Primary Care Trust events held across the Merseyside region have proved to be a hit with families seek a break from the gloomy weather.
During the summer months, the PCT has been hosting many events across the region in conjunction with the BBC and Juice FM in an effort to bring communities together and offering prizes for all those taking part - to raise the awareness of the trust and to raise funds for charity.
Two weeks earlier on September 19, a similar event was held on Waterloo Marina, where families were entertained by Team Xtreme, a skateboarder showcase that amazed parents and children alike with their marvelous skateboarding stunts and skills, along with many other activities including rodeo riding and mountaineering.
The final event held on September 26 in North Park proved to be a hit with families across Bootle as children enjoyed the many fun packed activities that included DJ's and the promotion of cycling by the Wheels for All Northwest
Southport have steadfastly collected vouchers to bolster the campaign to equip schools countrywide with the latest computer technology and gained recognition for their efforts from a giant supermarket chain.
A scheme heralded by Tesco has seen local schools in the Southport region raise over £15,000 towards computer equipment for printers, computers and other information technology and will reap the benefits of the efforts as part of their recognition.
The scheme, now in its twelfth year, has raised a total of £84 million worth of computing equipment in which this year alone Tesco has issued 297 million vouchers to customers nationally.
Tim Mason, marketing director for Tesco said:- "Tesco Computers for Schools scheme is more successful than ever. This year alone 1,500 new schools have joined the scheme, bringing the total of UK schools registered to take part in Computers for Schools to 30,000.
The schools in the area have done particularly well in collecting vouchers this year, collecting £15,070 worth of equipment. It takes a lot of cakes sold at the school fair to raise enough for a computer. We hope this will help give a big boost to local schools and that the equipment will make a real difference to the children in the area."
Southport MP John Pugh presented the new equipment earlier this week to representatives from the local schools.
THE Inland Revenue Business
Support Team (BST) are pleased to be attending the Business Enterprise
Exchange event at the Manchester International Convention Center in the Manchester City Center on the 8 and 9 October 2003.
The event has been specifically organised to encourage small and medium businesses to find out about what help is on offer. The Exhibition Hall will house organisations that offer advice, support, services and products that will help businesses grow. Also on offer is the Inland Revenue's business Advisors, who will be available through out the event to offer free help and advice on all aspects of business. There will also be a selection of Inland Revenue information leaflets covering various topics relating to business taxation, which delegates can take away free of charge. Spokesperson Penny Maloney, Business Advisor, said
"The Inland Revenue welcomes this opportunity to offer help and
guidance to people who are starting out in business, particularly for the first time. We look
forward to meeting the delegates at our stand during the event." For more information contact the phone:- 0161 2445825 or fax:- 0161 2445823.
Southport Chamber of Commerce to Highlight
Opportunities for Southport.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry is offering local businesses the oppertunity to find out more about the exciting investments taking place in Southport and how the local business community can benefit. A Business Lunch has been organised for the 21 October 2003 from noon to 1:30 at the Stutelea Hotel, Alaxanda Road, Southport.
The Southport Partnershop will give a detailed presintation on the proposals for the Seafront and Town Centre and the opportunities for investors and business growth will be discussed.
The Chief Exexutive of the Chamber Odri Crewe said "I am Delighted to offer local businesses the facility to find out first hand how they can directly benefit from the exciting developments taking place in Southport. It will result in higher visitor numbers and this can only benefit the town and it's businesses."
The event is funded by COMPETE (Chambers on Merseyside Promoting Enterprise in a Thriving Economy). A buffet lunch will be provided at the event, but whilest this event is FREE, pre-booking is essential. Please contact the Chamber on 01704 531 710 for more information.
