The Daily Mail Ideal Homes Ticket
Competition 2005

after NTL, HMV and other competitions for 2005 we've joined forces with the Daily Mail Ideal Home Show to offer some lucky readers the chance to win a pair of tickets, worth £24 each, for a weekday of their choice. The competition will be run with one simple question over 2 weeks. Please visit the site next week to find out how to win. The question is so simple and it is
FREE to enter, as all of our competitions are, so you would be mad not to enter it! If you're not lucky enough to win, you can ring the Daily Mail Ideal Home Show hotline on 0870 606 6080 or log onto
for a discounted ticket.

Education makes award-winning start to 2005
A PRESTIGIOUS start to the year for Liverpool City's Neighbourhood Early Years Service, as it got top honours in a national Excellence Awards. The category of the award was
"Smarter Children's Services", and the award was presented by Cherie Booth QC to Lynne Godfrey, NEYS manager. It had been scooped from 300 nominations and is seen as a fantastic boost to moral. Lynne Godfrey said:- "We're delighted to have won this award. We're very proud of our achievements in Early Years and proud of the fact that our innovative and creative work is being recognised at a national level."
Liverpool City Council's assistant executive member for education, Councillor Jan
Clein, said:- "It's a great achievement to win this award after being short listed from a field of over 300 and is a tribute to the hard work of everybody involved.
It is further proof that our Early Years service really helps to enhance the lives of children and families across Liverpool."
The Neighbourhood Early Years Service brings together professionals from
education ...continued...
health and social services to provide improved services and more support for children with special educational needs and their families.
Cherie Booth said:- "Access to support and services helps give children a sure start in life - able to be safe, to have fun, to make friends, to learn and to thrive.
It also helps parents build their confidence. It gives them access to support networks and services and opportunities to pursue their ambitions in education, training and employment."
Margaret Hodge, Minister for Children, who hosted the awards ceremony added:-
"The Awards are about setting our sights and standards high and celebrating the achievement of excellence that is being achieved for children and parents every day.
Excellence is what we continually strive for and for the sakes of all our children, we should not settle for anything less."
A second Liverpool project called the Mystery Day Nursery, also did well. They made the final shortlist for the
"Promoting Children's Well-being" category.
Tsunami quake appeal exceeds £100 million
THE Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Tsunami Earthquake appeal this afternoon passed £100m.
Brendan Gormley, Chief Executive of the DEC said:- "Through their unprecedented generosity the British public have ensured that we can help rebuild shattered lives and
The DEC agencies are immensely thankful for the donations that have come in and they are already being put to good use. That will continue. This won't be a quick fix, the agencies are in it for the long haul."
The money raised by the appeal is being used in countries across the affected region to provide clean water, food, medical supplies and shelter materials. Monies will also be used for longer-term reconstruction and livelihoods programmes to help communities recover from the disaster.
Brendan Gormley said:- "The agencies are committed to spending this money wisely and well, and they will be reporting back to the public on what has been achieved."
As of 6 January 2005 there have been 600,000 online donations raising £37 million. There have been 1.6 million phone calls to the donation hotline and an estimated 400,000 postal donations have been received.
