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Liverpool City Region Covid19 Updates
... and Important Emergency Notices ...

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This page last updated on 8 February 2021

Sefton Central MP Bill Esterson challenges PM to make flood defence money available for Maghull

SEFTON Central MP Bill Esterson has challenged the Prime Minister to make good on his promise to build:- "the necessary defences" against flooding.

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson was asked at Prime Minister's Questions; Wednesday, 3 February 2021 about the upgrading of infrastructure to protect against flooding. Johnson responded by praising the Environment Agency's management of local areas that are prone to flooding, "putting in the necessary defences" and investing ₤5.2bn in flood defences that would benefit areas "across the country."

However, the scheme that the Environment Agency has identified as necessary for Maghull has not been allocated the necessary funding by the Government, despite Mr Esterson raising it with ministers.

Mr Esterson said:- "The Environment Agency have told the Government what is needed to protect Maghull from future flooding, but the Government have refused to make the money available. After what happened in January in Maghull it is vital that the money is made available so this doesn't happen again. The Prime Minister keeps talking about large sums of money for flood defences; where is the money for Maghull?"

Folllowing internal flooding of a number of homes in Maghull, on 20 January and 21 January 2021, and the aversion of what could have been a catastrophic incident thanks to breach of an embankment which flooded Lunt Meadows instead of homes, Mr Esterson asked a Parliamentary Question of the Environment Secretary George Eustice requesting funding be made available to the area.

Mr Esterson asked Mr Eustice:- "With reference to the flooding in the Sefton Central constituency on 20 and 21 January 2021, if he will support previously submitted bids under the National Resilience Fund from the Environment Agency for full funding of flood defence schemes in Maghull; and what plans he has to announce a new flood recovery fund."

Defra Minister Rebecca Pow responded:- "Starting in 2021, the Government will invest ₤5.2 billion in a 6 year capital investment programme for flood defences, better protecting 336,000 properties from flooding and coastal erosion. The capital programme is allocated in accordance with the Partnership Funding Policy. The Partnership Funding policy clarifies the level of investment communities can expect from Defra so it is clear what level of funding they need to source from other sources to allow projects to go ahead. The Environment Agency will continue to manage flood risk in Maghull, providing flood warning and maintaining existing assets and will continue to work with the Local Authorities to find alternative options to reduce the multiple sources of flood risk in Maghull. With localised flooding incidents Local Authorities are expected to have well established contingency arrangements in place and to be able to respond and support their local communities from within existing budgets. Following severe weather with significant impacts across multiple Local Authorities, the Government is able to deploy the Flood Recovery Framework. We will continue to monitor the situation and assess whether further support is needed in the event that flooding impacts increase."

The Maghull scheme is predicted to cost ₤1.3m, with Defra promsing just ₤200,000, leaving a gap of ₤1.1m, which the Government says must be met by:- "external funding," suggesting using Council Tax or S106 contributions from developers.

The fortuitous breach of the embankment, at Lunt Meaows, saved many homes from what would have been certain internal flooding, on 20 January 2021.

An unprecedented rainfall event saw levels rise on the River Alt to record levels.

Mr Esterson said:- "We saw unprecedented rainfall which caused severe flooding. Emergency services staff were terrific and averted an even worse disaster. Local borough and town Councillors and other volunteers knocked on doors to warn people. Lunt Meadows is a nature reserve and a planned flood storage area, and we were very lucky that it filled up much more quickly than normal but only because a 30 metre section of embankment gave way at Lunt Meadows relieving the pressure on Dovers Brook. This is what protected many homes. I have been pressing the Government to fund the necessary flood defence work and they have so far refused to make the funds available. After what happened in January it is vital that the money is made available so this doesn't happen again. The Environment Agency needs ₤1.3million. The Government said last March that ₤5.2 billion was available. Where is the money for Maghull?"

Additional support announced for Liverpool City Region Taxi Drivers

A further ₤2m fund, established by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to enable its 6 Local Authorities to contribute to the costs of Taxi Licences, has been announced, taking the total support package to ₤3.5 million.

Established in October 2020, the 1st round of the fund enabled the 6 Local Authorities to provide ₤100 each towards the cost of the Taxi Licence for Taxi Drivers resident in the Liverpool City Region.

The Leaders and Acting Mayor of the City Region's 6 Local Authorities and the Metro Mayor have now agreed to increase that fund to a maximum of ₤3.5 million.

Drivers who have already received the ₤100 grant are eligible for an additional grant of ₤200, and a ₤200 grant will also be available to drivers who have not yet applied for support.

City Region leaders have also continued to campaign for the Government to increase the amount of specific financial support they are providing for Taxi Drivers and other self employed people and freelancers impacted by the Pandemic; many of whom are still not eligible for any of the national support schemes.

The funding will be allocated proportionately to each Local Authority, according to the number of licensed Taxi Drivers in their area. For details on how to access the funding, Taxi Drivers should consult their local licensing Authority's website.

The fund will enable all of the City Region's Local Authorities to top up schemes which benefit local Taxi Drivers in addition to what is available to them through national support schemes, such as SEISS. In the case of Liverpool City Council, funding will help contribute to their previously announced scheme.

In a joint statement, the Leaders and Acting Mayor of the 6 City Region Local Authorities, and Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram, said:- "We recognise the hardship experienced by our area's Taxi Drivers, who have seen their trade seriously affected by the Coronavirus restrictions. We acknowledged when we launched this fund that it was a gesture of support. We know that this additional funding is still largely symbolic but have made it available in recognition of the ongoing impact of the Pandemic. As the City Region's political leadership, we are continuing to press the Government for financial support packages that work for everyone whose livelihood has been affected by Covid19 restrictions."  Signed by:-

Steve Rotheram
Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region
Cllr Wendy Simon
Acting Mayor of Liverpool
Cllr Graham Morgan
Leader of Knowsley Council
Cllr Janette Williamson
Leader of Wirral Council
Cllr David Baines
Leader of St Helens Council
Cllr Ian Maher
Leader of Sefton Council
Cllr Rob Polhill
Leader of Halton Council

Preparations to expand 'surge' testing for the South African variant of the Covid19 virus in Southport have continued over the weekend

ON Saturday, Sefton Council announced that the testing for the variant would also cover parts of the Cambridge and Dukes wards. Since then the Council has been making arrangements for further, dedicated Mobile Testing Units and the distribution of home testing kits across the affected area. The Council is urging everyone aged 16 and over in the target areas to take the 1 time test and if they test positive, to self isolate to stop the spread of the virus. Margaret Jones, Sefton Council's Director of Public Health said:- "After being advised a second, historic and unrelated case the South African variant had been found, we have been hastily pulling together plans to introduce testing arrangements for people living and working in the affected areas of the Cambridge and Dukes wards. Delivery of home testing kits is starting in the next few days, initially in town centre areas, and a site for a Mobile Testing Unit for people who don't have Coronavirus symptoms, is being finalised."

Over the weekend, efforts continued in the Norwood ward, where thousands of people have now taken a home test or visited the Mobile Testing Unit at the former Kew park and ride site. Sefton Council has been reminding people in the target areas for the South African variant that they need to continue protecting themselves and others by sticking to the national lockdown regulations and staying home. Mrs Jones said:- "People should only be going out for essential purposes such as shopping for essential supplies, going to work if we can't do so from home, providing care and their daily exercise. Those in the variant testing areas wanting to get tested at a Mobile Testing Unit may be able to call in during their daily walk. When they are out, people should keep to 2 metres' distancing, wear a mask or face covering while out and wash their hands frequently."

At the moment, there is no evidence to suggest that the South African variant is any more severe than others. However, questions have been raised about how effective the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine is against it. Responding to these comments, Mrs Jones said:- "The vaccines being rolled out in the UK have been shown to work well against dominant variants so I would urge anyone who lives or works in the Borough who is offered a Covid19 vaccination to take up the opportunity and go along for their jab and benefit from the protection it will provide."

North West Air Ambulance Charity patients and crew are calling for support

THE North West Air Ambulance Charity (NWAA) has launched an emergency appeal to keep its lifesaving service funded, following 11 months of significant disruption as a result of the Pandemic. While the charity has continued to support the NHS on the frontline and provide advanced pre-Hospital care to patients in need across the Region, NWAA has lost an estimated ₤71,000 each month in revenue since the 1st National Lockdown. Relying solely on public and corporate support to raise ₤9.5m year, the amount it takes to remain operational, the pandemic has had a severe impact on the organisation: store closures, cancelled fundraisers and postponed events have seen funds dip significantly.

Former patients are urging people to support the charity, including:- Jake Cowen, 27, Oldham. After suffering a fall whilst window cleaning in Warrington, in 2020, Jake went into cardiac arrest in front of his dad, suffering a seizure that stopped his heart. Due to the severity of his condition, NWAA crews arrived to the scene and worked closely with the North West Ambulance Service to stabilise his condition, treating him on route to Warrington General Hospital in a land ambulance. Jake's family believe that without this care, he may not have survived.

Jake commented:- "I don't remember much from the day, but from the impression it's left on my mum and dad, I was clearly on the brink. We are all so grateful for NWAA and the Ambulance Service, especially as I’m now fit, well and back working with dad. Without the crew, I might not have survived. I owe them my life, and I urge others to support the charity right now, so that they can be there for those in need."

Sarah Naismith, Director of Income and Engagement, at the North West Air Ambulance Charity, commented:- "Covid19 has disrupted everyone's lives, it's threatened to grind down our friends in the NHS, and it’s placed financial and operational strain on our charity. The crew have continued their lifesaving work every day, supporting the NHS and working side by side with the ambulance service. However, the disruption to our fundraising revenues is significant and we don't take sharing this news lightly. Without funding, we may not be able to continue to make a critical difference to patients like [Jake / Maddy]. For 21 years, we have always been blown away by the generosity of our supporters, and we wouldn’t be here without them. With our work at greater risk than ever before, any donations will allow us to continue to reach and treat patients in need, and give them the best chance of survival. Help us help people across the North West."

To donate to the charity, text:- 'HELPNWAA5' to '70085' to donate ₤5, or visiting:- NWAA.Net/EmergencyAppeal.

Total UK cases Covid19 cases in and around Liverpool City Region

THE total number of UK Coronavirus (Covid19) infections that have been laboratory confirmed, within the UK, has risen by:- 14,104 cases and the total number now stand at:- 3,959,784 that includes tests carried out by commercial partners which are not included in the 4 National totals.

The total number of Covid19 associated UK fatalities added to the total, was sadly reported to be:-333 within 28 days of positive test, according to the Department of Health. The total number of deaths of people who have had a positive test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory is:- 112,798, within 28 days of positive test. Deaths with Covid19 on the death certificate:- 112,660.

The number of Covid19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:- 29,326. The current number of Covid19 patients currently in mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 3,505 Daily number of Covid19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 2,107.

In England, there are a total of:- 3,469,231 confirmed cases. North West - total of:- 544,129 confirmed cases.

The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the Liverpool City Region are as follows:-


Area and number of confirmed cases:- Risen by:-

Liverpool City Region
Nation Lockdown

National UK Restrictions

Liverpool, 45,046 confirmed cases.


Halton, 11,051 confirmed cases.


Knowsley, 16,167 confirmed cases. 60
Sefton, 22,090 confirmed cases.


St. Helens, 15,287 confirmed cases.


Wirral, 22,686 confirmed cases.


Colour Key:- 0  1 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30  31 to 40 41 to 50 51 to 100 100 to 199 200 & over  

The number of laboratory confirmed cases within Local Authorities around the Liverpool City Region, since start of the Pandemic, are as follows:-


 Blackburn with Darwen, 16,369 confirmed cases.

 Blackpool, 8,376 confirmed cases.

 Bolton, 22,532 confirmed cases.

 Bury, 15,251 confirmed cases.

 Cheshire East, 18,599 confirmed cases.

 Cheshire West and Chester, 19,450 confirmed cases.

 Lancashire, 87,718 confirmed cases.

 Manchester, 47,275 confirmed cases.

 Oldham, 20,554 confirmed cases.

 Preston, 11,990 confirmed cases.

 Rochdale, 18,754 confirmed cases.

 Salford, 20,458 confirmed cases.

 Stockport, 18,126 confirmed cases.

 Tameside, 15,796 confirmed cases.

 Trafford, 14,817 confirmed cases.

 Warrington, 16,170 confirmed cases

 Wigan, 25,755 confirmed cases


Total UK people who have received vaccination

1st Dose 2nd Dose
12,294,006 512,581
Jab Stats correct as of 7 February 2021
The vaccination programme began on 8 December 2020 with people receiving the vaccine developed by Pfizer / BioNTech, and people began receiving the Oxford University / AstraZeneca vaccine from 4 January 2021. Both vaccines are given as 2 doses, at least 21 days apart, for a full vaccination course.

Daily reported Covid19 deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that occurred within 28 days of the 1st laboratory confirmed positive Covid19 test.   Daily and cumulative numbers of Covid19 patients admitted to Hospital. Data are not updated every day by all 4 nations and the figures are not comparable as Wales include suspected Covid19 patients while the other nations include only confirmed cases.


The latest R number is estimated at:- 0.7 to 1.1, with a daily infection growth rate range of:- -5% to -2%, as of 5 February 2021.

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