A NEW study from performance measurement company, Direct Excellence, found that Direct Line, esure, Halifax, Sainsbury's Bank and Tesco are the 'Best Buys' for car insurance. A further six companies obtained recommendations.
Companies listed in alphabetical order by category
Car insurance provider Best buy/Recommended
Direct line Best Buy
Esure Best Buy
Halifax Best Buy
Sainsbury's Bank Best Buy
Tesco Personal Finance Best Buy
Budget Recommended
Churchill Recommended
Cornhill Direct Recommended
Kwik-Fit Insurance Recommended
More Than Recommended
SAGA Recommended
The research involved obtaining insurance quotes using a wide range of customer profiles to reflect different risks and geographical locations. It also included feedback from over 6,700 motorists who gave their views on the level of service received from their current motor insurers.
The 'Best Buy' car insurance providers are approximately 15% lower than the average for the market but also boast some of the highest customer satisfaction levels. For example, around nine out of ten Sainsbury's Bank car insurance customers are either satisfied or very satisfied with the level of service they receive, which was the highest rating in the survey.
Ian Hughes, Managing Director, Direct Excellence said:- "Many people wrongly assume there is a direct correlation between the price of motor insurance and the level of service they receive. In this market, it is fair to say that you don't always get what you pay for. If you shop around, you can save a lot of money and also receive excellent customer service."

us your news today!
See a total eclipse of the Moon
all you sky watchers
throughout North America, Europe and
Africa, on Saturday night, 8 November, the full Moon will pass through the Earth's shadow, producing a total lunar eclipse.
The lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon
line up space. This allows the
Earth’s shadow to fall on the Moon should still be visible as a dark gray or
browny red shape in the sky. This colour is caused by sunlight scattered in our atmosphere. Its brightness depends on the amount of dust in the Earth's upper atmosphere at the time, which influences how much sunlight filters through.
The ‘totality’ phase of this November’s eclipse will be unusually brief, lasting only 25 minutes because the Moon only just skims inside the southern edge of Earth’s shadow.
The eclipse will be seen in its entirety by all of Europe and most of Africa late on Saturday night.
Timetable for eclipse, 8/9 November 2003
22:15 Moon enters penumbra
23:32 Partial eclipse starts
01:06 Total eclipse starts
01:31 Total eclipse ends
03:04 Partial eclipse ends
04:22 Moon leaves penumbra
to Editor:- Pavement works outside Southport Town Hall / Cambridge Arcade
HAVING met a number of business people within Cambridge Arcade over the past couple of weeks it is clear that many of you are fed up with the inaction of Sefton Council to resolve the paving problems at the Lord Street entrance of the Arcade.
I have taken the opportunity to raise this issue with a number of key individuals and have today heard from Sefton Council that the contractors should be on site early next week with the paving works competed well before the Christmas Lights Switch On taking place on 23 November 2003.
I will continue to monitor the situation for you closely to ensure that this work is completed well in time for Christmas trading and does not interfere with what is an extremely important retail trading period. I am also liaising with key individuals regarding other issues within the Arcade that you have raised with me. I will keep you informed of progress.
I hope that you find this note of use. If you wish to raise any further issues please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully Mark Bigley