- After
the Weekender...
THE last of the May Weekender
photographs for 2004 as promised last week. The going home shots and the
Official Southport Weekender After Party at Southport's Old Bank. The
Weekender went well in most parts, sadly a brake in happened, but
this did not stop the revelers from having fun and the quick actions
of the Weekender Security and Pontins resulted in the apprehension
of the suspects, who were nothing to do with the
Weekender. The other downer on the weekend was for some,
the fact that they returned to their cars only to find a Sefton's
welcome sticker on them... "Strange, we were not
coursing a blockage, nor a danger, yet we still got booked! It
is silly as their is no parking down here. It does make
us think twice about coming next time." One
group of motorists said as they pretended to drop cash down the

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Photographs by
Patrick Trollope.