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Liverpool City Region Covid19 Updates
... and Important Emergency Notices ...

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This page last updated on 14 May 2021
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The India B.1.617 has been found in Formby, Sefton

NHS Test and Trace are asking everyone over the age of 16 who lives, works or studies in Formby, Sefton to take a Covid19 PCR test.

Working in partnership with the Local Authority, sefton, NHS Test and Trace is providing additional testing and genomic sequencing targeted, within Formby, Merseyside. It follows the identification of confirmed cases of the variant 1st identified in India (B.1.617).

The confirmed cases have self isolated and their contacts are being identified.

Everyone who lives, works or studies in the targeted areas is strongly encouraged to take a Covid19 PCR test, whether they are showing symptoms or not, from Friday, 14 May 2021.

Enhanced contact tracing will be used for individuals testing positive with a variant of concern (VOC). This is where contact tracers look back over an extended period to determine the route of transmission.

By using PCR testing, positive results can be sent for genomic sequencing at specialist laboratories, helping us to identify VOC cases and their spread.

If you have symptoms you should book a free test online or by phone so you can be tested at a testing site or have a testing kit sent to your home. If you have no symptoms, you should visit the Sefton council website for more information.

People in this area should continue using twice weekly rapid testing alongside the PCR test as part of surge testing.

Covid19 Test Kits are also available from all Sefton's Pharmacies and they can be ordered online.

Sefton Council has a range of schemes, grants, information and advice available to anyone who may be struggling financially due to Covid, or who may need support when Self Isolating. More information is available at:- Sefton.Gov.UK/Covid-Testing.

Anyone with the Coronavirus symptoms of a new, persistent cough, a fever or loss of taste or smell to self isolate and book a PCR test by calling:- NHS Test and Trace:- 119 or visiting:- NHS.UK/Coronavirus.

Merseyside's new Police Commissioners pens open letter as she starts in role

MERSEYSIDE'S new Police and Crime Commissioner Emily Spurrell has penned an open letter to residents across the Region detailing her priorities for the future:- "I'm incredibly proud to be writing to you as I start my new role as Merseyside's new Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) following the local elections held, on Thursday, 6 May 2021. As Merseyside's elected PCC, my role is to work on your behalf to provide a strong and powerful voice for all of our Region's communities, representing your views on how crime is prevented and tackled. It is an honour to be able to serve my community in this way and I can't wait to get started. I would firstly just like to put on record my thanks to Jane Kennedy for her contribution as Merseyside's 1st Police and Crime Commissioner and I look forward to building on the work she started. These last 14 months have brought unprecedented challenges for society at large and, in particular, policing. our Police Officers, staff, Specials and volunteers have been on the frontline throughout the pandemic, keeping our communities safe, often putting their own lives at risk and I am very grateful for all the work they have done. erseyside Police is consistently graded as the best performing urban force in England and Wales. That is thanks to the excellent work the men and women of the force do every day. It is my job to scrutinise the progress of the force and hold the Chief Constable to account on its performance. I will do my best to support them wherever I can and be a champion of the great work they do. It is also my job to ensure Merseyside Police is properly funded so that the Chief Constable can deliver an effective and efficient service and that money is spent in the areas where it matters most. It is vital that the Police, and our community safety partners, are given the resources and investment they need to keep our communities safe. Policing should not be done on the cheap. 1 of my key promises is to stand up for Merseyside Police and our Region and lobby for the long over due funding we need from Central Government. As Police Commissioner, I plan to engage with you, the residents of Merseyside, listen to your views on policing and community safety and work with you to improve services. I know the new Chief Constable, Serena Kennedy, also shares my commitment to community engagement and I look forward to working with her to ensure the needs of our communities are met. I want all our communities to have a positive relationship with their local Police and I will invest in community projects that help prevent and tackle crime and ASB. I will also invest in vital victims' services to ensure that anyone affected by crime can access the care and support they deserve. In my manifesto and throughout my campaign, I had 3 clear priorities:-

Visible and accountable policing.

Supporting victims and communities.

Fair and effective criminal justice system.

In the next few months, I aim to build on those priorities by holding a Region wide consultation. This will give me the chance to listen to your policing and community safety priorities, so I can focus my work on what matters most to you. Your priorities will then be reflected within my Police and Crime Plan for the force and for our community safety partners over the next 3 years. Your contribution to the consultation is vital, so please get involved and have your say once it launches. I am looking forward to getting out and about, visiting every area of Merseyside and meeting as many of you as possible. I want to talk to you about what matters to you and I will use your views to shape my local priorities and how I represent our fantastic Region locally, Regionally and nationally. I promise you I will be a strong voice for you, for all our communities and for Merseyside."
Emily Spurrell, Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner.

International travel rules from 17 May 2021

UK Government confirms international travel can gradually resume from 17 May 2021, as 12 countries and territories are added to the:- 'green list' with strict rules on testing and quarantine will remain in place to protect public health and our vaccination programme, while people should not travel to:- 'amber' and 'red' countries for leisure

international travel will be different as passengers are warned to expect additional checks and longer queues at the border

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, on 7 May 2021, announced that international travel can begin to safely reopen from 17 May, allowing people to go on foreign holidays to green list countries.

The 'Stay in the UK' regulation will lift on 17 May 2021, meaning leisure travel, from England, will no longer be illegal. However, speaking at a No10 press conference this afternoon, the Transport Secretary outlined how strict border control measures will remain in place as international travel gradually resumes. Different levels of restriction will be applied to individuals returning to England from countries based on the traffic light system set out by the Global Travel Taskforce.

People are being guided on where they can safely visit without needing to quarantine on return to England – starting with the additions of Portugal including the Azores and Madeira, Israel and Jerusalem and Singapore among others to the 'green list.' They will still need to take a pre-departure test up to 72 hours before their return travel, and a single PCR test on or before day 2 of arrival into England; this can be booked in the same way as is in place now, through private test providers.

Our priority remains to protect public health, which is why the:- 'green' list is currently very small, with only 12 countries and territories. As the epidemiological situation improves worldwide, it is expected that there will be more opportunities for leisure travel with a greater number of destinations added.

In total, 12 countries and territories have been added to the green list. Some of these include: Portugal including:- the Azores and Madeira; Australia; New Zealand; Singapore; Brunei; Iceland; Faroe Islands; Gibraltar; Falkland Islands; and Israel and Jerusalem. However, many 'green list' countries will continue to place restrictions on UK travellers, including:- quarantine measures, so passengers are encouraged to check all requirements and FCDO travel advice before they book any foreign travel.

Given that the virus is still spreading in many parts of the world, people should not be travelling to amber and red countries for leisure. 10 day managed hotel quarantine requirements will remain in place for those permitted to return to England from 'red' countries, and quarantine at home alongside stringent testing will be required for those returning from:- 'amber' destinations.

Countries have been allocated by ministers according to the latest scientific data, so quarantine and testing requirements on return from those countries are appropriate to the risk of Coronavirus and variants of concern.

The lists will be reviewed every 3 weeks, informed by public health advice, including:- the Joint Bio-security Centre's assessment of the latest data. These regular review points will allow the Government to balance helping the public to understand Covid requirements when travelling to England while allowing us to constantly evaluate the risk for different countries.

The Government will also be publishing a green watch list in the future, to provide an indication when a country is identified as a candidate for a changing country. All measures will be kept under review and further action may be taken to protect public health.

Countries will decide whether they require proof of Covid Vaccination for entry, and it is the traveller's responsibility to check individual requirements. If needed, people in England who have both vaccine doses will be able to demonstrate their Covid Vaccination status via the NHS app from 17 May 2021. Those without access to the app can request a letter from the NHS proving their vaccination status by calling:- 119, from 17 May 2021. Test results will not be stated in the app and the process for booking and presenting test results for travel remains unchanged. The Government is working with the devolved administrations to ensure this facility is available to everyone across the UK.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said:- "Today marks the 1st step in our cautious return to international travel, with measures designed above all else to protect public health and ensure we don't throw away the hard fought gains we've all strived to earn this year. This is a new way of doing things, and people should expect travel to be different this summer; with longer checks at the borders, as part of tough measures to prevent new strains of the virus entering the country and putting our fantastic vaccine rollout at risk. On top of this, to continue protecting the country against new variants of Coronavirus, from 4am, Wednesday, 12 May 2021, the Maldives, Nepal and Turkey will be added to the red list. When travel does restart, it will be different, most notably when returning to the UK. Reopening international travel, while maintaining 100% health checks at the border, means longer waits are likely; passengers from any destination will still be required to fill out a passenger locator form (PLF), and show proof of a pre-departure test negative result. While holidaymakers may notice longer than usual queues, it is vital we maintain our stringent border checks; which are among the toughest in the world; to prevent new strains of the virus entering the country and putting our vaccine roll out at risk. The Government is constantly trying to improve processes to make them as efficient as possible to minimise wait times, and will be committing to increasing Border Force resources to manage increased demand. This includes deploying additional Border Force officers where high volumes of passengers are expected. Border Force will be checking that arriving passengers have complied with current health measures, and passengers can help reduce delays by completing all necessary requirements before entering the country. We continue to urge airlines to carry out all necessary checks or risk facing fines of ₤2,000 for each passenger they carry who does not have a valid pre-departure test certificate, and ₤2,000 for each passenger who does not have a completed PLF. The Government will also continue with plans to integrate health measure checks into our border system and enabling checks to take place at e-gates in major ports during Summer 2021. Following the UK exit from the EU and the end of the Transition Period, UK citizens will be subject to additional checks upon entering EU countries. If travelling abroad, you need to take steps to keep safe and prepare in case things change while you are there. Check and subscribe to FCDO travel advice updates to understand the latest entry requirements and Covid 19 rules."

Red list:- List.

Amber list:- List.

Travel updates:- Advice.

Total UK cases Covid19 cases in and around Liverpool City Region

THE total number of UK Coronavirus (Covid19) infections that have been laboratory confirmed, within the UK, has risen by:- 2,193 cases and the total number now stand at:- 4,446,824 that includes tests carried out by commercial partners which are not included in the 4 National totals.

The total number of Covid19 associated UK fatalities added to the total, was sadly reported to be:-
17 within 28 days of positive test, according to the Department of Health. The total number of deaths of people who have had a positive test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory is:- 127,668, within 28 days of positive test. Deaths with Covid19 on the death certificate:- 151,765.

The number of Covid19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:-
1,060. The current number of Covid19 patients currently in mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 129 Daily number of Covid19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 104.

In England, there are a total of:- 3,884,402 confirmed cases. North West - total of:- 611,817 confirmed cases.

The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the Liverpool City Region are as follows:-


Area and number of confirmed cases:- Risen by:-

Liverpool City Region
Nation Lockdown

National UK Restrictions

Liverpool, 48,605 confirmed cases.


Halton, 12,003 confirmed cases. 4
Knowsley, 17,419 confirmed cases. 1
Sefton, 24,175 confirmed cases. 8
St. Helens, 17,126 confirmed cases. 6

Wirral, 24,354 confirmed cases.

Colour Key:- 0  1 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30  31 to 40 41 to 50 51 to 100 100 to 199 200 & over  

Daily reported Covid19 deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that occurred within 28 days of the 1st laboratory confirmed positive Covid19 test.  Daily and cumulative numbers of Covid19 patients admitted to Hospital. Data are not updated every day by all 4 nations and the figures are not comparable as Wales include suspected Covid19 patients while the other nations include only confirmed cases.


Total UK people who have received Vaccination

1st Dose 2nd Dose
Jab Stats correct as of:- 13 May 2021
The Vaccination programme began on 8 December 2020 with people receiving the Vaccine developed by Pfizer / BioNTech, and people began receiving the Oxford University / AstraZeneca Vaccine from 4 January 2021. Both Vaccine s are given as 2 doses, at lEast 21 days apart, for a full Vaccination course.

Previous 24hr Data

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