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Edition No. 177

Date:- 27 November 2004

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Liverpool City Council's Transformation Grabbing European attention

IN a field of top private and public sector organisations, Liverpool scooped a major local government award at the annual European Forum for Quality Management, in Berlin.

The council picked up the European Quality Award for its business excellence and 'e-government readiness'. Judges praised the council for radically improving the quality of customer services. They praised the council's £300m joint venture with BT, Liverpool Direct Ltd, which is serving as a benchmark for much councils throughout Europe.

The European Quality Award is Europe's most prestigious award for organisational excellence. It recognises high quality customer service, staff, leadership and partnerships. The judging panel for the awards made up of senior managers from public and private sector organisations throughout Europe.

Liverpool city council leader Mike Storey said:- "I'm delighted Liverpool has earned this important recognition from Europe.  It's testament to the work we are doing to become a leading-edge local authority.

By driving up the quality of our services, we are making a real difference to people's lives. We have changed from a council with outdated working practices, to a local authority which is setting new standards. Our services are now grabbing attention for the right reasons, nationally and internationally."

Investment in new technology and new ways of working has seen Liverpool move from being one of the poorest performing local authorities in the UK to being officially ranked as a 'good council' by the Audit Commission. 

Liverpool Direct Ltd has earned plaudits from top government officials, including Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott and Local Government Minister Nick Raynsford. And it has helped win Liverpool a raft of awards, including the highest honour in local government, beacon status for Social Inclusion through ICT.

The city council's Executive Member for Customer and Corporate Services, Councillor Jeremy Chowings, said:- "Winning this European award is yet another symbol of how far we have come in a short space of time. We are transforming council services through a huge number of pioneering initiatives.

Liverpool is increasingly being seen as a council other organisations can learn from. I'm delighted our European counterparts have named us as a model of excellence." 

Teenager Charged with Murder

MERSEYSIDE Police this week charged 18 year old Adam Lloyd Rycraft of Tintadgel from Skelmersdale, with the murder of David Vaughan. Mr Vaughan died on 17 November after being assaulted in West Street, Southport, on Sunday, 14 November.

Rycraft has been kept in custody and will appeared at North Sefton Magistrates Court, Southport on Friday, 26 November.

An 18 year old woman from Skelmersdale has been released on police bail pending further inquiries. Four other men from Skelmersdale arrested by police have been released without charge.

Square Heart of Poets

WILLIAMSON Square, in the heart of Liverpool City Centre has been transformed as part of a £5.75m scheme. 

The new-look Square includes a spectacular new fountain, around which is inscribed a new poem by Roger McGough and features high-quality granite paving, new seating, lighting and trees. 

It will be officially opened on November 29 with a spectacular light show and performance by Cirque Bijou. Ten students from St Edward's College will give the first public recital of the poem. 

The Williamson Square development forms part of the first phase of Liverpool's City Centre Movement Strategy, a £73m package of improvements to the City Centre's streets and public spaces. 

Funding for the phase of the scheme which covers the Greater Williamson Square and Cavern Quarter areas, came from the NorthWest Development Agency, European Objective One Programme and City Focus.

The focus to the Square is the new fountain, which consists of 20 jets of water to produce a double arch of water rising out of the pavements to a maximum height of four metres. The fountain is run by its own computer which allows for two spectacular displays every hour with the height of the water varying throughout the day.

Surrounding the fountain, inlaid into the granite paving, is a specially written poem, a gift to the city by Roger McGough. 

McGough said:- "I was delighted to have been asked to compose a poem for my home city. Liverpool is changing rapidly with a tremendous amount of regeneration. The work in Williamson Square is a key part of this change and the standard of work bodes very well for the future. To have my words immortalised around what promises to be a beautiful fountain is a great legacy for me to leave to my favourite city."

Ocean of calm for Liverpool kids

KIDS at a Liverpool school are experiencing an ocean of calm with a new 'chill out' room. 

A 'quiet place' has been created at Mab Lane Primary School, Dovecot with an under-the-sea theme. 

The room has been designed by the Cheiron Trust charity and provides a relaxing atmosphere for children with soft lighting and music, aromatherapy and murals around the room.

The quiet room is officially opened by the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Frank Roderick yesterday.

Children can work with the school's two therapists to learn relaxation techniques and behaviour control to help them reach their full potential in the classroom.

Parents to learn relaxation techniques and enjoy massage therapy can also use the room. 

Head teacher, June Todd said:- "The 'quiet place' is the jewel in our school's crown. 

It is a wonderful room with a magical atmosphere and really helps to keep our children focused on their learning and can help them raise their level of achievement.

The support we provide our children through the quiet place has been praised by Ofsted and it really can help children make the most of their time in school."

Lord Mayor, Councillor Roderick, said:- "The quiet place is a wonderful resource for Mab Lane Primary. 

It's important that we support our city's children in every way we can and I'm sure this room will really capture their imagination and encourage them to realise their full potential."

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