Manchester City staff become Southport volunteers!

THE 3M customer service and sales support teams have been based in Manchester since 1984 and in 2002 the company set up the 3M 4Good volunteer programme to mark the its centenary. The 3M company has around 50,000 products and a unique record of innovation, which during the last 100 years has included the world’s first photocopiers, audio and video tapes and masking tape. Even when Neil Armstrong made that first small step on the moon, the sole of his shoe was made of a special material developed by 3M. It is hoped that the company's record of innovation will help Southport based Sandpipers through the volunteer program.
The copany chose Winged Fellowship Trust as its charity for this year, as one member of the Manchester staff is a carer and her brother has enjoyed at least two breaks at the Sandpipers centre in Southport. She recommended the charity for the excellent work and it is now hoped that around £1,000 will be raised during the course of 2003. The Trust provides holiday breaks for visually impaired and physically disabled people. The Sandpipers centre is one of the five UK facilities run by the national charity which helps provide some 8,000 holidays nationwide. The holidays include 24-hour on-call care available to guests, giving them peace of mind and an enjoyable time - and allowing their carers the chance of a well-earned break.
The staff has also decided that they would like to back the cash up by swapping their business suits for gardening gear, paintbrushes, dusters and volunteering to work for a day at the Sandpipers centre. Done as part of the company’s programme, that give every permanent employee in the UK and Ireland the chance to do voluntary work on company time.
Julie Clark, who was among the 3M volunteers, commented:- "The Southport centre serves a really important role in offering breaks for people who otherwise might not be able to have a holiday. As they are the 3M Manchester site’s supported charity this year, we were even happier to be able to help out with more than a donation alone."
Centre manager Darren Holloran thanked the volunteers for their efforts saying:-
"It’s great that a company like 3M runs this type of community volunteer scheme and we were delighted the Manchester staff chose us as the charity they particularly wanted to support.
We rely a great deal on voluntary effort to help us provide the level of care and excellent facilities we have here at Southport and it would be good news if other companies followed 3M’s excellent
Anyone who would like further information about volunteer work at Sandpipers should contact Andy Wilson on 01704 548 001 or email
FARMER Ted's Far
Park is still looking for part and full time staff for its cafe and for other jobs. Please ring 0151 526 0323 or email
for more information.

Liverpool short-listed for national award.
THE Integrated Children's Service project has been recognised for improving the delivery of services to the city's children.
Liverpool's approach has been recognised as innovative and effective - a result of the introduction of the unique children's call centre and the development of a Children Community Index.
The call centre handles 2000 calls per week and is the first 24/7 social care call centre in the country. It provides a single point of access to all services for children and families within Liverpool. With social workers and customer advisors working together for the first time, assessments can take place when the call is placed.
The Children Community Index is currently being piloted. This allows healthcare staff, social workers and police to log on and search for details about a particular child. This will improve the way information is shared and cut down the lengthy administration process for the professionals involved.
These changes will deliver £1 million worth of efficiency savings. Terry Hawkins, Project Manager at Liverpool City Council said:- "Everyone in the council is focussed on improving the quality of service we deliver to the people of Liverpool.
We are pleased with the progress we have made to date and it is a credit to us and our partners, Northgate blue 8 and Liverpool Direct, that our work has been recognised nationally."
The award is a joint initiative between Socitm (Society of Information Technology Management), SOLACE (Society of Local Authority Chief Executives) and Intellect who are also co-organisers.
This recognition is especially important for Liverpool in light of the Green Paper - Every Child Matters, published earlier this month. It said poor co-ordination and a failure to share information are critical areas that need to be resolved.
Jeremy Chowings, Executive Member for Health and Social Care said:- "It's great news that we've been short listed for the award. The Green Paper highlighted important areas that must be improved throughout the UK. We have achieved this, delivering an outstanding service that helps children and families in this city.
It's a real team effort and we are proud to be acknowledged for the improvements that have been made."
The winner of the award will be announced on Monday, October 6th at Socitm's Annual Conference in Birmingham.
Stolen Tractor Units
Information from Lancashire Constabulary
DETECTIVES in Lancashire are investigating the theft of two tractor units and trailers from Threlfalls Haulage on Kirkham Road at Kirkham near Preston at 10pm on Friday, 26 September.
One trailer contained 59,000 bottles of Tixylicks children's cough medicine and the other contained Samsung electrical goods. It is believed that the offenders took the trailers left out of the yard and headed towards Freckleton. The tractor units have been found at Skelmersdale at Potten Place next to MTF trailers.
One of the trailers (the one that contained the Samsung electrical goods) has been found at a depot in Bootle without its contents. The other trailer and all the contents are still missing.
The trailers are quite distinctive as they are red in colour and have Threlfalls written on them and a large Lancashire red rose. Any info to DC Janet Rowe on 01253 604619 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111. There is a cash reward available for information received.
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