Early Christmas gift for Liverpool school
MERSEY VIEW special school in Aigburth has been described as "an extremely good school"
by the government's education standards watchdog.
The inspection was carried out just ten weeks after the school opened following the amalgamation of three schools, the original Mersey View, along with Watergate and Margaret Bevan schools.
With 126 pupils aged 11-16 with moderate learning difficulties and behaviour problems it was rated either 'good' or 'outstanding' in all aspects of the school's curriculum and management. The school was rated 'outstanding' in the following areas:- overall effectiveness; capacity to improve; achievement and standards; personal development and well-being; care, guidance and support; leadership and management. The school was rated 'good' in the other two categories of teaching and curriculum.
Headteacher Christopher Muscatelli was described as "inspirational" in the report that said:- "This is absolutely fantastic news for everyone at the school, especially as it comes so soon after we opened.
It is a real testament to all of our staff and pupils that we have been able to knit together so quickly.
I'm particularly pleased that the report reflects our commitment to inclusion and the fact that every child at Mersey View is important to us."
The report walso went on saying staff were
"warm and professional" with their relationship with pupils.
Mersey View School has also been presented with the Advanced Inclusion Award by Liverpool City Council's education service.
Councillor Paul Clein, Liverpool City Council's executive member for education, said:-
"This is an excellent report which highlights a wide range of good practice.
The next step will be to spread more of Mersey View's good practice into our mainstream schools via outreach to facilitate inclusion."
Ethics of UK Press. Looking at better

ON SATURDAY 4 December, we were invited to attend and contribute to the London NJU conference on journalism and public trust. The conference was organised by the NUJ Ethics Council and Media Wise. It turned out to be a very useful exchange of views for all the participating media and ourselves, but one that opened more questions, rather than one which reached any final conclusion. Participants included the Chair of the Press Complains Commission, Sir Christopher Meyer, international jounalists from as far away as Zimbabwe, columnists like Martin Kettle of the Guardian and the editor of the Financial Times, John Lloyd. The main focus of the event was what the media should and should not cover within stories. Conclusions thus reached lead to the idea that the public should have better access to the complaints procedure and that the freedom to reply should be made easier. Our Editor, Patrick Trollope also raised the issue of identification and regulation of the media. We would be interested to find out what, you, our readers think should and should not be covered by the media and that includes online publications. Please email us with your views and we will pass them on to the NUJ and Media Wise, in order that they can help to improve standards of ethics, public confidence and trust in the press. If you do not want your identity revealed to the NUJ or Media Wise, please state it below your views and we will just pass on just your views. Remember that the best way to change the media is to let us know what you think is correct and not correct. Our email is:-
news24@southportreporter.com and our address, if you want to use snail mail, is Southport Reporter, 4a Post Office Ave. Southport, Merseyside, PR9 0US.
Father Christmas in the stable...

FARMER Ted's Farm Park have Father Christmas' grotto in a converted stable until the 23 December. If you want to let your child meet him and also see the animals, visit Farmer Ted's web page at
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Letters to our Editor:-
"Carers Rights Day"
"Dear Editor,
Readers may be aware that on Friday 3 December it was national Carers Rights Day with over 400 events taking place throughout the country.
Our aim was to raise awareness of the benefits and support available to those who provide unpaid care.
What readers may not know is the worrying extent of ill health among carers.
New research we published on the day shows that full time carers are more than twice as likely to suffer ill health compared to those without caring responsibilities.
One major cause of this problem is the lack of information about the benefits and support available to carers which can alleviate some of the pressures they face.
Carers can obtain a free copy of our Carers Rights Guide, a new booklet that gives an overview of the main rights and entitlements available to
Free copies of the Guide can be obtained by ringing our 24 hour hotline 020 8880 8125, visiting our website:-
or emailing:- carersrightsday@carersuk.org.
Yours sincerely,
Imelda Redmond,
Carers UK"
LETTER TO THE EDITOR:- "Stamps Wanted"
"I am collecting used stamps, postcards and picture phone cards for Guide Dogs for the Blind. I was wondering if any of your readers would be kind enough to send me any of their used stamps. Please send all stamps, postcards and picture phone cards to Mrs Diana Ashton, 66 Highbank, Roe Lee, Blackburn, Lancs, BB1 9SX.