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This page last updated on 25 November 2020
LGA responds
to additional Spending Review funding for road repairs
COMMENTING on the Government's ₤1.6 billion for local
road repairs, Cllr David Renard, Transport spokesperson for the Local Government
Association said:- "Fixing our roads is a top priority for councils, who
fix a pothole every 21 seconds. Councils have long asked for an infrastructure
strategy to help address a nearly ₤11 billion backlog in local road repairs as
well as help to invest in other important infrastructure in their communities.
This new investment is good news and will help councils to support their
communities and help tackle our local road repairs backlog. Going forward, it is
important for councils to have more long term certainty of funding support so
they can make the most of this new infrastructure strategy."
Sefton Council
is supporting Bates Farms and Dairy Ltd to expand its
business operations in Southport's Birkdale area
the Company obtaining planning permission, the Council will
sell 0.75 acres of its freehold land at Broome Road to the
Company. This will enable Bates' to meet its need to create
a larger yard for storage and existing delivery vehicles.
Cllr Marion Atkinson Sefton Council's Cabinet Member for
Regeneration and Skills said:- "By making this land
available to Bates Dairy, the Council would be supporting
the growth of a family firm that has been in Southport for
over 80 years and which provides a milk delivery service to
thousands of local people, while providing 104 jobs within
the local community. The ability to expand on the site will
help secure local employer Bates' future in the town and
will mean the Company can invest and grow. Plus, the extra
space will mean fewer on site vehicle movements, which will
benefit local residents."
Part of a 22 acre, Council owned site at former Isle of
Wight Farm, the land is identified in the Local Plan as a
possible area for housing. Bates' proposals for a small part
of that area include the erection of a single storey unit.
Requirements for the development would include the Dairy
erecting acoustic fencing and plans to deal with any
resulting increase in surface water run off. Local residents
would have an opportunity to have their say on the proposed
expansion through the Council's planning application
LGA responds to
Spending Review Social Care and public health announcements
RESPONDING to announcements about adult
Social Care and public health in today’s Spending Review,
Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government
Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:- “The
Coronavirus crisis has demonstrated the crucial value of
councils’ adult Social Care and public health services.
Extra funding for children’s and adult Social Care will help
address some short-term pressures, but we need a clear plan
on the future of care and support and how we pay for it,
which recognises low pay in the adult Social Care workforce
and finally delivers parity of esteem with the NHS. The
Social Care Council Tax precept remains a sticking plaster
which will not address long-term pressures. No new public
health funding, despite this incredibly challenging period,
also runs contrary to addressing the stark health
inequalities exposed by Covid19 and levelling up our
communities. Keeping people healthy and well throughout
their lives reduces pressure on the NHS and Social Care.”
"Don't drop your
THE latest
research carried out by carried out online by Research
Without Barriers for Hypochlorous hand sanitiser
Steril-eeze released
today has revealed that worryingly, we are relaxing our hand
hygiene, with 25% fewer people now hand sanitising up to 5
times a day than in lockdown 1. Nearly a quarter of us cite
the forthcoming vaccine as the reason for relaxing our hand
hygiene, with a 5th saying they are less scared of the
impact of the virus and some also blaming laziness and the
impact of hand sanitiser on their skin, or 'lockdown
Says Dr Sarah Jarvis, Medical Advisor to Steril-eeze,
"Hand hygiene is so important. Always have a hand sanitiser
with you for when you're out and about and can't access soap
and water or if you need to sanitise a door handle or
surface. Hand sanitisers that contain at least 60% alcohol
are highly effective. However, if you find your skin is
irritated and dry as a result of these, hand sanitiser
containing 300 PPM (parts per million) hypochlorous acid can
offer an effective alternative which is kinder to skin."
Editors note:- The surveys were conducted between 13
November 2020 and 17 November 2020 with a sample comprised
1,001 UK adults. All the research conducted adheres to the
UK Market Research Society (MRS) code of conduct (2019) and
RWB is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office
and complies with the DPA (1998) Also, the May Research was
by IPSOS Online Omnibus. Conducted in May 2020, wit a sample
size of 2206 Adults aged 16 to 75years to represent the
nationally representative.
RCEM response to
the Spending Review 2020
Chancellor's statement today outlining the Government's
Spending Review, Dr Katherine Henderson, President of the
Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM),
said:- "Any additional funding for the health and care
service is always welcome. After the efforts of our
Healthcare Workers, still continuing to fight this pandemic,
it is essential that we now invest in our healthcare
service, our Healthcare Workers, our Hospitals, Social Care
and Emergency Departments. However, today's funding
announcement still falls short of what we need to fix the
deep rooted system wide issues in our NHS. A year on year
increase of 3.5% is less than what we, and the sector, have
called for and it is still less than the historic year on
year average. There is still a significant shortfall in
Social Care funding and again, while an extra ₤1bn is
welcome, does not meet our call, and will not be enough for
the sector to recover. Given the direct impact Social Care
has on Emergency Departments, this is storing up problems
for the future. We are also unconvinced that the extra money
allocated to Health Education England will be able to
deliver on the Governments staffing promises, or the 2,500
extra EM Doctors we need. However, a pay rise for clinical
NHS staff is very welcome, as is a specific Covid recovery
funding and the further boost to capital funding. This will
help our EDs begin to reconfigure and expand, to make them
fit for the 21st century. Capital funds will in small part
help to reduce dangerous crowding, but does little to fix
the system wide issues, including flow and lack of nearly
10,000 staffed beds, that underlies the problem. Crowding is
now more dangerous than ever and is a catalyst for the
spread of Covid. We hope that money invested in Covid
vaccination and prevention will do what is required to help
eliminate the virus, otherwise the lack of specific focus on
our EDs to tackle this problem may prove short sighted."
All information referenced comes from the Government
Spending Review 2020:-
Care England's
response to UK's Spending Review
CARE England, the largest representative body for
independent providers of adult Social Care, has expressed surprise as to why
Social Care has been left out in the cold in the Chancellor's Comprehensive
Spending Review this afternoon. Professor Martin Green, Chief Executive of Care
England, says:- "In light of the sector's contribution during the Covid19
pandemic, Government must support and be responsive to the needs of the sector.
Of course ₤1 billion is welcome, we welcome every penny, but in comparison with
the NHS and the challenges that the sector faces, this figure is too little and
too late. Unfortunately on previous occasions when the Government gave huge
amounts of money to Local Authorities it did not reach the front line so we have
grave concerns about the delivery mechanism." The Chancellor said that
there would be:- 'access' to ₤1 billion extra for Social Care,
split between adult and children's Social Care services most of which will be
raised locally. The supporting documents also make reference to additional
resources for the Better Care Fund. Care England will be examining the detail,
but this is a drop in the ocean in comparison with what the sector needs. Care
England welcomes the pay rise for nurses and hope that this extends to
independent sector nurses who are equally vital to help look after our society
and therefore that this will feed into the Funded Nursing Care rate for 2021/22
and continuing healthcare fees also next year. Martin Green continues:-
"Care England hopes that the Government makes good on its promise to bring
forward proposals next year on its commitment to sustainable improvement of the
adult Social Care system. This cannot wait any longer. If we thought 2020 was
hard, unfortunately we have worse to come."
2020 has proved
to be extremely challenging for everyone due to Covid19
OVER the last 9 months, residents
have had to juggle home Schooling, working from home, job
losses, being furloughed, illness, worries, anxiety and,
sadly, bereavements. At the same time, our local businesses
have had to close, adapt and operate with a host of new
safety measures in place. As we prepare to come out of a
national lockdown, arrangements can now be made to spend
time with family over the festive period. But, it's
important to remember that this won't be a normal Christmas
and things haven't gone back to normal as the virus is still
spreading in our communities. The Government has agreed with
the other nations of the UK (Scotland, Ireland and Wales) a
set of Christmas 'rules' to ensure a
consistent approach for people to follow. They have
announced that from Wednesday, 23 December to Sunday, 27
December 2020:-
can form an exclusive:- 'Christmas bubble'
composed of people from no more than 3 households.
can only be in 1 Christmas bubble.
cannot change your Christmas bubble.
can travel between tiers and UK nations for the purposes of
meeting your Christmas bubble.
can only meet your Christmas bubble in private homes or in
your garden, places of worship, or public outdoor spaces.
You can continue to meet people who are not in your
Christmas bubble outside your home according to the rules in
the tier where you are staying.
cannot meet someone in a private dwelling who is not part of
your household or Christmas bubble, people who are self
isolating should not join a Christmas bubble.
In addition, when meeting your Christmas bubble you should
take these measures to prevent the spread of the virus:-
your hands frequently.
touch points regularly, such as door handles and surfaces.
you are only visiting someone for a short time, you should
keep socially distanced from anybody you do not live with as
much as possible.
sure you let as much fresh air in as you can during a visit
and after visitors have left, without getting cold, by
opening windows and doors.
following these new rules, we must each continue to take
personal responsibility to limit the spread of the virus and
protect our loved ones, particularly if they are vulnerable.
The full restrictions regarding Christmas
arrangements can be found on the Government's website.
Sefton Council Leader Cllr Ian Maher said:- "It's so
important that we don't undo all of the good work we've done
over the last few months to get our figures down. Covid19 is
easily transmitted from person to person and I also know how
hard it has been for family and friends who haven't been
able to see each other. We all want life to go back to
normal, but we need to ensure that we follow the rules to
keep our infection rates down and avoid the need for further
(and tighter) restrictions being imposed on us. We know that
relaxing the rules means the virus grows, so please be
sensible and enjoy the festivities safely."
FSB Merseyside
and Cheshire and the CLA says:- "Spending Review is a
missed opportunity"
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced significant investment
across the North West as part of the Government's commitment
to level up opportunity across the UK. The Chancellor used
the Spending Review to boost housing and transport and
regenerate Towns in the North West Region. In the
announcement he said that the North West will benefit from
over ₤400 million in housing infrastructure funding across
18 projects, including ₤134 million for an 8km road to the
south of Carlisle City, facilitating the development of St
Cuthbert's Garden Village and unlocking more than 10,000
homes. This is part of the ₤7.1 billion National Home
Building Fund which will invest in key infrastructure and
provide support for small and medium enterprise house
builders to unlock up to 860,000 homes across the country.
Greater Manchester
Combined Authority and Liverpool City Region Combined
Authority will receive a share of ₤4.2bn for Intra City
Transport settlements, enabling them to benefit from long
term, locally led investment, subject to appropriate
governance. The Chancellor ahas also announced a new ₤4
billion Levelling Up Fund which will invest in local
infrastructure that has a visible impact on people and their
communities and will support economic recovery.
Chancellor of the
Exchequer Rishi Sunak said:- "We are determined to
level up all the regions of the United Kingdom including the
North West so that everybody can get on in life, wherever
they live. Today's investments in housing, transport and
infrastructure underlines our commitment to people across
the North West. We are providing billions of pounds in the
fight against Coronavirus across the UK, delivering the
peoples' priorities and driving the UK's recovery."
The North West will also benefit from a share of the ₤5.2bn
6 year flood and coastal defence programme, including better
protection for over 12,500 properties across:- Fleetwood,
Southport, and Manchester. The Government is supporting the
regeneration of 33 towns in the North West through the Towns
Confirmed Town Deals so far include:-
million for Blackpool to update their illuminations and
develop transport links around the Blackpool Airport
Enterprise Zone.
million for Barrow to develop a new Learning Quarter and
upgrade local cycle and walking infrastructure.
million for Warrington to build an electric bus fleet depot,
an advanced construction training centre and a health and
Social Care academy.
In order to improve connectivity around the English and
Scottish border, ₤18 million from the ₤30 million total
funding for the Borderlands regeneration project will be
invested in the North West in 2021/22. The Government is
also building 4 Hospitals within the North West and
continuing to grow medical undergraduate degree places, with
an additional 171 places in the North West compared to
2017/18. Alongside this, at least 1 prison will be built in
the North West as part of the 18,000 new prison places
programme. Through the Shared Outcomes Fund, Blackpool will
host 1 of 5 pilots which looks to join up local law
enforcement agencies, the NHS, prisons and Social Care
services both to disrupt serious organised drugs and
firearms trade and to provide support to tackle addiction.
The Government is also committed to improving education in
the Region with Schools in the North West receiving almost
₤5.3 billion in per-pupil funding through the Schools block,
an average increase of 3.2% compared to 2020 to 2021. The
Government has also announced new Investment Champions for
the Northern Powerhouse, which will work with 10 prominent
businesses to showcase the region's strengths.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak co:- "We have
provided the British Business Bank with the resources to
provide ₤100m in additional commitments for the Northern
Powerhouse Investment Fund, to catalyse the growth of small
and medium enterprises across the North, including the North
B ut, responding to this the Chancellor's Spending Review
address, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Development
Manager for Merseyside and Cheshire, Phil McCabe, said:-
"A Government which claims to be pro-enterprise had very
little to say today about the importance of business and
private sector job creation. This Spending Review was a
missed opportunity to help small business owners; not least
those who have been excluded from support measures; and
brings the need for a pro-business Spring Budget into focus.
Rather than being a tax raising Budget, it must have growth
and recovery at its heart. Depending on the spread of Covid
and restrictions over the coming months, very significant
interventions may well be needed far sooner than the Spring.
We will at least need to see meaningful action to spur
business and job creation by the time the furlough scheme is
reviewed in January 2020. The economic forecasts outlined
today are stark. Our hopes of recovery will hinge on the
success of small businesses. We need to see far more from
this Government where reducing tax on enterprise,
facilitating start-ups and bringing down operating and
employment costs are concerned. That said, commitments to a
new UK infrastructure Bank, Levelling Up Fund and UK Shared
Prosperity Fund are good to see. We've always said that
replacing EU funding for business support would be critical
as we move to a new relationship with Europe, and our
recommendations have been taken on board. It's vital that;
as these new initiatives are rolled out; small firms are
brought into the supply chains of capital expenditure
projects and paid on time. The announcement of measures to
aid the sharing of apprenticeship levy funds with small
firms down supply chains marks an important step forward.
For too long, our transport, broadband and mobile
infrastructure has lagged behind other major economies. We
welcome efforts to tackle this issue head on. The Government
has listened to the expert Low Pay Commission where the
National Living Wage is concerned, and that marks the right
approach. We've heard an awful lot about Government debt
today. We should also remember that previously thriving
small firms have had to take on significant borrowing to
keep the show on the road and pay for safety measures. Come
the Spring, when repayments start to fall due, many will be
extremely stretched. A pro-business Budget at that juncture
will not just be important, but essential."
Also responding to this announcement, Mark Bridgeman,
President of the Country Land and Business Association,
said:- "We understand the Chancellor continues to
firefight the economic fallout of Covid-19. But this
Spending Review did little to show the Government's mantra
of 'building back better' will apply to the rural economy.
Rural productivity is 16% less productive than the national
average. If Government takes steps to close that
productivity gap, then ₤43bn will be unlocked into the
economy, creating jobs and strengthening communities. This
week's spending review will do nothing to boost economic
growth in the countryside. The truth is that for the rural
economy to achieve its vast potential, Government will need
to do a great deal more. We need to see Ministers from the
Treasury, DEFRA, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and
Local Government and other key departments to work together,
and with the industry, to identify and deliver new policies
specifically designed to create jobs and grow businesses in
the countryside."
Total UK cases Covid19 cases in
and around Liverpool City Region
THE total number of UK
Coronavirus (Covid19) infections that have been laboratory
confirmed, within the UK, has risen by:- 18,213 cases and
the total number now stand at:- 1,557,007 that includes
tests carried out by commercial partners which are not
included in the 4 National totals.
The total number of Covid19 associated UK fatalities added
to the total, was sadly reported to be:- 696, within 28 days
of positive test, according to the Department of Health. The
total number of deaths of people who have had a positive
test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory
is:- 56,533, within 28 days of positive test. Deaths with
Covid19 on the death certificate:- 66,713.
The number of Covid19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:-
16,570. The current number of Covid19 patients currently in
mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 1,489 Daily
number of Covid19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 1,432.
In England, there are a total of:- 1,340,635 confirmed
cases. North West - total of:- 298,210 confirmed cases.
The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the
Liverpool City Region are as follows:-
Area and number of confirmed cases:- |
Risen by:- |
National UK Lockdown
Liverpool City Region |
Liverpool, 23,688
confirmed cases. |
87 |
Halton, 4,554 confirmed cases. |
31 |
Knowsley, 7,691 confirmed cases. |
35 |
Sefton, 10,339 confirmed cases.. |
61 |
St. Helens, 7,437
confirmed case. |
39 |
9,862 confirmed cases.
36 |
Colour Key:- |
0 |
1 to 10 |
11 to 20 |
21 to 30 |
31 to 40 |
41 to 50 |
51 to100 |
100 over |
The number of laboratory confirmed cases within
Local Authorities around the Liverpool City
Region are as follows:-
with Darwen, 9,317 confirmed cases.
5,053 confirmed cases.
14,676 confirmed cases.
9,437 confirmed cases.
East, 8,620 confirmed cases.
West and Chester, 8,722 confirmed cases.
45,831 confirmed cases.
30,301 confirmed cases.
14,435 confirmed cases.
6,990 confirmed cases.
12,200 confirmed cases.
13,078 confirmed cases.
10,257 confirmed cases.
10,175 confirmed cases.
8,521 confirmed cases.
8,001 confirmed cases
16,036 confirmed cases.
Daily reported
Covid19 deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that
occurred within 28 days of the 1st laboratory confirmed
positive Covid19 test. Daily and cumulative
numbers of Covid19 patients admitted to Hospital. Data are
not updated every day by all 4 nations and the figures are
not comparable as Wales include suspected Covid19 patients
while the other nations include only confirmed cases.
The latest UK R number is estimated
at:- 1 to 1.1 with a daily infection growth rate range of:-
+0% to +2%.
Previous 24hr Data
Published weekly, as
to see it! |
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