RANGE HIGH School was the seen
of blaze that whipped out it's kitchens on Friday 29 May. The
fire is thought to have been started by an electrical fault that not
only affected the kitchens the schools classrooms. 
the classrooms were damaged by thick black smoke only. The
effect of this blaze will mean that no hot meals will be provided to
staff or pupils until September. "Thankfully no one
was hurt and the steel shutters on the kitchen hatches prevented the
fire from ripping through the school. The damage is tremendous
in the kitchen. I would not like to think what the result
would have been if the shutters weren't down. We have 30
classrooms damaged by the firs thick smoke smoke and the clean up
will take days. The lucky thing is that alma was raised early
and quickly call out time by the Formby Fire Station resulted in
only the kitchen being gutted by the fire. On anouther
note thankfully it is half term so this will give us a breathing
space and time to clean up and get other catering arrangements in
place." A member of staff told us.

One member of staff
during the clean up said "That's my cash till, or what's
left of it. I think." So intense was the