- Councillor
has a Crushing time with tax
- "The
compact salutation."
- Photographs
and time laps by Patrick Trollope.
HUNDREDS of abandoned vehicles will be crushed following another successful
'Cube-it' operation.
Throughout April and May, 381untaxed and unregistered abandoned vehicles throughout Liverpool were taken off the city's roads and are now to be crushed.
To mark the end of a two month Cube-it campaign, a gigantic car crusher demonstrated its power this week to give warning to car-owners who are thinking of abandoning their cars and help clean up the city streets.
After crushing a few cars executive Member, Councillor Flo Clucas said:- "We want the people of Liverpool to know we are getting tough on abandoned cars and we will not tolerate them on our roads. Dumped cars are a national and local problem, and we are cracking down on this anti-social behaviour."
Around 1,000 abandoned cars have already been crushed during earlier phases of Operation
'Cube It', campaigns which began in 2002.
Special teams made up of city council, Police and DVLA officers hit the streets in April looking out for un-roadworthy or dumped vehicles.
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