First figures amaze fundraisers

IN the first 24 hours after the Disaster Emergency Committee set up its telephone and website hotlines, and even before television and radio appeals have been broadcast, over £5 million has been donated to the tsunami earthquake appeal.
The DEC has received 138,000 phone calls and £300,000 in online donations.
Brendan Gormley, DEC Chief Executive said:-
"This is a phenomenal response rate. The plight of the tsunami victims has clearly touched the hearts of the British public.
Once the telephone and radio broadcasts are shown, we are hoping that this already amazing figure will double overnight."
The donation line is 0870 60 60 900 or log onto
LIVERPOOL'S Lord Mayor, Councillor Frank Roderick said:-
"I'm sure everyone will join me in expressing our deepest sympathy for the thousands of people who have perished in this terrible natural disaster in south east Asia.
Human tragedies on this scale are beyond comprehension, even when we can see the TV pictures beamed into our front rooms.
As well as those who have died, our thoughts must also be with their loved ones, those injured and the millions who have been left homeless. Now those who have already suffered so terribly, face new threats of disease and starvation.
The relief work which is now beginning will be a test for our developed world to act quickly and decisively and use our great wealth and expertise to save lives. It may be a chance for the west to reach out and build strong bridges with those people of different cultures and beliefs who have suffered so much.
I am sure the people of Liverpool will do all that we can to play our part."

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