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This page last updated on 20 October 2020
2 new Walkthrough Local
Testing Sites for Sefton
SEFTON is benefiting from 2 new,
walk through Local Testing Sites, at Crosby Library and Netherton Activity
Centre, for people who have the Coronavirus symptoms. Open from 8am to 8pm, they
provide easy access to Covid19 tests for people who do not have access to a car
and for those who have Coronavirus symptoms and should not travel by public
transport. Each Test Site has between four and eight testing bays which can each
test up to three people an hour. Users will be asked to self swab when attending
and visitors will need to wear a mask or face covering which they will be asked
to dispose of in bins provided or to take them home, after the test. Unlike the
3 day Mobile Units, the Local Testing Sites in Bootle and Southport will be open
for several months. August 2020 saw the opening of Merseyside's 1st 2
Walkthrough Centres, at Bootle Town Hall and at Southport Town Hall and Mobile
Testing Units have been at sites across Sefton on most days since the start of
July. This has mean tens of thousands of tests have been provided to people
across the Borough. Testing is only available for those either with Coronavirus
symptoms; a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to
sense or taste; or those who have been asked to get tested by a Doctor, public
health professional or by their Local Council. Anyone with 1 or more of these
symptoms should book a test at 1 of Sefton's walk through or mobile test units
or by calling:- 119.
You may be advised to isolate if you have been in contact with a confirmed case,
but you should only get a test if you have symptoms. By following these simple
rules, we can ensure people who need a test can get 1. The swab test takes less
than a minute and is relatively pain free. Cllr Ian Maher, Leader of Sefton
Council said:- "Testing is still a vital tool in helping to overcome the
spread of Covid19 infections across the Sefton Borough and I am delighted we
have been able to establish these 2 new walk through sites for people with
symptoms, in addition to the new Mobile Unit location at Aintree Racecourse
earlier this month. The opening of the new walk through centres is the latest
important step in ensuring we have accessible testing facilities for the people
of Sefton, when and where they need them."
Cllr Maher added that Sefton Council is continuing to explore more opportunities
for test sites across the Borough.
Gyms in Liverpool City
Region must be reopened says Damien Moore
THE Liverpool City Region's gyms
should be reopened urgently as they are:- "part of the solution"
for tackling the Covid19 Pandemic, MP Damien Moore told Parliament, on Monday,
20 October 2020. The Southport Conservative
MP Damien Moore has urged the Health and
Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock to reopen the facilities, which were closed
following agreement between Liverpool City Region Council leaders and the
Department for Health when the Tier 3 restrictions came into force on Wednesday,
14 October 2020.
Mr Moore, who has spent the past few days campaigning tirelessly on behalf of
gym owners and members, was told by the Health Secretary that:- "nobody
has stood up for gyms in this country more."
Speaking in a debate in the House of Commons, Mr Moore said:- "The (Tier
3) deal that was struck was not a good deal for my constituents in Southport.
Will the Secretary of State review these restrictions as soon as possible and
get our gyms open? They are part of the solution, not part of the problem."
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock MP said he would
consider Mr Moore's argument, but stressed that the restrictions introduced in
the Liverpool City Region area last week had been made in agreement with Council
leaders in the local area.
Mr Hancock said:- "Nobody has stood up for gyms in this country more than
my Right Honourable Friend (Damien Moore) and he has made this argument
endlessly to me. He stands up for Southport and I will take this point away. But
as I have said, these decisions were taken in agreement with the local area and
we want to, as much as possible, make agreements with local areas so that we can
all give out the same public health messages which is if everybody follows the
rules then we are more likely to get this under control and get the Liverpool
City Region out of Tier 3 altogether."
Council Leaders in Lancashire agreed different Tier 3 restrictions with the
Government last week, with gyms in Lancashire allowed to remain open at the
request of Council leaders there.
Southport MP Damien Moore said:- "Steve Rotherham said last week that the
government imposed the closure of gyms on Merseyside. On Monday, 19 October, the
Government made it clear that the decision was made 'in agreement' with local
leaders. What the Mayor says behind closed doors and in public are 2 different
things. He's back peddling and knows it's his failure to represent our Region
effectively in these talks that led to gyms closing. We've been walked all-over
in comparison to Lancashire and Greater Manchester. We need to reopen gyms
across our Region and promote positive physical and mental health at the
earliest opportunity. I spoke with the Health Secretary today who said that he
would review gym closures on Merseyside and confirmed that there would be an
opportunity for Local Authorities to review this decision in the near future
under the 'sunset clause.' It was also confirmed to me today that personal
trainers and fitness classes can take place outdoors with no restrictions,
provided it is in a private space and risk assessments are in place. I'm
determined to support gym owners and their members in Southport and the wider
Merseyside Region."
LibDems call on Royal Mail
to offer free postage to and from UK care homes for Christmas
THE Liberal Democrats are calling
on Royal Mail to offer free postage to and from care homes in the UK to ensure
that no vulnerable person goes without love this Christmas. The move comes after
An Post Ireland's postal service announced it will carry letters, large
envelopes, packets and parcels up to 2Kg addressed to residents in nursing
homes, residential accommodation in the mental health or disability sectors and
convalescent homes for free until 31 January 2021.
Senior Liberal Democrat spokesperson John Leech has written to Royal Mail asking
that they follow An Post's:- "wonderful gesture to support families and
loved ones living in care homes, who have been so terribly impacted by the
Covid19 pandemic."
Royal Mail handled more than 164 million parcels in December 2018, but the
postal service looks set for a record breaking year. It has already handled as
many letters and parcels this year so far as it did in the whole of 2019 and the
peak Christmas period for 2020 has not even begun yet. Royal Mail reported
revenues of ₤10.8 billion with an adjusted operating profit of ₤325 million, for
the year to March 2020.
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson John Leech said:- "Times have never been
tougher and this Christmas will be one of the toughest times yet. It would be
heartbreaking if family members or friends in care homes went without love this
Christmas. So, we've got to come together like never before. That means reaching
out and staying connected with the most vulnerable and isolated members of our
community. That's why I've written to Royal Mail and asked them to follow An
Post's lead and offer free postage to and from care homes in the UK to make sure
no 1 goes without love this Christmas."
FSB say:- "business
support funding for Greater Manchester, Liverpool City Region and Lancashire
lockdowns welcome, but more help is required."
CHRIS Manka, Regional Chairman of
the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) North West, has responded to Greater
Manchester joining Liverpool City Region and Lancashire in the 'Tier 3'
classification of 'very high' Covid19 risk areas; and
securing business support funding following significant restrictions placed on
people and businesses.
Chris said:- "Targeted, flexible support should be made available wherever
there is a Coronavirus spike to try to counter the severe restrictions imposed
on businesses, so this funding from the Government for Greater Manchester,
Liverpool City Region and Lancashire is both welcome and essential. However,
there are serious concerns from local businesses and political leaders it will
not be enough and that more help is needed."
Following tense negotiations between the Government and local politicians,
Greater Manchester, looks set to receive ₤60 million and Lancashire has secured
₤42m. Liverpool City Region Combined Authority's ₤30 million package is in
addition to a ₤40m 'emergency' hospitality fund for pubs and other businesses,
announced last week, which has been put together, with local Councils, from
existing reserves. The negotiations took place after ministers' extension of the
new job support scheme and additional cash grants for businesses forced to
close, although welcomed, were deemed to be insufficient. The FSB is calling for
further support, needed as more businesses moved into Tier 3, namely:-
The updated Job Support Scheme (JSS) and the Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG)
should further apply to:-
1. Suppliers who have lost the significant part of their revenue as a result of
local restrictions, for instance food distribution firms who supply to
hospitality venues.
2. Businesses where activity primarily takes place in workplaces which are
either closed or severely restricted by covid-secure guidance, for example those
serving wedding venues and sports stadiums, including those providing transport
to and from those venues, such as taxi drivers serving the night time economy.
The self employment support scheme should be set at 67% for those who have lost
significant revenue as a result of local restrictions, and, as a matter of
urgency, a similar level of support should be in place in the form of Business
Rescue Grants for those Company Directors who have lost significant revenue.
Chris Manka added:- "Consultation with businesses is key. We will work
with the 3 Local Authorities, and others across the North West where lockdown
restrictions are imposed, so that the funding helps businesses that need it
most. It is also important that communication from Government on how to comply
with the restrictions; and what businesses are allowed to do under Tier 3; is
clear and concise. Our members are vulnerable and fear for their future. Better
communication and reassurance that more support will follow, delivered in a
timely fashion in a way that is easy to access, will help ease the uncertainty
that is making life so difficult. These funding announcements must be seen as a
starting point not the entirety of the support. We have consistently highlighted
that far too many are still excluded from the Government's efforts to help
business owners; not least company directors and the newly self employed, who
have now been surviving for over 6 months without help and, in some cases, with
no income. A rescue package for these people is urgently needed. Across the
North such measures are paramount as our businesses are put into stricter
lockdown measures. Policymakers should now be looking at cross cutting
interventions to spur growth, start-ups and future job creation as our economy
is changed for the long term. As business and entrepreneurs in the North we have
long been challenged to 'level up' the economy, but without support, such
aspirations will be impossible and businesses will close. Bringing down Employer
National Insurance Contributions and lifting the business rates burden for more
small firms would be good places to start."
Covid Secure activities to
run for 3,000 young people this autumn ½
term, thanks to PCC funding
COVID Secure activities aimed at
keeping more than 3,000 young people safe this Halloween and Bonfire Night will
run thanks to funding from the Region's Police Commissioner.
Jane Kennedy is using funding raised from the sale of unclaimed stolen goods or
property which can't be returned to its owners to enable 21 charities and
community groups to offer safe, organised activities for young people during the
busy Halloween and Bonfire Night period, when the public often experience an
increase in crime and anti social behaviour.
This is the 11th round of funding released by the Commissioner from the Police
Property Act (PPA) Fund. For the last 5 years, she has all directed all the
funds towards into activities aimed at keeping young people safe and away from
anti social or criminal behaviour during the autumn ½ term.
The successful organisations this year will receive funds totalling more than
₤47,500 and will run a host of Covid secure projects which will complement
Merseyside Police and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service's Operation Banger,
engaging 3,098 children and young people engaged in safe and supervised
Jane said:- "Running these projects over this ½ term break is clearly more
challenging than normal due to the Coronavirus epidemic. But the restrictions
actually make it more important than ever to try and keep young people safe. Our
community groups and charities have once again risen to the challenge, proposing
a host of imaginative and creative projects, aimed at making their communities
safer. Local people know their communities best. They know what works when
engaging with young people and they have proposed some ingenious ideas. These
projects will help to ensure that more than 3,000 young people can still enjoy
the festivities in a safe and enjoyable way at organised and well managed
events, ensuring the fun and excitement of Halloween and Bonfire Night doesn't
get out of hand. This helps to relieve the strain on our emergency services at
what is usually one of the busiest times of the year, made even more serious by
the Coronavirus epidemic. By using these grants to fund a wide range of well
organised community activities across the whole Region, I hope we can help to
keep young people safe."
A total of 62 applications were received for the fund, with a combined value of
nearly ₤220,000. To avoid any duplication, bids were shared with partners before
being reviewed by a panel from the Commissioner's office and the Community
Foundation for Merseyside, who manage the fund on the PCC's behalf.
As a result, 8 organisations in Liverpool were awarded funding, with 4 projects
running on the Wirral, 3 in both Knowsley and Sefton and 2nd in St Helens.
Among the recipients were The Florrie in Toxteth which received ₤3,500 to run a
haunted house project for 250 young people in family bubbles, the Hive in the
Wirral which will once again run its successful 'Hiveageddon'
project with diversionary activities for 200 young people and the Under
Construction Crew in St Helens who received ₤3,500 to engage with 150 young
Some of the funding was also allocated to organisations to deliver intensive
diversion work with small groups of young people who are at highest of becoming
involved in criminal behaviour, including the Merseyside Somali Community
Association, the Merseyside Youth Association in Sefton and Equilibrium in
Birkenhead and Rock Ferry.
This year's allocation brings the total fund delivered by the PCC to nearly
₤470,000, during her 8 years in office.
The PPA fund is administered by the Community Foundation for Merseyside, (CFM)
on behalf of the Commissioner. CFM holds funds from philanthropic individuals
and organisations who wish to support deserving causes in Merseyside and
CFM's Senior Programmes Manager James Proctor said:- "'As we all know,
this year has even greater challenges and we are so pleased that the PCC is
continuing to invest in our local charities and community groups to support
their diversionary youth work, being delivered in a Covid Secure manner. This
helps to build the capacity of local community organisations during very
difficult times with many fundraising activities having to be cancelled and
supporting much needed engagement for young people."
Total UK cases COVID19 cases in
and around Liverpool City Region
THE total number of UK
Coronavirus (COVID-19) infections that have been laboratory
confirmed, within the UK, has risen by 21,331 cases and the
total number now stand at 762,542, that includes tests
carried out by commercial partners which are not included in
the 4 National totals.
THE total number of COVID-19 associated UK fatalities added
to the total, was sadly reported to be:- 241, within 28 days
of positive test, according to the Department of Health. The
total number of deaths of people who have had a positive
test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory
is:- 43,967, within 28 days of positive test. Deaths with
Covid19 on the death certificate:- 58,164.
The number of COVID-19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:-
6,431. The current number of COVID-19 patients currently in
mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 629. Daily
number of COVID-19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 860.
In England, there are a total of 647,025 confirmed cases.
North West - total of 162,230 confirmed cases.
The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the
Liverpool City Region are as follows:-
Area and number of confirmed cases:- |
Risen by:- |
Tier 3
LIVERPOOL City Region |
confirmed cases. |
444 |
confirmed cases. |
103 |
confirmed cases. |
148 |
confirmed cases. |
214 |
St. Helens,
confirmed cases |
144 |
6,580 confirmed cases.
137 |
Colour Key:- |
0 |
1 to 10 |
11 to 20 |
21 to 30 |
31 to 40 |
41 to 50 |
51 to100 |
100 over |
number of laboratory confirmed cases within
Local Authorities around the Liverpool City
Region are as follows:-
Blackburn with
Darwen, 4,604 confirmed cases.
2,621 confirmed cases.
7,858 confirmed cases.
4,780 confirmed cases.
East, 4,795 confirmed cases.
West and Chester, 4,550 confirmed cases.
24,632 confirmed cases.
15,920 confirmed cases.
6,972 confirmed cases.
Preston, 3,857 confirmed
Rochdale, 6,187 confirmed
Salford, 6,250 confirmed
Stockport, 5,180
confirmed cases.
Tameside, 5,198 confirmed
Trafford, 4,639 confirmed
Warrington, 4,490
confirmed cases
Wigan, 7,276 confirmed
Daily reported
Covid19 deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that
occurred within 28 days of the 1st laboratory confirmed
positive Covid19 test. Daily and cumulative
numbers of COVID19 patients admitted to Hospital. Data are
not updated every day by all 4 nations and the figures are
not comparable as Wales include suspected COVID19 patients
while the other nations include only confirmed cases.
Previous 24hr Data

Published weekly, as normal...
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