Liverpool City Region COVID-19 Updates - 2020-08-05

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Liverpool City Region COVID-19 Updates
... & Important Emergency Notices ...

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This page last updated on 5 August 2020

Check this information if travelling around the UK or going outside the UK

IF you are heading outside the UK must now provide your journey and contact details before you travel. To do this just go to the .Gov.UK and complete the Public Health Passenger Locator Form  This is a free service. You do not need to pay another website or business to provide your contact details for you. But also remember that before you arrive in the UK you must also submit another, up to 48 hours before you're due to arrive in the UK. Also you may be refused permission to enter the UK (if you are not a British citizen), or fined if you do not to provide your contact details or do not self isolate, unless you arrive in the UK from an exempt country. Plus, you may be fined up to ₤100 if you refuse to provide your contact details, or more if you break this rule more than once. You also may not be allowed to enter the UK (unless you're either British or a UK resident). Their are constant changes to the rules, safe lists and exclusion lists, so please use this link to find out about the current changes to the rules.  Also for UK travel, please be aware to check for local lockdown and Covid-19 containments in the areas you are travelling though, or staying in, before setting off. Coronavirus (COVID-19): transport and travel guidance, for the UK, can be located at:-  Gov.UK.  Also, do not travel if you have Coronavirus symptoms, as listed on the NHS  website.

Sefton Coastal Landscape Partnership issues plea to the public to respect local beauty spots

A new helpline has been launched to support people in Liverpool who need to self isolate during the next phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Covid-19 Isolation Advice Line has been created to help people who need to self isolate to find support to stay at home. Nationally, the Government has advised that shielding ended on 1 August 2020 and that no further food parcels will be available to help people stay at home.

However, there are a number of reasons why people will still be required to self isolate and stay at home, such as:-

► If they have symptoms of Covid-19.

► Those asked to self isolate by the NHS Test and Trace Service.

► People awaiting inpatient treatment in Hospital; and post treatment.

► People returning to the UK from a country with higher infection rates, and the Foreign Office advice is to quarantine for 14 days upon return.

► Where people have been advised to self isolate due to a local response to an outbreak.

► If the Government implements further national measures to return to lockdown.

The contact number for Liverpool's Covid Isolation advice line is:- 0151 233 3066, and is open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday. The advice line provides a range of options for people to access help in a personal financial crisis, including:- signposting to emergency foodbank support. The team operating the advice service can also direct people to support for health and welfare issues that have been affected directly by Covid-19 or lockdown conditions, such as:- alcohol, poor mental health and domestic abuse, as well as help to quit smoking.

For people who need support in seeking employment, Liverpool in Work is a FREE service and has helped hundreds of people to find the right job or training. This City Council team can provide support regarding all aspects of finding work, training, volunteering and access to latest vacancies. They offer advice and guidance both over the phone and by emailing the, at:- LiverpoolInWork@liverpool.Gov.UK or by calling them on:- 0151 233 5312.

For people suffering financial hardship, Liverpool City Council urges people to contact approved agencies such as:-

► Citizens Advice Liverpool:- 03448487700

► Age Concern:- 0151 330 5678

Liverpool has also seen a recent surge in new Covid-19 cases which has led the City's Public Health department to urge caution for those who have been shielding to remain cautious in making journeys in their community.

Councillor Paul Brant, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, said:-
"The ending of the shielding phase was hugely welcome news for a great number of people in our communities, especially as they will have been unable to see their loved ones these past 4 months. However, the realities of this virus means a lot of people will need to self isolate, often with no notice, and we would urge people to plan ahead for this. It is vitally important that people who need to self isolate stay at home to avoid the risk of further transmission of the infection. Clearly self isolating can be also be detrimental to mental, as well as physical, health and we are acutely aware of the need to provide support to people who find themselves in this situation. I'm delighted as city council we have been able to offer a huge amount of support for the most vulnerable in our communities and this advice helpline is another example of the lengths we are going to help those who need it most."

New helpline for people self isolating from Covid-19s

FROM Friday, 7 August 2020, Sefton Council's Green Sefton Team will be reintroducing charging for parking on Ainsdale Beach, on the Sefton Coastline. The all day charge for parking on Ainsdale Beach is ₤8 and payments will be by cash only.

Green Sefton Manager Mark Shaw said:- "Owing to a combination of the huge additional costs of supporting local people and organisations through Coronavirus and a loss of most sources of income generation streams, Sefton Council is facing a significant funding shortfall. Re-introducing payments for parking on the beach is one of the ways we can start to reduce those effects and generate income for local service include the care of our 22 miles of beautiful coastline. For the past 6 weeks, since we re-opened Ainsdale Beach for parking at no charge, we have been trying to introduce a card payment system, but connection problems due to the removal of a nearby mobile phone mast have made this impossible. We have, therefore decided to go ahead with a cash only system instead. Visitors are asked to have the right money available to hand over but we will have change that will be sanitised before use. However, as with any cash transaction, we would recommend people clean their hands afterwards."

For regular visitors, Sefton Council offers a money saving ₤20 annual season ticket for parking on Ainsdale Beach. Details of how to apply can be found at:- Sefton.Gov.UK.

This week, Sefton Council joined fellow Sefton Coastal Landscape Partnership members in a campaign to remind people to continue to be sensible and when visiting its coastline. The campaign includes advice to on the need to maintain social distancing and asks visitors to remain respectful and protect Sefton's public spaces.

The Council has been asking people not to light barbecues or fires or to take glass bottles and other items onto the beach as they can cause fires and dangerous litter if left behind. People are also being reminded that a Public Spaces Protection Order is in place preventing the outdoor consumption of alcohol in areas of Formby and Ainsdale Beaches, Southport Promenade and Town Centre, Crosby and Waterloo including by the Marine Lake, as well as Bootle Town Centre and Formby Village. The Order can be enforced by Police Officers and Authorised Council Officers and fines for breaching it start at ₤50.

United Utilities extends helping hand to customers affected by COVID-19

THE water firm has announced it has changed criteria on 1 of its support schemes to help customers who have been affected financially by COVID-19. The company's 'Back on Track' scheme reduces water bills for customers on low incomes, who receive benefits or Tax Credits, and has now been extended to include customers whose income has been impacted by the Coronavirus.

Jane Haymes, affordability manager at United Utilities, explained:- "Many customers are finding it difficult to pay their water bill due to a change in their financial circumstances during the Coronavirus crisis. In response, we've updated the criteria of our existing Back on Track scheme so that these customers can now apply to have their water bill reduced to the end of March 2021.”

The 'Back on Track' scheme calculates the amount the customer pays based on their existing income and expenditure. Customers complete an affordability assessment as part of the application process, and also need to provide evidence that they have either been furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), are benefiting from the Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) or have been made redundant.

Jane adds:- "We would urge any customer who is struggling to pay to contact us to see how we can help, as there's a wide range of support available.”

United Utilities' support schemes include:-

► Help to pay - Customers receiving Pension Credit, and struggling to make payments, can apply to have their bills capped at an affordable amount.

► Payment matching plus - Under this scheme United Utilities matches payments for customers who have built up a lot of debt. For every ₤1 the customer pays, United Utilities pays ₤1 too. After six months, for every ₤1 the customer pays, the water firm will pay ₤2. Customers who continue to make regular payments for two years will have the remainder of their debt cleared.

► Restart grant - This is a 1 off payment from the company's Trust Fund to help clear the debts for qualifying customers in real financial difficulty.

► WaterSure - Customers who have a water meter, receive benefits and use a lot of water, due to ill health or having a large family, can have their annual water bill costs capped.

► Universal Credit - Customers about to apply for Universal Credit can have their water bill payments delayed for up to 8 weeks until their 1st UC payment arrives.

► Payment break - This scheme can help delay payments for an agreed period of time for customers struggling to pay their water bill due to losing their job or having to pay out for an unexpected household emergency.

► Water meters - A water meter can also reduce water bills and is fitted for free. Visit:- UnitedUtilities.Com for details.

For more information customers can call the affordability team at United Utilities on:- 08009127247.

Total UK cases COVID-19 cases

THE total UK daily number of lab-confirmed positive test results:- 892. The total overall UK lab-confirmed positive test results:- 307,184. Daily number of COVID-19 associated UK fatalities added to the total, was sadly reported to be 65, with the total number of deaths of people who have had a positive test result now standing at 46,364. The number of COVID-19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:- 1,152. The current number of COVID-19 patients currently in mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 77. Daily number of COVID-19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 183. Due to new UK Government system of reporting we are having to sort out a new system to bring you the local area results, for the Liverpool City Region and surrounding areas.

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