ARE YOU a singer who can play either
bass guitar, keyboards or mouth organ wanted for new band. The successful
applicant/s will be joining a funk/rock band that has contacts to
play in France over the winter ski season. Phone 07967 787018 if
Ideally wanted is a keyboard player that
sings. The band already has a pa, place to rehearse, money to
provide for a van etc etc. The job will be from early December 2004
through till roughly April 2005. but rehearsals must start ASAP.
Potential earnings to the successful applicant
would be in the region of £350 to £400 a week.
Lead band member said:- "I am
desperate to get out there this coming winter. I am already a member
of one successful band with records in HMV, but I just have to have a
break from the other band and from the UK." flute
Looking for a new singer...
THE SHOW, AKA Steve Mac and Mutiny boys Rob Davey and Dylan Barnes, are looking for a singer to record a track on their album in progress, due to be released on Mac's label Variation later this year.
"The Party", the first track recorded for the album and set for released on 15 March, is already a big player with the likes of Tong, Emerson, Lottie... But the boys are in need of new a vocalist to round things off.
"Basically, we're doing an album and we want a new vocalist to play with. Rob (Mutiny) is going to do some vocals and we've also got a great singer called Amrit singing on a few tracks (both Rob and Amrit did the vocals on 'The Party') . We're not going to stick to our house roots on the album, we want to take it the indie and hip-hop way too. Don't get me wrong, house music is my first love and I've been making it for nearly 15 years now - ten years under the Rhythm Masters name. But sometimes you need to experiment with other music to keep you on your toes. For the vocalist, anything goes really, as long as they can sing of course. We want to make this album fun, be a bit different and maybe discover someone new, who knows what we'll come out with... It will be good though." - Steve Mac
All singers need to send demos to: FAO:- Mutiny/The Show, Studio 207, Biz Space, 99 - 103 Lomond Grove, London, SE5 7HN. Closing date:- March 31st. The best 20 will then be called for a live audition.
- 'FAME',
- Photographs
by Patrick Trollope.

- Winners
of Heat 4 above.
'Fame' Search for a Star, has just got better and better as the weeks have gone on. Thursday 19 February was heat 4 and it was hot… The acts, not only local, but also from Norway, battled it out on stage to go through to the semi-finals.
- With contestants from Spain, South Africa and Norway, can it get any more international in the last heat night, heat 5, next Thursday 26 February? The contestants in heat 4 were: Liz Guilford, Amy Liddle, Kellyann Lea, G Kaufman, Rachel Hall, Tracy Kemp, Leah Eaton, Gary McDevmott, Emma Phillips, Caroline Graham, Lesley White, Clair Fordham, Jodie Barchha, Becky Denham, Dorthe Karoline Aske, Heather Tomlinson, Ruth Waters, Paul Church, Wendy Chalke, Robecca Major, Jeanette Boyham, Sabrina Longo, Suzanne Morris, Jude Comolly, Cherelle Ramsay and Terri-Ann Devine. All of them were fantastic and yet again I did not envy the judges as they fought to come to a conclusion in choosing the semi-finalists. A very big,
"Well done" and "Congratulations" to all of you who competed and gave such a superb display of talent. We now await heat 5 and whatever that has in store for us all. If you want to see it, just drop, in as it is free to watch, from 7:00pm to 11pm at Casablanca (Pleasureland), Southport.

- Click
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