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This page last updated on 20 November 2020
believes moving ban of petrol and diesel cars to 2030 is an ambitious target
CLARE Egan, Head of Motor at
Admiral, said:- "The recent UK Government announcement to move forward the
plans to ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars in the UK to 2030 is an
ambitious target and will mean the uptake of electric cars will have to increase
if we are to stand a chance of meeting that goal. We've seen from our data that
the interest in electric cars is definitely on the rise as the number of
electric vehicles insured with us has increased by 161% on average in the last 3
years. We'd expect to see that figure to continue to grow as the car industry
intensifies its focus on electric vehicles. We want to help normalise electric
car ownership as much as possible, so while you can choose to take out a
dedicated electric vehicle insurance policy if you want to, you don't have to.
Some electric vehicles are expensive, but the range of affordable models and 2nd
hand market is increasing, so it certainly pays to shop around if you're
thinking of switching to an electric or hybrid car. Over time electric vehicles
are cheaper to own and run compared to petrol or diesel alternatives, so as well
as reducing your impact on the environment, they also reduce the impact on your
Sector Needs a
Long term People Plan
CARE England, the largest representative body for
independent providers of adult social care, has responded to a call for evidence
on good practice on in work progression from the Department for Work and
Pensions. The submission includes a call for a long term people plan for the
adult social care sector. Professor Martin Green, Chief Executive of Care
England, says:- "The long term funding gap is the primary threat to the
care sector. Maintaining the financial sustainability of social care providers
is of fundamental importance in maintaining the capacity of the health and care
system at large. Adequate funding to allow care providers to increase the wages
of the workforce will help recognise their extraordinary efforts over the past
year and entice new recruits into the sector. This will ultimately benefit the
whole country in its recovery from the Pandemic. For too long, Governments of
all stripes have implemented policies that have in fact thwarted the ability of
care providers to develop their workforces. For example, failing to fund
providers to implement increases in the National Living Wage in a sustainable
manner. We sincerely hope that such disjointed policymaking will be a thing of
the past once we emerge from the Pandemic."
In its submission Care England presents several key areas of
reform within the care sector that
would in turn help contribute to the recovery of the UK economy by providing
meaningful employment. mThe work and sacrifices made by colleagues throughout
adult social care during the Pandemic has demonstrated the professionalism
within the workforce that for years has not been acknowledged. It should now be
the utmost priority of the Government to take this opportunity and properly fund
the sector. An increase in funding is essential in diminishing vacancy rates and
increasing the appeal of social care to the domestic workforce. More integration
with the NHS will further help career progression and bring the care sector to
equal footing with the NHS. Martin Green continues:- "Sustainable funding
will help providers to think strategically, provide competitive rates which
encourage long term employment and provide substantial training and development.
The creation of a 10 year plan for the social care workforce, akin to that in
the NHS, will help demonstrate the opportunities strategy within the future of
social care."
Survey highlights
need to build farmers' confidence in ELMS
A survey has shown farmers and landowners have a
strong interest in the environment and the need to tackle climate change, but
they do have concerns over the lack of clarity on the Environmental Land
Management Scheme (ELMS). The survey, carried out jointly by the Country Land
and Business Association (CLA) and Strutt and Parker ahead of the first CLA
Rural Powerhouse Week, offers an insight into how farmers and landowners feel
about the shift away from Basic Payments to a new system of farm support based
on the provision of 'public goods.'
It found that 80% of respondents were concerned about losses in biodiversity and
the same percentage agreed with the idea of paying land managers for producing
public goods. More than half reported they were already taking action to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and 64% said a sense of personal responsibility would
motivate them to make climate change a higher priority in terms of managing
their land and property.
4 out of 5 respondents said they were either likely or very likely to join ELMS,
or an equivalent scheme, when it becomes fully available in 2024.
Environmental measures, which farmers said that they were likely or very likely
to sign up to as part of ELMS, included:- supporting pollinators by increasing
pollen and nectar sources (78%), providing seed habitats to support woodland
birds over winter (73%) and tree planting to absorb carbon (57%). However, there
were lower levels of support for options such as growing energy crops (25%) or
planting trees to slow flood waters (35%). Respondents also signalled that they
did have concerns about how ELMS will operate.
The survey found:-
expect the change from direct payments to payment for public goods under ELMS to
result in lower farm profitability
said they were concerned the payments will be insufficient
said they were concerned administration will be poor
said they were concerned that ELMs will not deliver the prescribed environmental
CLA President Mark Bridgeman said:- "It's very encouraging to see that
mitigating climate change and reversing biodiversity decline is at the top of
many farming businesses' priority list. Also that farmers and landowners are
keen to take part in the Government's new ELMS scheme. The public can see the
impact of biodiversity loss and climate change and understandably they expect us
to act. As stewards of the countryside, we are uniquely placed to deliver
meaningful programmes that will drive environmental recovery, and we are
determined to play our part in meeting the challenges ahead. These results do
show, however, some trends that will concern Government, whose optimism for the
move towards 'public money for public goods' is clearly not shared by all
farmers. The CLA believes ELMS has the potential to be a world-leading land
management policy, but there are clear risks associated with transitioning from
the old system to the new. Ministers should consider these findings carefully."
James Farrell, Head of Rural at Strutt and Parker, said:- "The Government
is committed to meeting a net zero greenhouse gas emissions target by 2050 and
its ability to reduce emissions from land use will be reliant on the actions of
land managers. This is why it is so important to understand how farmers and
landowners are feeling about changes in policy and what motivates them. It is
really positive that farmers and landowners are increasingly focused on making a
positive environmental impact, seeing it as a key part of their stewardship of a
farm or estate. However, the survey also indicates that there is a lack of
confidence within the sector about the implementation of ELMS and highlights
there are some actions, particularly those which require permanent land use
changes, where landowners may be less willing to get involved. We hope that
Defra can address this as they refine their plans for ELMS over the coming
LGA responds to
weekly testing of homecare worker
Government announcement of an expansion of testing to include weekly tests of
those working in home care, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government
Association's Community Wellbeing Board, said:- "This is a much needed and
positive expansion of testing to carers working in people's homes, which
Councils and care providers have long been calling for. Homecare workers have
not been able to access the same level of testing as their colleagues working in
care homes, so this announcement should redress this balance. The further
rollout of these tests to live in carers and personal assistants also needs to
happen as quickly as possible. We all need to do as much as we can to prevent
the spread of Coronavirus, particularly among our older and most vulnerable
people, so this regular routine testing is a vital part of our defence. The
Spending Review next week must also provide Councils with the extra funding they
need to help shore up social care ahead of winter and get through the second
wave of Covid19, while also using this as the basis for future reform of social
care to place it on a long term, sustainable footing."
Liverpool City
Region business leaders call on Chancellor to provide more support for firms and
sole traders struggling with 2nd lockdown
THE Liverpool City Region
Business Group has written to the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, calling for more
funding to support local businesses hurting as a result of the second national
lockdown imposed to combat the spread of Covid19. Within the letter, sent from
representatives of the:- Federation of Small Businesses, Institute of Directors,
Women's Organisation, Liverpool BID Company, Professional Liverpool, local
Chambers of Commerce, Downtown Liverpool in Business and others, welcomes the
support pledged so far, but argues that more is needed to help struggling
businesses and avert an economic catastrophe.
FSB North West Regional Chairman, Chris Manka, said:- "We welcome the
Government's restoration of furlough at 80%, but to help businesses plan ahead
we need to know what will happen post 2 December 2020. Many small business
owners, unable to trade effectively or at all, are struggling greatly with
spiralling overheads; including rent and utilities costs, so continuing closures
and other restrictions risk pushing them over the edge. The most recent support
grants are also welcome, but they are considerably reduced compared to those
provided in the summer and there are real concerns they will not be enough. We
need more substantial business support for everyone affected now and post
lockdown in order to stimulate entrepreneurship, innovation and economic
Businesses are being very cautious and are not confident about future turnover
or profitability. They are also a lot shorter on cash or more indebted, if they
secured CBILS or the Bounce Back Loans, which limits their investment levels
now. Further, while the Chancellor has extended bounce back loan application
deadlines and allowed for top ups, too many are still struggling to make
applications as lenders keep their doors closed to new customers.
More than 6 months since the start of the Pandemic, there are categories of
business that have received no direct support at all. They include suppliers who
have lost the significant part of their revenue as a result of local
restrictions, such as food distribution firms who supply to hospitality venues,
those serving wedding venues and sports stadiums and taxi drivers serving the
night time economy. With assistance primarily delivered via rate payer grants,
businesses without commercial premises, or in units paying combined rent and
rates, have missed out significantly, as have start ups launched since April
2019 because they have been unable to submit an 18 to 19 tax return for SEISS.
Chris Manka said:- "These businesses owners are vulnerable and
increasingly desperate. They urgently need a support package. Confidence levels
are plunging, exacerbated by uncertainty around looming EU transition, new
trading relationships and potential problems with future imports and their
supply chain."
Michael Sandys, FSB Area Leader for Liverpool City Region, said:- "As
business and entrepreneurs in the North we have been challenged to 'level up'
the economy, but we need adequate support to be able to do this. In fact, the
imposition of a new national lockdown and related nationwide support leaves
Liverpool City Region businesses worse off than they would have been under 'Tier
3,' leaving a 'High Risk' Region with the same support as many Tier 1 areas,
where clearly the need is greater here. Communication is of the utmost
importance. Our organisations have reported numerous instances where members are
confused about their eligibility for support, or seeking guidance on applying.
There are concerning reports that some applications do not include adequate
evidence required. It is essential that the Government now takes the lead in
providing clear, concise information and guidance on how the support announced
so far will work; for both our businesses in Liverpool City Region and hard
pressed Local Authorities tasked with putting in place mechanisms to distribute
the funding; and in explaining what the restrictions mean for businesses and
customers, including what they are allowed to do."
In summary, the Liverpool City Region Business Group's key asks of the
Government are:-
1. Provide immediate assistance to SME Owner / Directors, to the parity of the
self employment scheme, who have received no direct support to date, many of
which have had their cases raised by the Liverpool City Region Business Group
and its constituent organisations, among others. It is not acceptable to leave
these businesses behind in this national crisis.
2. Introduce a 2nd wave of SME grants of ₤10k and ₤25k; with businesses already
struggling as a result of the 1st national lockdown, the s2nd could have dire
consequences for their future. The need for this support is greater than before.
3. Help businesses struggling with overheads, such as:- rent bills and utilities
costs, working with bigger landlords and, for example, introducing a rent
support scheme.
4. Urgently review business rates relief. It is not right that huge supermarket
chains have benefited when they have had record sales and long period of a
captive market.
5. Ease employers' National Insurance bills, looking at measures such as a
holiday of at least 6 months to stimulate growth, increasing the Employment
Allowance threshold so more businesses can benefit or a straight cut to NI.
Total UK cases Covid19 cases in
and around Liverpool City Region
THE total number of UK
Coronavirus (Covid19) infections that have been laboratory
confirmed, within the UK, has risen by:- 20,252 cases and
the total number now stand at:- 1,473,508 that includes
tests carried out by commercial partners which are not
included in the 4 National totals.
THE total number of Covid19 associated UK fatalities added
to the total, was sadly reported to be:- 511, within 28 days
of positive test, according to the Department of Health. The
total number of deaths of people who have had a positive
test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory
is:- 54,286, within 28 days of positive test. Deaths with
Covid19 on the death certificate:- 63,873.
The number of Covid19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:-
16,444. The current number of Covid19 patients currently in
mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 1,426 Daily
number of Covid19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 1,737.
In England, there are a total of:- 1,267,276 confirmed
cases. North West - total of:- 288,943 confirmed cases.
The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the
Liverpool City Region are as follows:-
Area and number of confirmed cases:- |
Risen by:- |
National UK Lockdown
Liverpool City Region |
Liverpool, 23,275
confirmed cases. |
122 |
Halton, 4,415
confirmed cases. |
37 |
Knowsley, 7,552
confirmed cases. |
45 |
Sefton, 10,092
confirmed cases. |
57 |
St. Helens, 7,211
confirmed cases. |
57 |
confirmed cases.
64 |
Colour Key:- |
0 |
1 to 10 |
11 to 20 |
21 to 30 |
31 to 40 |
41 to 50 |
51 to100 |
100 over |
The number of laboratory confirmed cases within
Local Authorities around the Liverpool City
Region are as follows:-
with Darwen, 9,031 confirmed cases.
4,892 confirmed cases.
14,097 confirmed cases.
9,105 confirmed cases.
East, 8,271 confirmed cases.
West and Chester, 8,422 confirmed cases.
44,124 confirmed cases.
29,472 confirmed cases.
13,910 confirmed cases.
6,741 confirmed cases.
11,738 confirmed cases.
12,741 confirmed cases.
9,874 confirmed cases.
9,866 confirmed cases.
8,307 confirmed cases.
7,780 confirmed cases
15,439 confirmed cases.
Daily reported
Covid19 deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that
occurred within 28 days of the 1st laboratory confirmed
positive Covid19 test. Daily and cumulative
numbers of Covid19 patients admitted to Hospital. Data are
not updated every day by all 4 nations and the figures are
not comparable as Wales include suspected Covid19 patients
while the other nations include only confirmed cases.
The latest UK R number is estimated
at:- 1 to 1.1 with a daily infection growth rate range of:-
+0% to +2%.
Previous 24hr Data
Published weekly, as
to see it! |
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