- Competition

- Ticket
WELL you have all seen the books and seen him in the newspapers... now it is your chance to see him on the big screen thanks to Kit-e-Kat and Twentieth Century Fox. This is your chance to win one of our 12 sets of 4 tickets, to see a special screening of Garfield the Movie at the Odeon Liverpool Switch Island on Sunday 25 July at 10:00am.
All you have to do is answer these two simple questions...
1. What colour is Garfield?
2. What is the film company who produced Garfield the Movie? Is it...
a) Garfield and Fox
b) Kit-e-Kat
C) Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ?
Now email us your answers to news24@southportreporter.com
with the words
Garfield Comp in the 'subject' and your full name,
address and phone number.
If you do not give us your full address and phone number we can not get the tickets to you. You will not be sent further advertisements.
Closing date of this competition is
Wednesday 21 July 2004 at 12:00 noon
(THIS WEEK!) You will be informed by phone and/or via email if you have won. The names will then be displayed in the next issue..
Good Luck.
Fast Paced Run In The

THIS year's Sefton Corporate Cup was bigger than ever, despite the overcast and rain threatening sky. The event saw teams from all over Merseyside and Sefton competing against each other for the coverted prize.
Healthstart, who are the organisers, did a fantastic job of logging all the competitors' names and details down and passing them on to Joe Lee Sports Results who kept the times for each of the runners. This was a massive exercise for a small group. Well done!

Claire Everitt from Sefton Council said, after coming in first for the ladies,
"I'm off to New York for the marathon this year, so this is good training."
and she was not joking!
Even Pleasureland had a team in it and our radio DJ and Pleasureland PR man Mark Lee took part. It was exhausting just watching them....
Alison Abbott of Heathstart told us to say, "Thank you all for attending the Sefton Corporate Cup last night, it was a great success with over 620 participants."
You can see the results on:- http://www.joelee.co.uk/2004/seftoncc04.html
sporting results.
Well done to all who took part and good luck Claire with your marathon.
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