The total number of Covid19 associated UK fatalities added to the total, was sadly reported to be:- 11 within 28 days of positive test, according to the Department of Health. The total number of deaths of people who have had a positive test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory is:- 127,823, within 28 days of positive test. Deaths with Covid19 on the death certificate:- 152,183.

The number of Covid19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:- 954. The current number of Covid19 patients currently in mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 134 Daily number of Covid19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 123.

In England, there are a total of:- 3,931,158 confirmed cases. North West - total of:- 627,933 confirmed cases.

The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the Liverpool City Region are as follows:-

Area and number of confirmed cases:- Risen by:-

Liverpool City Region
Nation Lockdown

National UK Restrictions

Liverpool, 48,827 confirmed cases. Sorry our data for this section was corrupted. We will try and fix it.
Halton, 12,037 confirmed cases.
Knowsley, 17,472 confirmed cases.
Sefton, 24,340 confirmed cases.
St. Helens, 17,202 confirmed cases.

Wirral, 24,519 confirmed cases.

Colour Key:- 0  1 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30  31 to 40 41 to 50 51 to 100 100 to 199 200 & over  

Daily reported Covid19 deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that occurred within 28 days of the 1st laboratory confirmed positive Covid19 test.  Daily and cumulative numbers of Covid19 patients admitted to Hospital. Data are not updated every day by all 4 nations and the figures are not comparable as Wales include suspected Covid19 patients while the other nations include only confirmed cases.


Total UK people who have received Vaccination

1st Dose 2nd Dose
Jab Stats correct as of:- 03 June 2021
The Vaccination programme began on 8 December 2020 with people receiving the Vaccine developed by Pfizer / BioNTech, and people began receiving the Oxford University / AstraZeneca Vaccine from 4 January 2021. Both Vaccine s are given as 2 doses, at lEast 21 days apart, for a full Vaccination course.

Previous 24hr Data

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