GLOBAL supply chain conglomerate NYK Group has announced its intention to rebrand all the elements of its national logistics operations as NYK Logistics, with effect from 1st January 2004. New Wave will become NYK Logistics (UK) Consumer & Retail Ltd. UCI will become NYK Logistics (UK) Manufacturing & Retail Ltd.
In the UK, the rebranding will apply to New Wave Logistics and UCI Logistics, which has a facility in Halewood, Merseyside. Jeremy Davidson, Director of NYK Logistics Europe said
"Over the last decade, there has been an increasing trend for customers to seek logistics partners who are strong in the domestic market, but who also have a truly international capability.
We have that capability and now we intend to capitalise on it. Providing our logistics resources across 35 countries with one common brand name will help us to strengthen our position as a major player in the UK and globally.
The inclusion of Œretail¹ in both names is quite deliberate. It is an important area where both companies have a significant and growing presence."
The rebrand will not mean changes to the management team, workforce or operational integrity of either company. Relationships with customers will not be affected.
"Within the UK, the NYK Logistics brands will have a combined turnover of around £230m and a workforce of almost 3,000, putting the businesses amongst the leading players in the logistics industry," says Davidson. "Both New Wave and UCI are award-winning companies that are growing at between 20 and 30 per cent per annum. This global initiative will enable us to consolidate what is already a strong position in the UK."
Festival of Skills
MORE than 6,000 schoolchildren are expected to descend upon Aintree Race Course for a major event organised by the Learning and Skills Council in Greater Merseyside. Predominately aimed at year nine pupils, The Festival of Skills is being held on 2nd and 3rd February and promises to be one of the biggest skills and careers guidance events in 2004.
Backed by the Northwest Development Agency (NWDA) the event is special in that it brings together further education colleges, independent training providers and major employers with school children in the Greater Merseyside area.
This innovative event means that pupils can get a taste of work skills rather than simply collecting literature, making it easier for them to gain ‘hands-on’ experience of everything from construction to catering.
The Festival of Skills will feature exhibitors from a range of sectors, including leisure and tourism, health, social care, construction, creative design and beauty and others. The event is open to all young people needing career guidance including the unemployed and those not currently in full time education.
The aim of the Festival of Skills is to enable young people to better understand the wide range of opportunities open to them and help them to realise their potential.
Richard Merritt from the LSC said:- "This event is excellent news for Greater Merseyside. We are expecting The Festival of Skills to be a huge success due to its interactive nature and the involvement of such a wide range of employers and others who can demonstrate the skills which will be needed in tomorrow’s
Visit the website:-
www.festivalofskills.co.uk/aintree2004 for more information.
LIVERPOOL'S Youth Parliament faces a crunch decision tomorrow (Tuesday, December 16) that will transport 40,000 youngsters to a new world.
A special committee of youngsters will gather at the Merseyside Maritime Museum to choose the winning design for Liverpool's Capital of Culture 'Friend Ship'.
A shortlist of three designs will be on display, with each designer making their case to the Parliament, education experts and the Capital of Culture team.
The decision, expected at 2pm after a whole day of deliberation, will bring an end to a national hunt to build a nautical vessel that will replace the successful Community Globe, which the European Capital of Culture judges praised when they chose Liverpool to represent the UK in 2008.
The winning design will create a ship that can accommodate 35 pupils. The pupils will be able to sit and discuss issues such as family, identity, bullying, stereotypes, racism, language and communication in a ship shape fashion.
The good ship 'Friend Ship' will also have a central flag post so each school can design their own friendship flag. The flags will be exchanged between schools throughout 2004 and eventually displayed to mark a special day of friendship on the Mersey. European schools will be invited to participate and exchange friendship flags via post and e-mail.
The 'Friend Ship' takes its maiden journey in February 2004 and will set sail to all Liverpool primary and special schools until November 2004, when 40,000 pupils will have sailed in her. The launch will take place during January, before the half term holiday.
Community's £1 million comfort zone
ONE of the city's oldest communities is getting a million pound make-over thanks to a new Home Zone grant. Grafton Street, in the Shorefield area of Liverpool, will be re-designed to make it more community friendly. Improvements include traffic calming measures, better lighting and landscaping. The aim of the Home Zone is to enhance the street scene so that residents are encouraged to use the street for social activities.
Over the past 11 months, members of the local community have attended meetings to ensure that the new designs for the area meet their wishes. They have been pivotal in interviewing and selecting the contractor - Mayfield Landscape Contractors.
Now, to celebrate work starting and to thank the community for all their involvement, the contractors and design team are holding a festive party tomorrow. A mosaic, depicting the area, which was designed by local artists and youngsters, will also be unveiled.
Councillor Peter Millea, Executive Member for Regeneration said:- "This scheme is the first of its kind in Liverpool and is a great step forward in improving our communities. Since the scheme was approved in January, an immense amount of hard work has been put into getting the designs right. The people of Shorefields have played an integral role, coming up with many ideas for their community and I am sure that they will be pleased with the final outcome."
A Working Group also played a part in the development of the Home Zone designs. The Group was made up of Liverpool City Council staff, councillors, 2020 Liverpool Ltd engineers, Triangle Architects and Include Regeneration staff.
Liverpool City Council's Highways Management department secured a £500,000 grant in January 2002 as part of the Department for Transport's Home Zone Challenge. This funding is being matched through the council's Highways and Housing capital programmes.
The consultation process has consisted of leafleting the community with information on Home Zones, questionnaires, study visits to other Home Zones in the country, mock-up demonstrations and an exhibition of the finalised designs.

UK Department for Transport has issued a leaflet called "Winter
driving:- be prepared for a safe journey", pick one up
from petrol stations and take a look. It is full of useful advice
that could save your life or some one you know.

A quick bit of advice
for driving in winter....
Clear your windows and mirrors before you set
out and carry a screen scraper and de icier.
Make sure wipers and lights are in good
working order.
Check that tyres have plenty of tread depth
and are maintained at the correct pressure.
Make sure you are equipped with warm clothes,
food, boots and a torch.
In snowy conditions, take a spade.
If you get into trouble, do not use a mobile
phone while driving.
On a motorway, it is best to use a roadside
emergency telephone, because the breakdown and emergency services
will be able to locate you easily.
If you have to use a mobile phone, make sure
you know your location if you use it for a breakdown or emergency.
On a motorway use the numbers on the marker posts on the side of the
hard shoulder.
Abandoned vehicles can hold up rescue vehicles
and snow ploughs. To ensure that the road is cleared as quickly as
possible, stay with your vehicle until help arrives.
If you have to leave your vehicle to get help,
make sure other drivers can see you.
It can take ten times longer to stop in icy
conditions than on a dry road.
Drive slowly, allowing extra room to slow down
and stop. Use the highest gear possible to avoid wheel spin. To
brake on ice or snow without locking your wheels, get into a low
gear earlier than
Normal, allow your speed to fall and use the
brake pedal gently.
If you start to skid, ease off the
accelerator, but do not brake suddenly.
Use dipped headlights and reduces your speed.
Manoeuvre gently, avoiding harsh braking and