- Last patient says goodbye to the Overseas Clinical Team
THE last patient said farewell to the South African team who leave Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust on September 16 after successfully performing over 300 hip and knee operations.
In what the Trust describes as “one of the most fantastic initiatives it has
hosted”, the Overseas Clinical Team experience has indeed exceeded all expectations.
The Government chose the Trust for a 1.97 million pound initiative to bring down waiting lists in orthopaedic surgery and achieved great success.
During the 10-week project, which started in July, the specialist orthopaedic team provided by organisation Netcare - a private health care provider - operated on a staggering 338 patients, selected from a range of acute Trusts across Cheshire and Merseyside and Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authorities.
Patients travelled from as far as Scotland, Cumbria, North Cheshire Blackpool, Lancashire, Burnley and Blackburn as well as Liverpool, Sefton and West Lancashire.
The project also saw more than 200 South Africans visit the Trust on a rota basis to perform the successful operations in the purpose-built 28-bed ward and UCV (Ultra Clean Ventilation) theatre that was built to accommodate the patients.
Patients who had hip or knee replacements under the scheme have been very complimentary about the Overseas Clinical Team. While staff within the Trust have also enjoyed the experience and have learnt a lot from the project.
Allan Stephenson, Executive Director of Surgery said, “This has been an excellent initiative which far exceeded all our expectations. The reaction from the patients has been fantastic and the operations have all gone very smoothly.
Both the Trust and the Netcare team have worked very well together to deliver such a major project and have both learnt a lot from the experience. The South Africans will now be able to put to good use the experiences they have learnt from us, just as we will now put into practice some of the things they have taught us.
The Trust is proud to have been chosen to host this initiative and feels privileged to have worked with the Overseas Clinical Team.”
Report with thanks to Nicky Williams at Health Start.

PITMAN TRAINING from Merseyside, recently organised a Charity Golf Day at Hurlston Hall Golf Club. The Charity supported was Macmillan Nurses Appeal. A total of 36 Golfers took part and, despite inclement weather, enjoyed the day. Peter Fleetwood, on a handicap of 5, won the day with a points total of 38.
A cheque was presented to Val Martyn-Beck, Appeals manager for Macmillan Nurses, for £910 by Pearl Hayes, Pitman’s Training Director. There are further plans to run the event again in September 2004.

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