JOB ADVERT:- Headteacher
Range High School, Stapleton Road, Formby, Liverpool L37 2YN.
Tel:- 01704 879315 / 6 Fax:- 01704 833470.
RANGE HIGH School is a popular, over subscribed, 11 to 18 Community School, with 1281 pupils including 243 in the 6th Form. It is located in Formby in a fine residential area offering good commuter links. The school is situated close to open countryside and an impressive coastline. This is a flourishing,
well resourced and innovative school with an excellent reputation for its commitment to high standards and to the care of its students as individuals. The school has a tradition of exemplary inclusive practice.
The school has a highly qualified and dedicated staff. The governors are proud of the school’s positive ethos and its commitment to raising achievements for all, and are seeking to appoint an outstanding person as Headteacher to
lead this forward looking and highly successful school following the promotion of the Head.

With outstanding leadership qualities, you will build on the school’s strengths, work with local primary schools and meet the challenge of transforming secondary education.
You will have:-
•a clear vision with excellent strategic planning abilities
•excellent leadership qualities and proven skills in the management of change
•an innovative approach to curriculum development
•the ability to maintain and improve high attainment standards
•a commitment to the pastoral care and personal development of pupils
•an understanding of the value of an inclusive curriculum to meet the needs of ALL
•the ability to help students realise their academic and vocational potential
•excellent interpersonal skills reflected in the ability to value and motivate both staff
and students
•the ability to maintain and improve, where necessary, pupil behaviour
•an understanding of the role of ICT in supporting teaching and learning
•proven knowledge of strategies leading to school improvement -including teaching
and learning
•experience of successfully managing a budget and of securing and managing
external funding.
Further information and an application form may be obtained by contacting Mrs J
Gordon, Clerk to the Governors on 01704 835614.
Closing date:- 12 noon on the 23 January 2004.
Interview dates:- 9 and 10 February 2004.
Details can also be found at

Fight the Christmas flab
& get healthy by walking your dog...

YEAR after year we have an extra helping of Christmas pud on the condition that our new year’s resolution will be to get fit. Come on now, we have all done it. It is at this time of year we, more often than not, don’t have the time, or tire of exercise routines, and make little progress in getting fitter. Mans best freind, your dog, is at hand though and he or she will gladly take you up on a walk or two.... Dog walking is one of the most effective forms of physical activity at this time of the year for getting the extra pud off your tum, not forgetting that it is a key factor in the health and well being of your dog as it normaly gets extra helpings as well. It is estimated that most of us eat around 7,000 calories on Christmas day alone, so, don’t be a couch potato, switch off the telly, sorry ITV and BBC... wrap up warm and take your dog for a walk. Sabrina Stroud, Drontal’s Product Manager told us:-
"• 30 minutes of brisk dog walking can burn around 300 calories (the equivalent to a typical portion of Christmas pudding).
• As little as a brisk thirty-minute walk, five times a week will provide some of the most important health benefits of a much more dedicated and structured exercise routine. This includes longer life expectancy, reduced risk of heart disease and other health conditions such as type II diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. That's 1.5% of the total time in a week. For a priority like improving your health, it represents an excellent investment of time and effort.
• Regular walking can both help to reduce weight and maintain weight loss - walking just one mile can burn around 100 calories and walking two miles a day, three times a week can help reduce weight by one pound every three weeks .
• Research has shown that brisk walking could burn just as many calories as jogging .
• Walking your dog regularly can enhance mental well being. Walking has been shown to improve self-esteem, relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improve mood. Walking, particularly in pleasant surroundings, and with other people, offers many opportunities for relaxation and social contact.
• Walking your dog offers a great opportunity for a family adventure in the fresh air. Take a flask of something hot and a few snacks and make a day of it. If children experience walking as part of a fun activity they are more likely to want to go again.
The benefits of owning a pet are clear. Walking your dog on a regular basis is great. It will help keep you, your family and your pet healthy, along with exercise. Remember though that a dog or cat is for life and not just Christmas. It is also important that you look after the health of your pet/s all you long. It is important that you worm your pet at least four times a year and always poop scoop to prevent contamination of the environment you and others use.”