A packed Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, with a congregation of over 2,000, was at the heart of a nationwide celebration to mark the first-ever Shoebox Sunday, which saw over 500 churches around the UK hold special services on last week.
These were to raise awareness of, and collect gift- filled shoeboxes for, Operation Christmas Child, one of the main annual projects run by Samaritan's Purse, the Christian humanitarian aid charity.

Lay Canon, Jeremy Duff, introduced the Liverpool congregation to a memorable evening hosted by children's television presenter, Simon Thomas of Blue Peter.
The presenter reminded everyone of why they and all those around the UK were taking part in Shoebox Sunday.
The congregations brought gift-filled shoeboxes for collection by Operation Christmas Child, which delivered over 1.3 million shoeboxes from the UK and Ireland to needy children in Eastern Europe last Christmas.
It aims to take a similar number to 14 countries this year when, for the first time, gift boxes will go to Mozambique and Kyrgyzstan as well as countries such as Bosnia, Serbia and Azerbaijan.
Then it was into an evening of celebration in which music played a very important part. A choir of 200 schoolchildren led the service with songs from the Samaritans Purse CD,
"The Greatest Gift".
The Merseyside choir comprised pupils from Knowsley Junior Choir, Ravenscroft Primary, Malvern Primary, Holy Angels Primary, St Leo's Primary and Holy Family Primary, joined by dancers from Halewood Comprehensive School.
Careers Open Day at Ormskirk & District General Hospital 26 November
HAVE you thought of a career helping people to get back on their feet after
an accident or illness, but not known how to go about it? Well you
could have found out at the Rehabilitation Department Careers Open Day
at Ormskirk Hospital that took place on Friday 26 November .
Jean Axon, Director of Rehabilitation said:- "This is the best time to visit, as recent recruits will be on hand to tell people all about their training, as well as more experienced staff to give a full explanation of all aspects of the various professions.
There are a lot more professional groups involved in rehabilitation than just physiotherapy, which is what most people think of. Representatives from
audiology, chiropody, dietetics, nursing, occupational therapy, pathology, pharmacy, physiotherapy, radiology
and speech & language therapy will all be present to talk to anyone who is
interested in a career."
Poster Power in National Picture
A SCHEME in Liverpool aimed at stopping fly-posting is to be shown to major cities throughout the country.
Representatives from the Core Cities -including Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham and Newcastle -as well as the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Department of the Environment will be in Liverpool on November 29 for a conference on 'Cleaner Neighbourhoods'. There will also be an update on changes to current fly-posting legislation.
During the conference delegates will go on a City Centre walkabout focusing on the 'Designated Poster Site' scheme designed to promote events in a more responsible manner, operated by Liverpool City Council and its partner, City Centre Posters.
Authorised poster sites have been set up at identified locations by the city council. The sites have planning consent are maintained and managed by City Centre Posters who display the posters.
At present there are 18 City Centre sites in operation and several more being developed, it is intended to extend the scheme throughout the city
Despite the introduction of authorised sites there are still examples of unauthorised fly-posting and during the past year the City Council has bought more than 20 successful prosecutions. The Council and its street cleansing partners, Enterprise-Liverpool, spend approximately £300,000 per year to remove fly-posting and graffiti.
Particular problems have been caused in recent months by a Merseyside wide campaign by a local band which has seen hundreds of posters pasted on everything from bus stops to flyovers. This has not just cost the city financially it also inconvenient to road users and pedestrians when roads and pathways are closed to allow the safe removal of the posters.
Councillor Marilyn Fielding, Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services, said:-
"With 2008 fast approaching the city is determined to become a lot cleaner, greener and safer for all who live, work and visit by sending out the message that we will not tolerate anti-social behaviour like fly-posting.
Fly-posting is not only unsightly and costly to remove but can also be dangerous as some fly-posters put their posters up against safety railings and other areas which obscure drivers and pedestrian views.
With our designated site scheme there is absolutely no excuse for this sort of activity."
Armed Robbery on Ash Street in Southport
DETECTIVES in Merseyside are appealing for witnesses following a robbery at Barclays on Ash Street, Southport on Wednesday, 24 November 2004.
At around 10am, before the bank opened to the public, staff were confronted by four men inside the premises. The offenders, who were armed with what are described as craft knives, threatened the staff and demanded money from the safe.The offenders then made off through the back door with a large quantity of cash. The four men were seen getting into the back of a small white Ford Escort van which was driven off by a fifth man.
Although the two members of staff were left very shaken, they did not sustain any injuries.
All four men were wearing blue boiler suits and black balaclavas, which they removed as they left the bank, and spoke with strong Liverpool accents.
One of the men is described as white, around 5' 5" - 5' 7" tall with a very broad, stocky build and a shaved head.
A second man is described as black, 6' tall, with an athletic build. He had very short, black hair and a goaty beard.
The other offenders were also white and the driver is described as around 40 years old.
Crime Scene Investigators attended the scene and detectives are currently investigating how the offenders got into the bank.
The van, which is believed to be a fairly old model with roof rails, was being driven around the area about an hour before the robbery and detectives are appealing to anyone witnesses and anyone who may have sold the van in recent days or been offered a van for sale since the robbery to come forward.
Any witnesses and anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.