Kids to light up Carnival Procession
CHILDREN are to light up Liverpool this weekend in a special Lantern Carnival as part of the annual Santa Parade.
More than 200 lanterns celebrating the diverse culture of the city are being made by children for the parade on December 6.
Created at workshops in the city centre, the lanterns will be joined by a specially commissioned Light Sculpture - a 3m high, 5m long swan - to mark Liverpool's drive to be the UK's 'City of Light'.
The parade, organised by Liverpool city council and supported by the building society Abbey, includes attractions such as fire breathing horses, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, street performers, the Wizard of OZ panto characters as well as three wise men on camels and Father Christmas, accompanied by the Lord Mayor.
Councillor Warren Bradley, Executive Member for Leisure and Culture, said:-
"This year's parade is shaping up to the biggest and most colourful yet. The Lantern Carnival has helped to widen community involvement and the work has been exceptional. And with the many thousands of people lining the street, the city is sure to have a special Christmas atmosphere on Saturday."
Crematorium Grounds Win Top Award
A LIVERPOOL crematorium has won a top award for the way in which its grounds are landscaped and maintained.
Springwood Crematorium won the Grounds Maintenance of Public Grounds Category in the British Association of Landscape Industries Awards.
The award recognised the efforts of the City Council's Cemeteries and Crematoria Service as the client and Glendale Managed Services as the contractor carrying out the grounds maintenance function.
It is believed that Springwood Crematorium is the only crematorium in the country to achieve such status. The award commends the client and the contractor in co-operating together to perfect an award winning scheme.
Councillor Richard Oglethorpe , Executive Member for the Environment, said:-
"We have put a lot of effort into improving maintenance of all our green spaces and this award follows on from our success in the Green Flag awards when seven of our parks were successful - meaning that we have more Green Flags than in the whole of Wales.
It is also a demonstration of how we work successfully with our contractors to deliver improvements in our services and I am delighted that this work has been recognised nationally."
neighbors from Burscough, who have all been affected by or lost loved ones through cancer, have helped to raise a staggering £2,250 for the Trust’s cancer services department.
Marie Croft lost her 39 year old daughter to cancer last year, leaving behind three young children who are still trying to come to terms with their mother’s death. A couple of doors away, her neighbour John Marriot is currently undergoing treatment for skin cancer, while third neighbour Pat Parkinson and her family are dealing with the sad news that her father-in-law has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Because all their lives have been touched by cancer in one way or another, Pat decided to approach her
neighbors to see if they could help other cancer patients.
Together they came up with the idea of a garden party and had the support of the local community behind them. Shops donated lots of free goodies and other kind residents helped out with plenty of
Pat, speaking on behalf of the fundraising group, said:- “When I realised that my neighbours had all been affected by cancer I decided to approach them to see if there was anything we could do to help others. Together, we thought a garden party would be a great idea and it just escalated from there.”
On July 6th, more than 300 people flocked to the three gardens in Liverpool Road South and monies from the day totalled an amazing £3,000. Half was given to charities to help the blind and the other half is to be given to Southport & Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust’s cancer services department. With the generous donation of an additional £750 from Barclays bank in Kirkby, it makes it a grand total of £2,250.
Christine Sheridan, Cancer Services Manager, said:- “I’m absolutely delighted that Pat and her neighbours have decided to make this generous donation to the cancer services department. Cancer affects so many people’s lives in one way or another and I have great sympathy for people who have been affected by or who have lost loved ones through cancer. Praise must be given to Pat and her neighbours for doing something really positive to help other cancer patients." 