LIVERPOOL'S premier recruitment and training event, Job Scene, returns to St George's Hall as a one-day Roadshow on 10 March 2005 as the ideal solution for employers wanting to meet motivated job and training course seekers face to face.
This allows plenty of interaction, discussion and food for thought as employers can talk to the person behind the nameless CV. Also to learn at firsthand about their qualifications and judge there and then if they are suitable for the role.
Nina Hurst-Jones, exhibitions manager for Job Scene organiser TJW Exhibitions said:-
"More and more companies are finding it harder to recruit suitable candidates due to skill shortages, expensive and time consuming recruitment methods and lack of candidates.
The Job Scene series has built up a proven reputation for delivering a high number of quantity candidates direct to employers exhibiting at the event allowing them to talk, persuade and influence visitors.
I hear time and time again about how exhibitors have recruited visitors who didn't even know who the organisation was, the opportunities they provide or even considered working for them until they attended Job Scene," Nina concluded.
The event supported by the Liverpool Echo and Connexions attracts a diverse range of visitors throughout the day.
Open from 10.30am with an extended evening opening to 7pm allows career changers, returners to work, school and college leavers, graduates and jobseekers to attend at any point throughout the day.
The event has made an impressive debut and already boasts an impressive line-up of exhibitors including ES-NET, Greater Merseyside Connexions, Lifelong Learning Services, Merseyside Police, National Health Service, Teacher Training Agency, TNG Workskills, Trident Training Ltd and many others. are back at the event after a successful exhibition earlier this year. Jane Pennell, promotions assistant of the Internet job site said during this year's event:-
"Job Scene was busy. It was so busy at times that we were unable to move away from our stand. The event was thoroughly enjoyable."

RAC Auto Windscreens warns of dangers of driving distractions
LESS than 30% of UK drivers realise it is an offence to eat, drink or even read a map while at the wheel, an offence covered under the Careless Driving section of the 1988 Road Traffic Act.
The shock findings were revealed today in an RAC Auto Windscreens survey into UK driving habits.
Worryingly the research also found, that despite being a widely publicised offence, 65% of drivers still admitted to using a handheld phone to text or call while driving. More alarmingly, 30% of those questioned also admitted to reading books, road maps and newspapers while driving despite previous research revealing that reading a map is more likely to impede driving than making a call on a handheld phone.
Even worse, 47% people admit to spending time looking at other people while driving, while many own up to rubbernecking at accidents - an activity that can cause accidents itself.
Bill Duffy, Managing Director, RAC Auto Windscreens, explained the reasons behind the
survey:- "We wanted to show that Britain's driving laws are unclear and are not properly enforced. Of the people surveyed who knew it was an offence to eat and drink at the wheel, they only knew because of random cases that have been highlighted in the media.
We urge the government to speed up new proposals for the prosecution and punishment of drivers who commit this type of crime, particularly those who cause death or injury to a third party when they have not given the road their full attention."
Last year the government appointed a review team to study all levels of bad driving and the associated punishments and develop a new Road Safety Bill. RAC plc will be submitting its response to the Bill which, it has been strongly hinted, will be announced in the new parliamentary session in November.
Mr Duffy added:- "Most of the people surveyed were unsure of the punishments associated with driving offences. Many drivers believe that if you're caught using a handheld phone while driving you will be fined three penalty points. This is not the case, it's merely a £30 fine, less that the average
parking ticket. This kind of punishment is no deterrent to careless driving and I believe the proposed changes to existing legislation will make people think twice about doing it."
RAC Auto Windscreens recommends some basic routes to follow to be a safer driver:
If you don't have a hands free kit, consider turning your mobile off while driving, so you're less tempted to use it.
Plan your route before setting off on your journey. Considering using internet route planners or invest in satellite navigation equipment.
Make time in your journey to stop for a bite to eat
Do your makeup at home or at work
Put CDs and tapes in the boot of you car to remove the temptation to change them while driving.
Don't be tempted to give children sweets during a journey, the sugar can actually make them hyperactive.
Make sure children have something to entertain them on journey such as books and travel games.
Eating and drinking
Using mobile phone 65%
Passengers (children) 62%
Applying make-up 50%
Looking at other drivers or pedestrians 47%
Changing CD or tape 47%
Accidents and police incidents 45%
Looking into other people's houses 33%
Reading (roadmaps, books and newspapers) 30%
Looking at and reading billboards and posters 20%