Liverpool City Region
... and Important
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This page last updated on 27 November 2020
LGA responds
to AA Town Centre parking charge freeze calls
RESPONDING to calls from the AA for Councils to
suspend Town Centre parking charges over the Christmas period, Cllr David Renard,
Transport Spokesperson for the Local Government Association, said:-
"Councils continue to work all day and night to support communities through the
Covid19 crisis and have responded flexibly to changing demand for parking spaces
With high streets and Town Centres reopening for the festive period, demand for
parking spaces will be returning back to normal levels in many places. There is
no 1 size fits all solution; as, before the Pandemic, Councils will set charges
to reflect local circumstances, including supporting high streets and town
centre businesses. Councils will also be considering capacity and social
distancing issues in their local car parks as people visit Town Centres."
launch new action to disrupt promoters of tax avoidance
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and
the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) have launched new action to cut out
misleading marketing by promoters of tax avoidance schemes. The joint
enforcement notice aims to disrupt the activity of promoters and protect people
from being presented with misleading adverts which may tempt them into tax
avoidance. It requires promoters to be clear about the potential consequences of
tax avoidance in any online advertisements. Immediate sanctions include having
their paid advertising removed from search engines and follow up compliance
action, which can include referral to Trading Standards. It has been published
as HMRC launches its:- 'Tax avoidance, don't get caught out' awareness campaign
warning and educating contractors about how to identify if they are being
offered a tax avoidance scheme, and the pitfalls of using these schemes.
Jesse Norman MP, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said:- "The UK
Government has made clear its determination to clamp down on the promoters of
tax avoidance schemes. HMRC and the ASA are taking an important further step in
this direction by action against misleading advertisements by promoters. As
always, we would encourage people to pay close attention to HMRC's warnings not
to enter tax avoidance schemes. If it looks too good to be true, it almost
certainly is."
Jim Harra, Chief Executive and 1st Permanent Secretary of HMRC, said:- "We're
doing our part to close down these schemes and make it difficult for promoters,
but we need the public to play their part too. You really don't need to be a tax
expert to spot an avoidance scheme; anything that sounds too good to be true
almost certainly is, and anything which claims you can take home, say, 90% of
your pay, or asks you to sign up to loans from an offshore trust just so you can
be paid, is something to steer clear of. That's why we're starting a big push to
encourage taxpayers to steer clear of tax avoidance schemes. This is part of
HMRC's wider work to make it much harder for promoters to operate."
Miles Lockwood, Director of Complaints and Investigations, ASA, said:-
"This notice serves as a clear warning to promoters of tax avoidance scheme; get
your houses in order and ensure your ads comply with the law and our advertising
rules or face enforcement action. There can be a real consumer detriment for
those who unwittingly following bogus tax avoidance advice – you could find
yourself facing a significant tax bill. Working with bodies such as the HMRC is
helping us to better protect consumers from misleading and unfair advertising
that can leave them out of pocket."
The 'Tax avoidance, don't get caught out' campaign is
asking the public to:-
– don't sign anything that you are uncomfortable with or don't understand.
– check for warning signs. If you're unsure, seek independent professional
– if you think you have been offered a tax avoidance scheme, report it to HMRC.
Or if you need help getting out of 1, contact us.
The campaign launch comes as HMRC publishes its Use of Marketed Tax Avoidance
Schemes in the UK report, including its most recent available data covering 2018
to 2019, and a candid look into the current state of the market. HMRC has always
warned against engaging in tax avoidance. Our Spotlight series about tax
avoidance schemes published on GOV.UK warns people about what to look out for.
In 2019 and 2020, HMRC issued 11 Spotlight warnings, on different tax avoidance
schemes being offered to people. In April 2020, Spotlight 54 warned health
workers returning to the NHS that avoidance scheme promoters were targeting
them. HMRC has made significant progress in combating tax avoidance in recent
years. About 20 promoters have moved out of promoting altogether in the last 6
years because we are making it tougher for them to operate. Since 2014, HMRC has
successfully brought in billions of pounds from settling marketed avoidance
cases, accelerated payments and other compliance activity.
PHE North West
Regional Director warns against COVID complacency as latest
tiers are announced
AS infection rates remain high
within the North West, despite encouraging signs, but
"caution" is required according to Public Health
England (PHE) as Regional Tiers replace National Lockdown in
a few days time. The PHE's Regional Director for the North
West asks all of us to remain vigilant and not to forget the
basics:– "hands, face, space" as the 2nd
National Lockdown is set to ends on Wednesday, 2 December
2020. Although there are encouraging signs and infection
rates are falling across the North West, they remain high in
most areas, as does demand on NHS services due to Covid19.
With the toughest measures being implemented in areas where
prevalence remains too high, like in the Lancashire and
Manchester areas, who are in Tier 3, the Liverpool City
Region is still at risk, even though we are not in Teir 2,
due to the proximity of the Teir 3 areas.
Public Health England's Regional Director for the North
West, Dr Andrew Furber has said:- "As a public health
community, we are encouraged by the data which shows
everyone's hard work is paying off and we're now seeing
rates starting to come down. We thank everyone for playing
their part; it's not been easy. But we cannot get
complacent. The last thing any of us want to see is an
increase in cases leading to further deaths and, as we move
into winter, additional pressure on local health services.
The promise of effective vaccines on the horizon is
encouraging, but everyone in at risk groups is unlikely to
be vaccinated before Spring. So, in the meantime, please
remain vigilant and don't forget the basics:- hands, face,
The Government has already announced that most areas across
the country will remain under tight restrictions after
lockdown ends to keep infection rates falling in the run up
to Christmas and beyond. However, Dr Furber warns that
Christmas will be far from normal:- "We would all like
to be able to see loved ones during the festive period but
we know that Christmas will be different this year, what is
important is that we reduce our contact with others as much
as possible, keep washing our hands, wear face coverings
when necessary and keep our distance to reduce the spread of
the virus. We know this is hard, but please keep doing
everything you can to reduce the risk to yourself and those
around you."
Guidance on restrictions over Christmas and creating a:-
'Christmas bubble' with family and friends can be
found on the Government
website and for
information about testing please also go to:-
Care Home
visiting Covid test pilot delayed
THE Liverpool City Council has
delayed the start of its pilot in which some relatives of
Care Home residents will be able to visit loved ones;
without a screen; if they test negative with a Lateral Flow
Covid19 test on arrival for the visit. This pause, until 3
December 2020, will allow more time to talk with Care Homes,
residents and their families, and to consider new national
guidance alongside Liverpool's move from Tier 3 to Tier 2
for managing Covid. The scheme is part of Liverpool's pilot
of regular testing for people without symptoms, known as
community testing or SMART (Smart Asymptomatic Meaningful
Repeated Testing). Councillor Paul Brant, Cabinet member for
Adult Health and Social Care said:- "We know that
there had been a huge amount of anticipation about using the
lateral flow tests to help people to get closer to their
relatives in Care Homes, and we hope to proceed with this
scheme as soon as further preparations have been completed.
We hope those affected understand that we need to be extra
careful in preparing to support and protect our most
vulnerable citizens, and we thank them for their patience
and understanding. Unlike some other Councils, we have never
had a blanket ban on Care Home visits, but we appreciate
that it does not feel natural to be behind a screen when
visiting someone that you care about. Care Home residents
and staff will be among the 1st groups to get the new
vaccines if they are approved in the near future, as part of
the national rollout, which will hopefully mean we can ease
some of the restrictions that are in place at the moment."
Leisure and Retail Grant (Expanded Scheme) opens Monday
THE Hospitality, Leisure and
Retail Grant (Expanded Scheme) will open on Monday, 30
November 2020, at 11am. The application window will close,
on Friday, 11 December 2020. You cannot apply before Monday,
30 November 2020.
"We urge you to read the Guidance and Checklist document
before you apply. This document explains what information
you will need to provide and upload with your application
form. Your application will not be processed if this
information is not supplied. This scheme is being
administrated by a dedicated team within Sefton Council, not
by InvestSefton or Sefton Business Rates team. All enquiries
should be sent directly to the grants team at:-
Enquiries are being dealt with by email only. " said
The Liverpool City Region has combined the recently
announced Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG (Open) and
the Additional Restrictions Grant to create this grant
scheme. This scheme will only let you apply if you meet 1 of
the 3 descriptions and was established and trading before
the 11 March 2020, still trading on 1 October 2020 and
intend to continue trading. Please note that you can only
apply for 1 grant per business.
Retail businesses that operate from commercial retail
premises, that have been forced to close due to national
restrictions and are not eligible for Local Restrictions
Support Grant (Closed). Businesses that supply directly to
the Hospitality and Leisure sectors, operate from commercial
premises and are not eligible for Local Restrictions Support
Grant (Closed).
Home based businesses (for example; a self employed person,
sole trader, or a limited company) that predominantly works
in or supplies the Hospitality and Leisure sectors and can
no longer generate income through usual channels (for
example; customer meetings) and has ongoing business related
costs. Licensed Market traders (in any part of the Retail
sector) are eligible to apply under this category.
Please visit:-
Sefton.Gov.UK for more
information .
Saturday' and 'Super Sunday' Covid testing blitz
in Liverpool
TEMPORARY 'pop up'
sites for people without Covid symptoms to get tested will
be installed in Liverpool this weekend as part of a
continued drive to get life going again in the City. They
are being placed in areas where take up of the City's pilot
regular testing programme for people without symptoms; known
as:- 'Mass Asymptomatic Serial Testing' has
been lower.
Combined with people following the rules and self isolating
when required to do so, as well as good contact tracing
measures and Covid Safe measures in businesses, it has led
to Liverpool and the wider city region being placed in Tier
2 of Covid19 measures from 2 December 2020, the 1st area in
the country to move down from Tier 3.
The temporary locations; which local Councillors have helped
identify; include:- social clubs, community centres and
faith centres will be open, from 10am to 7pm, on Saturday,
28 November and on Sunday, 29 November 2020.
Ministry of Defence personnel who were previously staffing
testing centres within Secondary Schools and are being
deployed to set up and manage the temporary facilities and
Council staff will also be going door to door encouraging
people to get tested.
Director of Public Health, Matthew Ashton, said:-
"This next phase of the pilot testing programme is about
improving the effectiveness of the delivery model, and make
it more sustainable, based on what we have learned since it
began. That means keeping the Centres that we know are well
used, and finding new ways of offering testing to those
communities that we know we still need to reach. It is also
important we get the message across that a negative test
result does not let you get on with your life with no other
control measures; it is reduced risk, not no risk. So we
still need to follow the rules around regular hand washing,
social distancing and avoiding household mixing. The way
Liverpool has responded so far tells me we can absolutely
embrace the challenge. Protecting ourselves, our friends,
families, loved ones, and the wider city now and in the year
to come."
The locations of the pop up testing sites, for Saturday and
Sunday only, from 10am to 7pm are:-
Pagoda Centre, Henry
Street, City Centre.
Church of Latter Day
Saints, Millbank, Tuebrook.
Everton Park Lifestyles
Fitness Centre, Great Homer Street, Everton.
Longmoor Social Club,
Longmoor Lane, Fazakerley.
Rotunda, Great Mersey
Street, Kirkdale.
Salvation Army Prescot
Road , Old Swan.
All Saints Church, Broad
Green Road, Old Swan.
Earle Road Hub, Earle
Road, Picton.
A new, sustainable operating model for testing people
without symptoms is currently being worked through and will
be announced in due course.
Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson said:- "We are hugely
grateful to the many people who have taken time out of their
day to get tested as part of this programme, but we know
that in some areas it has not been as high as we would like
it to have been. This is about taking the programme out into
the community to venues that are familiar to local people,
and working with Councillors to use their knowledge and
connections to encourage as many people as possible to get
tested. The more people who get tested, the more chance we
have of continuing the decline in positive cases we have
seen in recent weeks, which has led to us being placed in
Tier 2. We want to get people into the testing habit so we
can keep levels low in our city up to and beyond Christmas,
through the cold winter months and in to spring; because the
last thing any of us want is a return to a national
lockdown, or local restrictions, in January or February."
More details of the testing programme in Liverpool can be
found at:-
New Covid19
support fund to open
LIVERPOOL'S Small businesses
within City's retail and hospitality industry are being
invited to apply for a new Covid support fund. The new ₤9.5
million fund to support small and micro businesses affected
by Covid19 will open for applications on Monday, 30 November
2020. The Hospitality, Leisure and Retail Grants scheme is
part of Liverpool City Region Combined Authority's ₤40m
emergency support fund. Almost 9,000 businesses in Liverpool
have already received financial support since the Covid19
pandemic hit the UK in March. This new funding grant has
been allocated to support small retail businesses that were
forced to close due to the 2nd National Lockdown as well as
the supply chain supporting the hospitality and leisure
sector. Included in this sector is non-essential retail, the
self employed, sole traders, licensed market traders and
limited companies based at home, who predominantly supply
the hospitality and leisure sectors. The scheme will be open
for applications from 10am, on Monday, 30 November and will
close, at 5pm, on Friday, 11 December 2020.
Business must also satisfy the following criteria:-
Be based in the
Liverpool City Region (covering the Local Authority areas
ofL0 Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton and
Have been trading since
11 March 2020.
Have not been eligible
or received a grant from a Local Authority from October 2020
Employ 1 or more people.
Be able to demonstrate
that its trading activities have been significantly and
negatively impacted by Covid19 restrictions
be State Aid compliant.
Still be trading on or
before 1 October 2020.
The grant application
process and full criteria can be found on:-
The aim is to pay the
grant by BACS within 10 working days of an application being
The retail and leisure support scheme is open to small and
micro businesses only. For small businesses that means
having a turnover of not more than ₤10.2 million; a balance
sheet total of no more than ₤5.1 million; and a staff
headcount of no more than 50 people.
A micro business must satisfy 2 or more
of the following requirements:- have a turnover of no more
than ₤632,000; a balance sheet total of not more than
₤316,000 and a staff headcount of no more than 10 people.
Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson said:- "Liverpool and
its partner Authorities within the City Region are working
hard to support as many businesses as possible which have
been affected by the Pandemic. This latest round of funding
will target a number of businesses who make a valuable
contribution to our economy, particularly in the hospitality
and leisure sector, and yet who have been able to access
only restricted funding so far. We will continue to work
with our colleagues as the Combined Authority to bring as
much support as we are able to the Region's hard pressed
Sefton Council
is fully prepared and ready to grit nearly 470kms of road
across the borough this winter to keep its communities safe
from the Local Authority's brand new:- 'Gritting HQ,'
Sefton Council's Highways team have quietly prepared
a fleet of special vehicles and a staggering 3,500 tonnes of
gritting salt ahead of any major temperature drops in the
borough this coming winter. This is the 1st year Sefton
Council and its partners will run winter operations from a
brand new Council owned:- 'Winter Hub,' after
it was deemed the previous depot was no longer fit for
The new 'Winter Hub,' located in Netherton,
has the capacity to store 3500 tonnes of salt, over 250%
more storage space than what was available in the previous
depot In addition to the storage warehouse, the site also
includes:- office accommodation, staff mess room, toilets,
meeting and training rooms as well as office space. This
will allow the Council's dedicated and tireless staff and
contractors access to a modern and functional base to work
from during what is a critical time for keeping Sefton and
its road network safe and moving.
Cllr John Fairclough, Sefton Council's Cabinet Member for
Locality Services, welcomed the news, saying:- "We are
absolutely delighted that we have this brand new facility
open and operational ready for a potentially cold winter
period. The 'Winter Hub' is a much needed addition to our
Council assets and will help us to ensure, as we do every
year, that residents in Sefton will be driving on safe roads
this winter. We are also able to utilise the hub's
facilities and services for other projects throughout the
spring and summer months which will in turn make it even
more cost effective to the Council."
During periods of low temperatures where ice can form on the
road surface, Sefton Council and its contractors will begin
carriageway surface treatment, more conventionally known
as:- 'gritting' just after midnight at any
time day or night and continue treatments as long as
Treatment encompasses over 470km of prioritised carriageway
and heavily pedestrianised streets throughout the borough.
While the gritting treatment programme is extensive, Sefton
Council continues to encourage residents to take extra care
when out and about as some side roads and pathways are not
treated and may be icy.
Total UK cases Covid19 cases in
and around Liverpool City Region
THE total number of UK
Coronavirus (Covid19) infections that have been laboratory
confirmed, within the UK, has risen by:- 16,022 cases and
the total number now stand at:- 1,589,301 that includes
tests carried out by commercial partners which are not
included in the 4 National totals.
The total number of Covid19 associated UK fatalities added
to the total, was sadly reported to be:- 521, within 28 days
of positive test, according to the Department of Health. The
total number of deaths of people who have had a positive
test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory
is:- 57,551, within 28 days of positive test. Deaths with
Covid19 on the death certificate:- 66,713.
The number of Covid19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:-
16,064. The current number of Covid19 patients currently in
mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 1,456 Daily
number of Covid19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 1,471.
In England, there are a total of:- 1,367,546 confirmed
cases. North West - total of:- 301,860 confirmed cases.
The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the
Liverpool City Region are as follows:-
Area and number of confirmed cases:- |
Risen by:- |
National UK Lockdown
Liverpool City Region |
Liverpool, 23,839
confirmed cases. |
67 |
Halton, 4,616 confirmed cases. |
36 |
Knowsley, 7,755 confirmed cases. |
37 |
Sefton, 10,437 confirmed cases.. |
45 |
St. Helens, 7,527
confirmed case. |
36 |
9,928 confirmed cases.
40 |
Colour Key:- |
0 |
1 to 10 |
11 to 20 |
21 to 30 |
31 to 40 |
41 to 50 |
51 to100 |
100 over |
The number of laboratory confirmed cases within
Local Authorities around the Liverpool City
Region are as follows:-
with Darwen, 9,448 confirmed cases.
5,135 confirmed cases.
14,873 confirmed cases.
9,571 confirmed cases.
East, 8,772 confirmed cases.
West and Chester, 8,826 confirmed cases.
46,605 confirmed cases.
30,623 confirmed cases.
14,599 confirmed cases.
7,060 confirmed cases.
12,422 confirmed cases.
13,199 confirmed cases.
10,376 confirmed cases.
10,274 confirmed cases.
8,597 confirmed cases.
8,080 confirmed cases
16,254 confirmed cases.
Daily reported
Covid19 deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that
occurred within 28 days of the 1st laboratory confirmed
positive Covid19 test. Daily and cumulative
numbers of Covid19 patients admitted to Hospital. Data are
not updated every day by all 4 nations and the figures are
not comparable as Wales include suspected Covid19 patients
while the other nations include only confirmed cases.
The latest UK R number is estimated
at:- 0.9 to 1 with a daily infection growth rate range of:-
-2% to 0%.
Previous 24hr Data
Published weekly, as
to see it! |
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