Woodvale Rally 2004
Photographs by
Patrick Trollope.

THE Woodvale Rally this year was a massive success thanks to the fantastic weather on Saturday with the attendance
being reported to be up to 30% up on other shows. This make this years rally the best yet, despite a drop in crowds on the Sunday, yet again thanks to the
warnings about bad weather. At the show you could find all types of things to interest you from model boats and amazing model aircraft. On display was also the world's larges model
airplane, a B52 with a wingspan of 23ft. The Ghost Squadron, conducted a mock bombing display. If all that was not your cup of tea, then you could have had a go at blasting model rockets up into the sky. That was with the thanks of the Starchaser team who also brought with them a real 11-meter rocket! In one tent you found a model railway display in anouther craft stalls and in others still bars and lot more. Out side you could find stalls selling everything from Combat gear to carpet cleaners. Above the entrance, kites flew high into the sky and next to the car park was a massive display of classic cars and military vehicles. I nearly forgot… they even had a
funfair, bands and ourselves...

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West Coast Saab,
Southport, put on a display. (Above)
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