Search For A Star 2005. The First Semi Finals!

ON THURSDAY 24 February 2005 at 7:30pm, out side
Casablanca's in Southport, the night was cold and snow was trying to fall, but inside, the temperature
was hot as the first act of the night took to the stage. Contestants
this time were being not only judged by a regular Pleasureland 'Fame' judge, but also by record
label LBM's very own owner Tony Britain. After getting through a very hard set of heats,
singing just one song, the contestants then had to show them selves to the judges in the very best
light. Not only were they voted on or off by their vocal
performance, but also at the act it self. Also each contestant had
to do two songs!
The tension was extremely
high, in fact near electric. Voting could easily go either way and the contestants put on a
marvelous show. Sadly on a few got through to the Finals, but as the
standard was so high the judges had to let two extra contestants through, as they could not
decide who to loose. So close were all the marks that night!
The contestants who took part in the fist Semi Finals where:-
Jenny O'Connor from Liverpool, aged 28. Getting a place in the semi from 13/01/05 heat.
Beckie Bell from Fromby now aged 20 (19 on the night), going through from 20/01/05 heat.
Kelly Brown all the way from Cheadle Hulme, aged 16, going through from 20/01/05 heat.
Suzanne Morris from Liverpool, aged 24 and going through from heat 20/01/05.
Wendy Chalke from Southport, aged 17 and going through from heat 20/01/05.
Lauren Brown from Southport, aged 17 and going through from 13/01/05 heat.
Sonya Hurst all the way from Ashton in Makerfield, aged 19 from heat 13/01/05.
Danni Cassidy from Liverpool, aged 23 and going through from heat 20/01/05.
Rachel Cooper, all the way from Leyland, from 13/01/05 heat.
Phillip Hughes, direct from Birkenhead, going through from 13/01/05 heat.
Clare Lacey from Skelmersdale, getting through to the simi from 20/01/05 heat.
Sean Middleton all the way from Manchester aged 23. From 20/01/05 heat.
Kimberley Riley all the way from Bolton, aged 16, the youngest on the night, from 20/01/05 heat.
Michael Ryder, aged 17, from Liverpool, getting through to the simi from 20/01/05 heat.
Heather Joy Tomlinson, from Liverpool, aged 24, from 13/01/05.
Michael Wright all the way from Skelmersdale, aged 17, from 20/01/05 heat.
Well done to all who took part, even if you did not get through to the finals.
The next Semi will be at Casablanca, on the 11 March 2005 at 7:00pm onwards.
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