No ‘Dogs’ Please, we’re British!¿?!
BRITAIN is not the dog loving nation it prides itself on being according to new research conducted by Winalot. With over half of the nation’s parks not allowing dogs off the lead and over six million dogs potentially being ignored by most councils and businesses, the UK is distinctly lacking in dog friendliness.
A national census conducted by Winalot discovered that although parks are the most obvious place to walk the dog, it revealed that they are considered the most dog unfriendly by over a third (33%) of dog owners in Liverpool. Hotels came second with 15% of the vote, followed by beaches at 14%.
In addition to the census, conducted national campaign in random spot checks across the UK by Winalot, looking at facilities for dogs in parks, pubs, shopping areas, beaches and where applicable showed that:-
· 66% of parks in Liverpool don’t allow dogs off their lead.
· 44% of pubs in Liverpool don’t allow dogs on their premises despite the fact that this is one of the favourite places man likes to spend time with his canine pal.
· 80% of hotels in Liverpool don’t allow dogs even though over a third of dog owners always take their dogs on holiday with them.
In response to the findings, Winalot launches this week the first national search to find and celebrate Britain’s most dog friendly places.
The UK’s number 2 dog food brand is asking dog lovers to vote for their favourite dog friendly parks, beaches, hotels, pubs and retail outlets. The places with the most votes and best dog friendly features will be given a Winalot Approved Dog Friendly Award 2004 to be announced later this year.

Blitz on Eyesores
LIVERPOOL City Council is targeting wasteland which suffers fly tipping in a major clean-up programme.
It has started a £600,000 programme - using money from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund -on site treatment works in neighbourhood priority areas throughout the city.
The type of site being targeted will typically be an area where buildings have been demolished
and the site has been left to decay. They have become eyesores and dumping grounds for fly tippers.
Now the fly tipped material and unwanted vegetation is being removed and the areas, grassed over and landscaped. A programme of future maintenance for the sites is being developed.
"These types of sites have been a blight on local communities for far too long," said Councillor Richard Oglethorpe, Executive Member for the Environment.
"These eyesores are not only unsightly but they have a negative impact on the whole of the areas. Now we are
making them look better and getting them into a state where redevelopment will become much more likely.
This is an important way in which we are making Liverpool cleaner and greener."
Councillor Flo Clucas, Executive Member for Housing and Neighbourhood Services, said:-
"This programme shows the benefit of the new approach we are taking in managing neighbourhoods. These sites have been identified by neighbourhood managers in conjunction with local residents. It is the people in the communities who know which are the real eyesores and they have, effectively, drawn up this list to improve their communities."
As well as the landscaping work, some of the sites are being railed off, boundary walls replaced and access roads resurfaced. Work is carried out by Enterprise-Liverpool.
Among the sites which have been completed are:- Earle Road/Scholar Street; Uxbridge Street; Boundary Street; Hapton Street and Lancaster Walk. A further 25 sites have been identified for improvement.