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Liverpool City Region Covid19 Updates
... and Important Emergency Notices ...

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This page last updated on 6 February 2021

Sefton Council has confirmed that the testing area to locate the South African Covid19 variant is being widened beyond Southport's Norwood ward

AS a result of a 2nd case of the variant that has not been linked to the first being picked up through the regular PCR procedure, targeted testing is being extended to cover parts of the Cambridge and Dukes ward areas in Southport. The 2nd case has been picked up through the random sequencing of previous positive tests.

Sefton Council Leader Cllr Ian Maher said:- "This not a case of the COVID variant being identified through the dedicated ‘surge' testing we have started this week. It appears to be an unconnected, historic case that has been picked up through somebody developing Coronavirus symptoms and booking a PCR test as they should have done at 1 of the existing test sites. Nationally, a percentage of all PCR tests are randomly tested to identify variants of the virus and this is how the 2nd local case was picked up. On being informed of that 2nd case, we were advised to increase the targeted testing area. Nationally, a percentage of all PCR tests are randomly tested for variants as well as for the presence of the virus and this is how the 2nd local case was picked up. On being informed of that 2nd case, we were advised to increase the targeted testing area. So far I have been pleased to see how positive local residents and businesses in the Norwood area have reacted to the news about the South African variant by willingly participating in this important testing programme. I am confident people in the two new wards identified will work with us to help prevent its spread in the same way."

Additional Mobile Testing Units will be set up in the new target areas, in which there is a population of around 9,000 residents and approximately 12,000 additional properties, including. And the delivery and collection of home testing kits will be rolled out across the new areas.

Local people will be informed about the testing and when it due to start.

Margaret Jones, Sefton Council's Director of Public Health said:- "Once the dedicated testing measures are in place, we will be encouraging everyone aged over 16 within it the areas affected to get a test. But, like last week we won't be asking anyone in Sefton, within the target areas or outside them to do anything else any different. We all need to continue protecting ourselves and others by sticking to the national lockdown regulations and staying home except for essential purposes such as shopping for essential supplies, going to work if we can't do so from home, providing care and going for a Coronavirus test if we need 1. And, maintaining at least 2 metres' distancing, wearing a mask or face covering while out and about and washing our hands frequently are all essential when we do have to go out."

Testing in the Norwood ward, which started on Wednesday will continue over the weekend.

From Saturday, 6 February 2021, the opening hours of the Mobile Test Units set up in Southport's Norwood ward area extended to 8am to 6.30pm. Located at the former Kew park and ride site, the Units were rapidly set up, and opened, on Wednesday, as part of national measures to identify and stamp out the South African variant of the Covid19 virus.

In addition to the Mobile Test Units, a team of up to 50 will be delivering home testing kits to households and businesses in the affected area. Where possible, they will wait while people test themselves. then deliver the swabs to a collection area.

Team members include Council staff, Merseyside Fire and Police Officers, and members of Sefton Voluntary Services. All of them will carry clear identification, they will not ask for any money or request anyone's financial details. Neither will they enter people's homes.

Sefton Council is reminding people living and working across the Borough that whatever kind of Coronavirus test they take, if they get a positive result for the Covid19 virus, they need to self isolate. The Council has published 10 useful tips for 10 days of isolation on its website at:- Sefton.Gov.UK/self-isolation.

Subjects covered include financial support available, planning food and shopping deliveries, medical contacts and advice, caring for others and looking after your physical and mental wellbeing. Arrangements for pet care, stopping the spread of the virus at home and Pharmacy deliveries are also included.

Bill Esterson MP joins charity taskforce to help stop "horrifying" puppy smuggling

SEFTON Central MP Bill Esterson has joined forces with the UK's largest dog welfare charity to call on the Government to stop the illegal importation of puppies into the UK. Following significant changes to pet travel after the end of the Brexit transition period, Dogs Trust is urging MPs to help stop puppy smuggling by joining their new Parliamentary Puppy Smuggling Taskforce.

Every year thousands of puppies are illegally imported into Great Britain to then be sold via online adverts to unsuspecting dog lovers, having been transported thousands of miles across Europe with little water, no food, exercise or toilet breaks. Many suffer significant health problems and/or lifelong behavioural challenges, and some don't survive, leaving their buyers helpless and heartbroken; as well as out of pocket.

For over 6 years the charity has been calling on Government to end puppy smuggling after exposing this abhorrent trade through four undercover investigations. Current legislation is not fit for purpose; every day of Government delay is causing more preventable suffering for innocent puppies.

The setting up the taskforce comes days after seven bulldog puppies were stolen from a house in Wigan. They had been asleep when the thieves struck in the early hours of the morning, on 2 February 2021.

Mr Esterson said:- "I am delighted to join the Puppy Smuggling Taskforce and support Dogs Trust in their efforts to raise awareness of and tackle the abhorrent and horrifying puppy smuggling trade. We can see from the Wigan incident that puppies are big business for criminal gangs and people who don't have the animals' best interests at heart. At a time when demand for dogs in the UK has never been higher, I want to urge my constituents to really do their research before buying a puppy advertised for sale online, as it's all too easy to be duped into buying a dog that's been illegally smuggled into the country. Dogs Trust has been campaigning on this issue for many years now, and I'm proud to be able to say I'm part of the Puppy Smuggling Taskforce to help put a stop to puppies needlessly suffering at the hands of criminals."

Dogs Trust's Veterinary Director Paula Boyden said:- "Sadly, we continue to see more and more heart breaking examples of puppies being illegally imported into the country. Puppy smugglers are making vast profits by exploiting innocent puppies, breeding and transporting them in appalling conditions to sell onto dog lovers here in the UK. There has never been a more urgent need to end the appalling puppy smuggling trade. Enough is enough, Government must take immediate action as too many puppies are suffering at the hands of cruel traders and too many dog lovers are being left to pick up the pieces. We are grateful to Bill Esterson MP for his support in joining the Parliamentary Puppy Smuggling Taskforce to stop this cruel trade."

Dogs Trust is calling on the Government to:-

Raise the minimum age for puppies to be imported into the UK to 6 months to help make them less desirable.

Bring in tougher penalties for smuggling pups to deter deceitful sellers.
Only a handful of cases have ever been prosecuted and you can get a longer sentence for smuggling cigarettes than you can for smuggling puppies.

To find out more about our Puppy Smuggling work, visit:- DogsTrust.Org.UK.

The Mind Map and the Florrie have partnered up to provide free counselling to young L8 residents

YOUNG people aged 16 to 30 in Liverpool's L8 area can now access free counselling thanks to a partnership between organisations The Mind Map and The Florrie. The Mind Map's founder Phil Bridges says:- "The Pandemic is putting a huge strain on young people's mental health. According to a princess trust report, ½ of 16 to 25 year olds said their mental health has worsened since the start of the Pandemic. Young people are understandably anxious at the moment and need increased mental health support. They're dealing with disrupted education, a depleted jobs market and distance from their friends. With 75% of adults with a diagnosable mental health condition experiencing their first symptoms before they're 24, early intervention is vital."

The Florrie's Chief Executive Anne Lundon says:- "Young people from low income families are 4 times more likely to struggle with their mental health, which is an alarming statistic. Working with The Mind Map to provide our young people with free counselling, should they require it, is a key part of our health and wellbeing strategy. The partnership complements the work we're currently doing to support young people through our Youth Hub, which is a creative and educational space offering a range of activities, opportunities and support including:- work experience volunteering, homework groups, music and sports."

The partnership is the result of funding support from the National Lottery. And as part of the funding counselling support is also being offered to you. For more information, please visit:- TheMindMap.Co.UK.

Volunteers thanked for their support with the fight against Covid19

OVER 250 volunteers from all walks of life are being thanked for coming forward to offer their different skills to support with the Covid19 vaccination rollout in Sefton. Sefton Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) are working in partnership on the volunteer programme with NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS Southport and Formby CCG and the call for people to sign up has been met with an overwhelming response.

Retired nurse, Barbara Fearns is amongst the volunteers providing support in 1 of the 4 dedicated local vaccination centres, which are run by Sefton GP practices working together in groups; known as Primary Care Networks; to immunize their patients in order of priority. Barbara is a marshal, ensuring residents know where they are going when they arrive at the centre to ensure they receive their vaccine in a quick and safe way.

Barbara, who retired in 2012, says:- "I am thoroughly enjoying my volunteering role. I feel privileged to be a small cog in a big wheel in rolling out the vaccine. It's giving me something to do during lockdown and it is nice to get out and see people. I feel quite emotional seeing how grateful people attending are to be vaccinated. In their words-‘it's hopefully a step closer to normality' I am so proud of our NHS."

Volunteers are carrying out a range of vital roles depending on their background and skills from marshalling like Barbara, to signing in patients and other key admin tasks. Along with volunteers from the public, the vaccination programme has been supported by GP practice staff and CCG staff.

Chief Officer of the CCGs in Sefton, Fiona Taylor, has also returned to the front line to help out with the Covid19 vaccinations and is thanking all of our volunteers for supporting them at this busy time. Fiona said:- "We are so grateful to all volunteers who have helped out at our vaccination centres, from our clinical staff helping to vaccinate patients to GP practice staff, members of the public and CCG staff helping to register patients and ensure that they are kept safe whilst coming in for their vaccine. The support has been phenomenal and it has been great to work with Sefton CVS to organise the volunteer recruitment. I have been helping at a site in Bootle myself to vaccinate patients and it's been an absolute pleasure and very humbling to be able to make my contribution. I'm really proud of all the team working so hard to keep our residents safe during this Pandemic and grateful to everyone who is helping."

The Covid19 vaccination scheme in Sefton has been supported by volunteers from right across the borough who have given up their time to contribute to the biggest vaccination programme in NHS history.

GP practices and the CCGs are reminding everyone to be patient and to follow the current restrictions and guidance and play their part in the vaccination rollout by following these steps:-

 Do not contact your GP practice or the NHS to seek a vaccine, we will contact you.

 When we do contact you, please attend your booked appointments.

 Please attend as close to your appointment time as possible to avoid queues and to keep safe.

 Please continue to follow all the guidance to control the virus and save lives by socially distancing, wearing a mask or face covering and washing your hands regularly.

You can find general information about the Covid19 vaccine here:- NHS.UK/Covidvaccine.

Total UK cases Covid19 cases in and around Liverpool City Region

THE total number of UK Coronavirus (Covid19) infections that have been laboratory confirmed, within the UK, has risen by:- 18,262 cases and the total number now stand at:- 3,929,835 that includes tests carried out by commercial partners which are not included in the 4 National totals.

The total number of Covid19 associated UK fatalities added to the total, was sadly reported to be:-
828 within 28 days of positive test, according to the Department of Health. The total number of deaths of people who have had a positive test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory is:- 112,092, within 28 days of positive test. Deaths with Covid19 on the death certificate:- 112,660.

The number of Covid19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:- 30,508. The current number of Covid19 patients currently in mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 3,572 Daily number of Covid19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 2,578.

In England, there are a total of:- 3,442,495 confirmed cases. North West - total of:- 539,873 confirmed cases.

The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the Liverpool City Region are as follows:-


Area and number of confirmed cases:- Risen by:-

Liverpool City Region
Nation Lockdown

National UK Restrictions

Liverpool, 44,683 confirmed cases.


Halton, 10,949 confirmed cases.


Knowsley, 16,047 confirmed cases. 80
Sefton, 21,890 confirmed cases.


St. Helens, 15,119 confirmed cases.


Wirral, 22,530  confirmed cases.


Colour Key:- 0  1 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30  31 to 40 41 to 50 51 to 100 100 to 199 200 & over  

The number of laboratory confirmed cases within Local Authorities around the Liverpool City Region, since start of the Pandemic, are as follows:-


 Blackburn with Darwen, 16,253 confirmed cases.

8,324 confirmed cases.

22,287 confirmed cases.

15,146 confirmed cases.

 Cheshire East,
18,433 confirmed cases.

 Cheshire West and Chester,
19,313 confirmed cases.

87,009 confirmed cases.

46,932 confirmed cases.

20,440 confirmed cases.

11,869 confirmed cases.

18,624 confirmed cases.

 Salford, 20,295 confirmed cases.

17,980 confirmed cases.

15,679 confirmed cases.

14,725 confirmed cases.

16,058 confirmed cases

25,579 confirmed cases.

Total UK people who have received vaccination

1st Dose 2nd Dose
11,465,210 510,057
Jab Stats correct as of 5 February 2021
The vaccination programme began on 8 December 2020 with people receiving the vaccine developed by Pfizer / BioNTech, and people began receiving the Oxford University / AstraZeneca vaccine from 4 January 2021. Both vaccines are given as 2 doses, at least 21 days apart, for a full vaccination course.

Daily reported Covid19 deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that occurred within 28 days of the 1st laboratory confirmed positive Covid19 test.   Daily and cumulative numbers of Covid19 patients admitted to Hospital. Data are not updated every day by all 4 nations and the figures are not comparable as Wales include suspected Covid19 patients while the other nations include only confirmed cases.


The latest R number is estimated at:- 0.7 to 1.1, with a daily infection growth rate range of:- -5% to -2%, as of 5 February 2021.

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